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  1. Banned because I already banned you, jeese yes, Aussies are awesome (sort of [insert reason here that I don't want to talk about]) but barely anyone is on the forums when I'm on
  2. I dont think that a "mobile VAB" would need much less resources then the full game, at least when it comes to RAM, especially when mods are included. But I am John Snow regarding the real capabilities of todays smartphones - which are the only thing we would need to talk about, I dont see the need for a smaller app for building only when using an notebook.
  3. CHAPTER 28 IKE LANDING *** DANREY: Transfer burn completed. We're on course, professor – we'll be in Ike's SOI within hours. SID: Danrey, how many times I told you to stop this? Just use my name, okay? It's almost two years since we left Kerbin. DANREY: I'm sorry, prof… Sid. SID: That's better. Speaking of “Proteusâ€Â, I am so relieved to finally leave it. I think before all this is over I'll start hating this spacecraft with passion. DANREY: She's the prettiest ship there is, Sid. SID: Maybe but since Bob's death everything is just slowly falling apart. Problems with AMU, this EVA accident, aerobraking and now this whole situation with Rozer. DANREY: I don't know what about captain Rozer but at least we can repair the damage caused by the aerobraking. Chief Ned was confident about this. SID: He was? Well, I guess we need the heatshield if we want to come back home. Or we can just use the engines, but judging how lucky we are… Tell me something, Danrey – do you think we should abort the mission? DANREY: The crew will decide. SID: We are the crew, Dan. Listen, I know you like this stoic and calm facade of yours but come on, you must have opinion about it. So what is it – Jool or Kerbin? DANREY: Honestly, I don't know. If there really is something down there it would be treason to our species to just give up knowing that we may be on the verge of a discovery of such magnitude. I know that, uhm, you're a strong supporter of the theory that they may've found some signs of intelligent life on Duna. SID: It would explain this extreme precaution, that's for sure. DANREY: Probably. But even if they found, I don't know, some algae this would be the greatest thing in our history since the first step on the Mun. SID: Yeah, but don't tell this to Jeb – since Bob he doesn't like to talk about the landing. So you think we should continue than? DANREY: Not really, Sid. SID: Why, if I may ask? DANREY: Well, it's not like I'm in the middle of this like you or commander Jeb, but there are some obvious signs that it may not be the wisest move. SID: Yes? DANREY: First of all, we still don't really know what the KSC wants from us. If they wanted us to explore Jool system, why there is no Laythe lander attached to the Payload? Why instead there is a habitat module for the base on Duna? Than we have Rozer, who claimed that he was merely following orders from Kerbin. I know that chief Ned thinks that he's lying, but what if he's not? And what about our people down there? Are we going to leave them? Take them with us to Jool? Will they comply if we decide to abort? We still are unable to communicate with them, who knows what's going on down there. SID: Good points. But BERTY is working on it. DANREY: And that's another problem. BERTY is the soul of the “Proteusâ€Â, an on board AI controlling all subsystems without which we can't proceed, that's for sure. But recently his behavior is erratic, isn't it? This malfunctions, glitches, reboots. I don't know, maybe I'm being paranoid but can we be sure he can be trusted? SID: Okay, now you've gone to far. Why shouldn't we trust BERTY? You think he's a some kind of a psychopathic computer who wants to murder us? Come on, you must've been reading some lame science fiction recently. If he wanted us dead, we will already be dead – he controls the ship after all, he can lower the pressure or overload the reactors or just shut down everything. No, this is silly. I think he's just trying to follow his orders. I just wish we know what exactly Rozer or KSC told him to do. DANREY: But he won't talk, will he? SID: And what shall we do about it, torture him? We're scientists and kerbonauts, for Kod's sake. DANREY: Anyways, there is one more reason why we should consider continuing the mission very carefully – we don't have enough supplies. We've lost AMU, so we can't refuel; if anything goes wrong, we can be stuck in Jool system forever. KSC told us that they're going to solve this problem but we don't know how exactly and probably we won't be able to use whatever they send to us without cooperating with Kerbin. So that's it. SID: You're a very reasonable man, Danrey. I'm glad you're with us. DANREY: Thank you. SID: And you are right. :sigh: Whatever happens, we have to consider all consequences. I still think we should continue – with Rozer hold hostage and BERTY's help we have some leverage over KSC. Besides, we still have their multitrillion spacecraft and I believe they want this mission completed more than anyone of us. We should continue. For science. DANREY: With all due respect, I don't think a lot of crew members is going to agree with you. SID: I can't blame them for this. But all things considered, isn't this the reason we are here? I mean, you have to be a little crazy to agree for such a mission in the first place. So I say we just make this one more step – and we all know how important they can be, don't we? DANREY: :smiles: *** DANREY: Orbit insertion burn in progress, 5 seconds left! SID: Uh! I really hate this. DANREY: And done! Checking… yes, we've achieved orbit. SID: Wonderful! Let's not waste time than – when we're landing? DANREY: One orbit, prof… uhm, Sid. SID: Great, I really can't wait to examine the surface. Finally something important to do! *** SID: To be able to look at this red planet hanged in the sky just like Kerbin seen from the surface of the Mun is truly mind-boggling. I wish more people could see this. DANREY: That's pretty nice first words, Sid. SID: Yeah, like anybody cares about this stuff anymore. It's not the first mun we're landing on, mind you. First landing on another planet, on the other hand… SID: It's been more than 12 years since the “Jingwei†landed on Duna. To think that we're the first to see what they've seen is really amazing, don't you think? DANREY: Mhm. SID: I think because of all this tragedies and secrets and accidents we've lost what's most important – ability to wonder. We're in deep space above the alien planet and we behave like we don't really care, you know what I mean? DANREY: Speaking about awe and wonder, you may want to take a close look at Duna right now. SID: Oh? DANREY: The Sun is rising. SID: Good Kod… DANREY: I – I don't know what to say. SID: … DANREY: … SID: … DANREY: We can't abort. We have to continue the mission. SID: :weeps: DANREY: Professor? Sid, uhm, is everything alright? SID: I'm sorry, it's just… it makes it all worth it. All of it. Do you understand, Danrey? DANREY: Yes. SID: Oh Kod. Ahem. Okay, there is still work to be done, we've only 48 hours for this site. I'm going to take the first samples. *** DANREY: Burn completed, orbit achieved. We're going to change inclination now, Sid. SID: Good. The polar regions are the most promising for the potential future outpost. There should be a lot of ice in the eternal shadow of some of the craters – if we find it, well… DANREY: Water to drink and oxium to breath, shield against radiation and it can be processed to make more fuel through electrolysis. SID: And we can even use hydrogen peroxide to make more monopropellant. Very good, Danrey! DANREY: There was a lot spare time in the last months and I like to read. Changing inclination in three, two, one, ignition! *** SID: It's so dark here, on the top of the world. DANREY: I didn't think I would say that, but the view is even more magnificent from here. SID: Indeed. I'm placing the flag. SID: Done. Like it matters who exactly came here. DANREY: Excuse me? SID: Nothing. I just always thought that the space exploration should be a goal towards which whole kerbkind works together. Why do we need flags? It's not the Cold War anymore. DANREY: Symbols are important, Sid. SID: I guess they are. But we've came here to find ice. *** DANREY: [And liftoff. Don't be so sad, professor. I know you don't want to leave, but we've found ice and you took a lot of samples. The sooner we're back, the sooner you're going to analyze them. SID: I know, I know. Four days at Ike it's nothing. If we are ever going to establish some permanent presence on Duna, we're going to need this mun and its resource. It's such a shame that everyone from the science team except me was sent by Rozer down there. DANREY: Well, whatever we decide to do we still have a few months before any of the transfer windows opens, so… SID: What is it? DANREY: It's strange, but LAMGML is detecting something on low Ike orbit. SID: Holy moly. Could it be an asteroid? Captured meteorite? Remnants of some probe? DANREY: I don't think it could be a probe, the orbit is too inclined and highly eccentric. SID: An asteroid then. The mun of the mun… But so close to the Duna it's impossible to maintain stable orbit above Ike, it must be something relatively new. DANREY: Hmm. It's seems that this body is highly metallic. SID: Fascinating. We have to investigate! Patch me up to “Proteusâ€Â, I need to speak with Jeb. We still have consumables for a next day or so, right? Do we have enough delta-V for randez-vous? DANREY: Yes, I think so but I need more date for the computer to calculate this. SID: Good. Who would've thought that we discover something like this, huh? I guess this mun has more secrets than anyone could've anticipated. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  4. What "SQUAD wants" is to protect the rights of mod creators. You make the mistaken assumption that they want what you want, which sounds like the unfettered ability to use other people's work if they decide to stop developing it. You talk about the "best interest of the community" without remembering that the community includes mod authors. Some of those authors would be disinclined to start a mod at all if it means that others could arbitrarily pick it up and change it. It's no different than writing a book and having someone else pick up your characters and your setting just because you haven't written a sequel in some given amount of time. SQUAD has made their intent on mod authorship and rights very clear - your confusion comes from trying to impose your desires and values onto the situation. Contrary to your belief, it is not in SQUAD's interest to "have some control over mods", and they feel no need to control how modder's rights are managed because they are aware of something you overlook: In games such as this, the less control a publisher exerts over how the game may be modified, the healthier the modding community will be. You don't have to take my word for it, you need only look at The Sims, Minecraft, Battlefield 1942, and Half-Life as examples. And yes, each of them has had its share of mods that burned brightly and faded - yet it's clear that none of that "made the game look bad". If I make something and decide to share it with others, that in no way determines or limits my rights to it. It doesn't obligate me to do anything - it doesn't mean I must continue to update, it doesn't mean I must let others modify or continue it. I'm perfectly within my rights to stop whenever I want, and to take my work with me if I so choose. Modders aren't "working for hire" here, moreso because you're not paying for the mods in the first place. What you get out of it is the ability to enjoy their work for as long as they choose to continue to develop and share it. An expectation that this situation should be any different, that it should favor the desires of the user rather than the rights of the author, is historically proven to discourage creativity more than enhance it. You're right, this is not a "free market" - because you're not buying anything. You're not even paying for the "right" to use it, let alone modify it. You're being permitted to share something that another has created - and in my upbringing, it's been my understanding that if someone chooses to share something with you, that doesn't give you any say in how they do so.
  5. My problem with squad's talk of expansion packs and dlc is that they haven't adequately defined what the finished KSP will be. Basically they're asking customers to buy their game with all future "updates" included, but haven't defined where the break between expansion and update is. I think it's just been bad communication where Squad either doesn't have a very clear view of the distinction themselves or doesn't want to tell users what they plan to include and feel obligated to implement features that they might later decide to scrap. In my opinion having a dlc system with a game that has the buy while in development minecraft/cortex command business model was a bad idea and was bound to cause problems. That said I would still probably buy an expansion pack if it greatly expanded the game and wasn't something that is an immediately obvious addition (*cough* multiplayer *cough* *cough*).
  6. The biggest news is research and development, which is due in the next update. It's looking phenomenal~ I'd say have a look at the last couple editions KSP Weekly to get a good view of what to expect....and people will probably flood this thread with talk of it @.,@
  7. Go to a high (rather wide scan field at equator) slightly inclined orbit (5 deg from polar maybe) and set to 50x time acc. - tab out, stalk the forums, watch some entertaining/educational vids on youtube, talk to your family, pet your pet ... return to a complete map in under 1h for sure.
  8. Maybe next it goes from hype to reality. Note that in spite of the talk, nothing is actually shown to be modeled with that holographic Iron Man thing (nor is it actually a holograph), they only change the view of the model on screen.
  9. Well, real space programs do this sort of thing, so I see no reason for people being negative about this. Not like it harms anyone who's not interested in using these silly names for their orbits. Granted, I don't have the mental capacity to memorize all of that stuff so I'll just stick with apoapsis and periapsis just like the negative nancies. But I can at least appreciate why people might like using these types of things to talk about the game >_>
  10. Let me put an end to all this talk of what humans do in the face of death. I've been pinned at the bottom of a pool. Someone stood on my shoulders in 10 feet of water. I was half choking, oxygen deprived, and couldnt see (no goggles, eyes shut). I think that's far more impared than just CO2 intoxicated and yet I was able to get out (though I almost passed out by the time I broke the surface). Point here is that in the face of death, there is nothing basic human reactions won't do to try and live. They would have kept trying literally anything until the air ran out and when your mind is thinking about nothing except "gotta do something to get out", that overrides panic. Trust me, I know.
  11. A lot of us are overlooking some pretty big factors: A young child is curious. They want to try new things and experience them and find what they like. As for how to implement interest in these interests, I am at a total loss. However, As I am 21, I believe i have a pretty good idea of how the schools are run, and yes, they are deplorable. Out of all the "core classes" I took, Only science really interested me. Here's what I went though, I'll break it down to what I enjoyed and what i hated. Science: I loved science from the start, especially physics and Astronomy. Physics had a surreal feel to it, always having a wonder factor that just kept me enthralled. Astronomy too. Biology wasn't really my thing, because the way it was presented, it was almost a taboo subject to talk about. If i had a different enviroment, this may have changed. Chemistry was 70% demonstration, and 30% memorization. I mean, yeah, we did do chemistry experiments. But we already knew the results before we started. that took all of the fun out of it. I was actually so good at Physics, it was my only AP class. Math: This is a touch and go subject for me. Math in context is easy, whereas math without aim, is utterly unenjoyable, tedious busywork. Geometry was cool, as I had an awesome teacher who was a total Star wars Fanatic. He utilized his interest in that to teach us "The ways of the force" And "Dimensions of a light saber". As he was going off of his own math problems he created, he made it fun. we had to find the circumference of a lightsaber hilt, or if a jedi used force push to move a box*translation/rotation/scale* or crush it with the force into a more compact size. He used to say" Well, his quarters were very small, and the box had a volume less then the surface area of the box, so padawan *insert random name of the day here* decided to scale the box down using the force...forcibly... to make it fit." Anyways, that class i pulled a high grade, because it was always fun, and I was actively paying attention and grasping the concepts. A year later, I get thrown into Algebra I, where everything was taken out of the book...incredibly bland. I almost failed that, just enough to pass with a 60 D. Presentation goes a LONG way to improving scores. Literature: Now this subject i am torn. I love reading, I love writing, But i HATE dissecting someones Writing. That consisted of 90% of my literature classes, from "Fine art" to "Literature and Biography Study". I would read, get drawn in, enjoy the hell out of the book...Then realized I'm now 5 chapters ahead of the class, and now know FAR too much. This made it extremely difficult to write an accurate "telling" of the chapter though my perspective and opinions on it. Tests in this class were a complete and utter WASTE of time. we had to study books for some tests, and pull quotes from the story to prove we read them...That's just retarded. I understand they are trying to train your memory, but to do that is just wasted time in my eyes. I'll remember if I deem it important enough to remember. Phys-Ed: Kind of a Null factor for me. I never had PE classes all throughout my life. I am not in the best medical condition...though from the sidelines I found PE to be "over budget" and "overly glorified". Why the HELL does a High school need a brand new turf when the old turf is perfectly acceptable and still usable? Why does it need Expensive Aluminium bleachers, When all you really need is some lawn chairs and a Staggered dirt plateau to raise the chairs different levels? Why a overview tower if you can't hear the Play by play at a game ANYWAYS? Total Waste of money that could go into improving teachers/students environments. Its a School, Not a Stadium. I think that there needs to be a lesser focus on "core groups" and a greater in "Extra-curricular" activities, ranging from art to manufacturing, all the way to computer programming. I would have loved to have the ability to have a very large selection of classes. I moved around a lot. In florida, I had classes in TV Production, a pre-cursor to film and video industries. That was extremely fun for me, and I absorbed and excelled in it. Also, they had a Robotics class, Which had sparked programming as an interest for me, Plus, robotic programming is a form of "Instant Gratification" when something you program it to do works the way you want it to. In Michigan, They had their own Planetarium, And where I lived, there was almost no light pollution, so I could clearly see the stars in far greater detail than I had ever seen. This sparked an interest in two ways for me. The first, being space. As you can see, this has stuck with me, and is still one of my greatest interests. The second thing this did for me was spark interest in "Space art" as I had taken a Graphics design class for photoshop. I had actually joined Business Professionals of America entry, a flyer. I didn't win, as art is heavily based on opinion, and the fact that I had overlooked one of the elements needed...That was due to an over-burdened teacher not having enough time for their students to make sure everything was there.*it was 5 words of text...kind of annoying really* Anyways, As a result of shifting around in my highschool years, I had the chance to experience and gain personal interests in 4 fields. Of which I enjoy two as a hobby, and two as my occupation. I am both a Website designer, and a 3D artist. I play space games and enjoy talking about space travel. I find Physics and Theorycrafting/discussing to be incredibly fun. The point is, If you want to focus on a subject, it should be the first priority over tedious "core skill" classes that make students stress out and hate school.
  12. <div align="center" id="ksp_weekly"> <div align="center" class="ksp_weekly_header bottom_border"> <div class="ksp_weekly_masthead"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Orlh8bn.png" id="ksp_weekly_masthead" name="ksp_weekly_masthead" alt="KSP Weekly" border="0" align="middle" /> </div> <h2> September 10, 2013 </h2> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_leftcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Headline</h3> <p> More information about how R&D is going to function! </p> <ul> <li> Your weekly KSP Team update. </li> <li> Sometimes the simplest of ideas are all too 'amusing'.</li> <li> kOS: the operating system for Kerbals? </li> <li> Bob never seems to do things quite right... </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h4>KSP Team Updates</h4> <ul> <li><b>Felipe (Harvester)</b>: Now mostly recovered from the Unite/PAX trip (was awesome btw), made big strides here today on how the gathering and transmitting of science experiments is going to work out. The recovery-vs-transmission value of the data for an experiment is now defined in the experiment itself and not in the transmitter, which makes a lot more sense. A beamed-over crew report is just as valuable as a recovered one, but a physical sample from Mun is vastly more interesting than a picture of it. I'm also working on the UI for displaying the experiment results. There’s going to be more to it than what was shown in the preview video. Also made transmitters require power now, and went over their parameters. Things are looking pretty interesting.</li> <li><b>Rob (N3X15)</b>: Spessport: Trying to get the front page styling to not look so odd. Javascript gallery slider is still being a pain. Optimizing SQL code for tagging and searching, catching up with code documentation. Plus the usual borkages on current sites.</li> <li><b>Jim (Romfarer)</b>: I’ve been working on some enhancements for the Astronaut Complex this week, along with some gui elements for the subassembly interface. </li> <li><b>Chad (C7)</b>: Back in the office now after PAX. I had a really great time and met a lot of awesome people. I spent a good bit of last week recovering from jet lag and light case of PAX pox. I’m back to work on modules now and I hope to get as much done as possible. I’ll hopefully have more for next weeks update.</li> <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA)</b>: Fixing Launcher bugs and now I’m trying to set up a little stats system in it that will help us to know if the Launcher is being useful or if we need to change something. </li> <li><b>Marco (Samssonart)</b>: This week, aside from Launcher bugs, I’ve been researching the possibility of creating Windows and Mac installers for KSP, Windows is easy and there doesn’t seem to be anything that could prevent a KSP Windows installer, for the Mac version I’m still researching.</li> <li><b>Daniel (DanRosas)</b>: Helped Max with the 0.22 release update video and I finally have an animatic! </li> <li><b>Mike (Mu)</b>: Been working on a major optimisation package which sees the scene transition lag greatly reduced and also some optimizations in the core code which help with larger number of ships and parts. </li> <li><b>Ted (Ted)</b>: This past week I've been testing out Mike's Sub-assembly Feature with the QA Team. It's looking pretty excellent! Additionally, I've been getting more excited than I should be about R&D. </li> <li><b>Artyom (Bac9)</b>: Worked on re-sizing the Space Plane Hangar. </li> <li><b>Miguel (Maxmaps)</b>: Answered a veritable truckload of emails while dealing with the remaining PAX business and organised Episode Zero of Squadcast, also did the voice-over for the awesome 0.22 video which Dan Rosas made. </li> <li><b>Bob (Bob)</b>: Still following up with some great people we met at PAX and sharing the new update 0.22 video that Max narrated with everybody. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>YouTube Spotlight</h3> <p> MrTinyPirate takes custom mechanical parts to the max in this quirky yet strangely entertaining take on theme parks. Have you wondered what it might be like if Jeb created his own theme park? Check out MrTinyPirates take on what it could look like.</p> <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/MrTinyPirate?feature=watch"_blank">MrTinyPirate</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ww90wuVg3U0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_rightcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Spotlight</h3> <p> Today we take a look at kOS Scriptable Autopilot System from creator Kevin Laity. Unlike traditional autopilot systems this one in particular is very interesting: you can't just plug in a few values and launch a rocket; you will have to write a full script in order for this mod to function properly. Now don't let this detour you from checking it out as the programming language is relatively simple. I'll put all the tutorial videos so you can get started quickly in the links section !</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47399-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-0-34" title="" target="_blank">kOS Forum Thread</a></li> <li><a href="http://kerbalspaceport.com/kos/" title="" target="_blank">kOS Spaceport Download</a></li> <li><a href=" " title="" target="_blank">Video Tutorial #1</a></li> <li><a href=" " title="" target="_blank">Video Tutorial #2</a></li> <li><a href=" " title="" target="_blank">Video Tutorial #3</a></li> <li><a href=" " title="" target="_blank">Video Tutorial #4</a></li> <li><a href=" " title="" target="_blank">Video Tutorial #5</a></li> <li><a href="http://kosdev.blogspot.ca/" title="" target="_blank">Kevin's Dev Blog</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>Mod Showcase</h3> <p> In our mod showcase today we'll be joined by a special guest. Kevin the creator of kOS has graciously joined me in todays mod showcase to help go over the basics of his mod and what its intended purpose was. I do honestly think that this is the solution to so many people having issues with auto piloting simply because you have to do all the programming. I think it's a very good balance between the two and won't get much closer as programming your own code does take testing unless you are already super familiar with the project.</p> <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xPDxTV?feature=watch" target="_blank">PD</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zVGPjUmYHmI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3> Through The Telescope </h3> <p>By: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborianlives" target="_blank"> Pleborian </a></p> <p>I love a great fan created video and so should you! I can barely describe how awesome this really is. Nassault blows yet another one out of the water with his video 'Bob'. Truly another awe inspiring creation with top notch camera work. Don't take my word for it just watch it for yourselves. <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/Nassault630" target="_blank">Nassault</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fs_DrVoNEhY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>Editor's Notes</h3> <p> For your chance to be featured in the next KSP Weekly send xPDxTV a private message containing a link to the forums, imgur, youtube, spaceport or wherever you have your fan creations hidden away! We want to see your screenshots, animations, drawings, videos, cinematics , mods and everything else! Mod creators: to help give all of your mods justice; if you would like to appear on the mod showcase to talk about your mod please include that in your message.</p> </div> </div> <br clear="all" style="clear: both;" /> <div class="ksp_weekly_footer"> <p> <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/> Author / Editor: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank">xPDxTV</a><br/> Reporter: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborianlives" target="_blank">Pleborian</a><br/> </p> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> div.ksp_weekly { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_header { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_masthead { width: 466px; height: 400px; } div.ksp_weekly_leftcol { width: 49%; float: left; border-right: 5px double; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_rightcol { width: 49%; float: right; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_item { padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; } div.bottom_border { border-bottom: 1px solid black; } div.ksp_weekly_footer {width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;} div.ksp_weekly_footer p { border-top: 2px solid black; width: 100%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: text-bottom; text-align: center; font: normal 7pt Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style>
  13. No its not - and it is pretty obvious to anyone. What do you think would it be like to live in a world were most of the people are left behind and threated like second class citizens? Also most "ahead" people will probably not become teachers and most of them will probably also not end up in research. If you split classes worse kids will get even wors. Point is by stigmatizing people that have a harder time learning you will end up making them even worse not to mention ruining their lives. More support for smart kids - yes but also for not so smart kids - some sort of "elitist" society will fail pretty fast. If you make the mayority of people hate you and rob them of any future perspective - what do you think will happen? Also from my point of view smart people especially have an moral obligation to help others aswell not to mention that its in their best self interrest aswell. Just like rich people if they only care about themselves and generate ridiculous ammounts of money they will just end up in a "golden cage". Hmm i have no idea about the Japanese-eduction system but i hope its not as extreme as the chinese educational system. I doubt that most kids at least at the beginning are very eager to learn new things. Problem is the educational system kind of stops any motivation they had not to mention that obviously people have different interrests and having to force them to learn certain things will reduce their motivation. Typical dinner-table talk. so unions are bad - teach them "skills" obviously only the ones you think of as good - i dont even understand what point 4 is supposed to say
  14. CHAPTER 27 ORBITAL OPERATIONS: PAYLOAD B *** Personal log, entry 20 (51). Or should I write “commander's logâ€Â? A lot has changed since the last time I used my notebook. There's something very reassuring in hand writing with a simple pencil in the middle of this all high-tech. And I think that this is what we need the most at this very moment – peace of mind. I have no idea what happened after I passed out down there. Nobody knows except for Rozer, and this bastard of course doesn't want to talk. Whatever happened, BERTY addresses me now as a commander and obeys my orders. Is it because of the virus, like Ned says? Anyways, it appears that one of Rozer's schemes backfired horribly. I locked him in habitat module B – I hope he'll appreciate the irony. Speaking of which, he was right – I have almost no problems moving around the “Proteus†with my leg. Doctor is really concerned about it, he says that we have no data about fracture healing in microgravity. Today he finally convinced me to start taking painkillers. I just hope they won't cloud my judgment. And there are really big decisions coming. I feel like there will be a lot of entries in the next few days. Commander's log, entry 52. Feeling better. I tried to get some information from BERTY about what happened back on Duna but he keeps saying that he was still rebooting during our little confrontation. I'm a little worried – is it possible that he's hiding something? That he's still listening to Rozer's orders and this is just one more cynical game of his? I don't know but we still have no contact with people in the base and currently we don't even have LAMGML on board. We're confined in “Proteusâ€Â. Commander's log, entry 53. I still have some problems with speaking but it wasn't that bad. Today we were discussing what to do next. Basically there are two ideas – either we demand answers from KSC and than maybe continue the mission or we just abort to Kerbin as soon as we can. The problem is that the transfer window back to home opens in 4 months. On the other hand, we don't have to hurry with the decision. But for obvious reasons, morale is really low right now, so situation should be clarified as soon as possible. It's hard to believe that the aerobraking happened only few days ago. Commander's log, entry 54. Still no decision. KSC asked for the reasons of our silence in the last few days; I told BERTY to fake some kind of malfunction in the communication equipment. This should give us more time. Kod, they have no idea what has happened here. Commander's log, entry 55. Still nothing. I talked about it with Sid and Ned with predictable results – Ned is pissed and wants to return to home and Sid argues that there is still a lot of science to be done. I guess he's partially right – who's better equipped to deal with a mystery as big as we suppose it is than us? Only we have sufficient experience. Besides, to surrender right now would be like to land on the Mun once or twice and than never come back. What's the point of exploration if we don't want to continue it? Continuing the mission without KSC's secrets and Rozer's machinations seems to be a good idea – after all, we still have BERTY and the most advanced spacecraft ever built. But as Ned pointed out, if they were willing to imprison and shoot members of the crew to protect their goals, can we be sure that there are no more safeguards, no more surprises? I don't know. Commander's log, entry 56. The decision is yet to be made but whatever we're going to do, we're gonna need fuel and supplies. As BERTY suggested, whatever the final outcome will be, we should complete the scheduled orbital operations. He's right; besides, the crew can use some distraction. After all, aborting the mission for which most of us dedicated their careers and years of hard work to is a lot to take. I think I have a fever – doctor said that the microgravity weakens the immune system, so he's giving me some antibiotics. Frakin Rozer. I would probably have to talk with him at some time, but for now he's completely cut off from the rest of us. I wonder how does he like this, having no idea what's going on? Commander's log, entry 57. Our first task will be to randez-vous with the Duna Transfer Module from the Payload-B. Well, actually it will randez-vous with us since we're almost out of delta-V. The reason for this is that the DTM weighs more than 100 tones – any problems during the randez-vous could severely damage the Payload-B. And in that way only “Proteus†can be damaged. Frakin KSC and their protocols. *** Commander's log, entry 58. Done. Now we only need to transfer the fuel and other supplies. I feel really bad – without BERTY I don't know if I could handle this. Commander's log, entry 59. Good news – fever is gone and we've finished all the operations with the DTM. KSC is really alarmed as it seems but all they are getting from us are false reports about telecoms system. It also seems that slowly the majority of the crew is going to vote for abort. We still have a lot of time to decide, fortunately. Next goal – randez-vous with the Payload B. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: All systems nominal, commander. We're ready to initiate the cargo transfer. JEB: Let's get this over with, BERTY – you may begin. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. Releasing the kethane tank A1. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Payload-B1 detached. Docking in progress. JEB: I hope there will be no surprises. Johndon, are you ready to operate the robotic arms? JOHNDON: Yes c-commander. There will be n-no collision with “Proteus†sir, I w-won't let it happen. JEB: I know. You're there only in case of emergency, but stay frosty. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Docking in 5 seconds. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Docking completed. Securing the connection. JEB: Very nice, BERTY. I hope – what the frak? JOHNDON: C-commander? I lost all readings, is this…? JEB: Wait, I have them back. Another error, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. It appears that connecting “Proteus†to the Payload-B1 caused a small malfunction of the mission's clock. JEB: Great. Is this serious? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. I restarted the mission's clock and it's now operational. Synchronization between “Proteus†and LAMGMLs is advised. However, this event reset the clock. Error occurred at 585 days 1 hour 20 minutes and 28 seconds into the mission. JEB: As long as you can calculate the correct date I don't care what's on screen. Let's proceed. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. Docking Module PB-1 separation. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Payload-B2 detached. Docking in progress. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Docking completed. Securing connection. SID: Hey Jeb. JEB: Hey pal. You came here to take a look? Nothing really interesting, believe me. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Docking Module PB-1 separation. SID: Maybe not for you, but this probes will be landing on moons of Jool so yes, their condition is quite interesting for me JEB: Assuming we'll go there. SID: Yes. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Initiating LAMGML autodocking protocol. SID: Have you thought about docking to the Payload-B? People could use more space. JEB: I did. But if something happens on Duna this is their safe heaven, we can't risk damaging it during randez-vous. SID: Ah, contingency. JEB: Yup. Even now we're too close for me – as soon as we're done, we're getting out of here to the new parking orbit. SID: From which we could perform interplanetary transfer burn. I get it. But where, Jeb? What should we do? JEB: Hell if I know. There are good reasons to abandon this mission, you know. But if you're right about this whole extrakerbestrial life thing… I can't imagine we can just walk away from it. SID: Me neither. JOHNDON: Sir, are we going to need robotic arms? JEB: No but thanks that you were on your guard. Prepare for the separation, Johdon. JOHNDON: Oh. Y-yes, sir. SID: I really hope we won't be needing those. JEB: We won't. Even KSC won't sabotage their own plans, right? However, I still... Hey, are you listening to me? Stop eyeballing what's left of the Payload and… SID: Jeb, did you take a good look at it? JEB: Why? SID: We know that there is a base on Duna which modules were attached to the Payload. We know that there are modules for “Proteus†to carry, we know there are probes and other equipment and we know that there is also a Duna Ascent Vehicle. That is a lot of stuff, right? JEB: What are trying to say? SID: Where is the Laythe lander? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Robotic arms separation completed. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  15. I think this discussion is just about ripe enough for a move to the science section. I've read this thread from cover to cover, and it's a very interesting discussion. Main issue I have with it is most of the talk about propellant has appeared to be centered around what seem like liquid propellants at room temp. http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/hydrogen/hydrogen_fuel_of_choice.html If we go with kerbals using H O rockets then we're talking about cryogenic fuels. I'm not sure if you can just use regular liquid measures, needs more research. And if we're talking blutonium, from my understanding a sixth dimensional quasi antimatter dark energy, sustained in a renormalized tau neutrino weak field oscillation. Who knows what is really going on in those gas tanks. Either way the answer is 42 Now carry on gentlemen, and ladies.
  16. Thank you, seriously, this game is amazing, not only is it great fun; its a wonderful tool and a inspiration to us all. It is the spirit of adventure to travel to other worlds on the whims of science. To explore and fly and build limited only by your own imagination, the dev's are building a core experience so loved: people devote hundreds of hours building and flying their own creations into the unto told depth's and hundreds more hours building mods to make that experience even deeper. This is what is defining a new generation of creative entertainment and even charity work. the names now associated(at least that i know any way) HOCgaming, Scott Manley,Macey Dean, EnterElysium, Thor LP, Shaun Esau, Heretic391 , Kurtjmack, so so many others who make this a entertainment vessel filled with information about how to play better and build bigger longer funner missions. The charity events are amazing i have never heard of getting so many so very young people involved in the global problems. the recent CharityWater live stream event Broke it's expected Goal three times! raising over 9000.00 Dollars US$ ! in five days! This game is something i promote actively to my friends and family, (there are five sales that i know for a fact happened because of me.) you know another player when you overhear "my next space mission" and then spend hours talking about thruster to weight ratios, DV, Playload allocations, failed moon missions and rescue effort's for stranded Kerbals.(which happens a lot) Thank you "Has the feeling this game will do more for promoting space travel than the moon landing by simple constant engagement of the populace. " plus we now have a chance of knowing what the heck scientists are talking about when they talk about space mission's
  17. They've actually had decals planned for some time now. There even used to be a decals tab in the construction menu. They'll probably work like flags where decals are images of a certain size and you place them on the surface of your vehicles. It'd be nice if we could make them bigger or smaller and/or use transparent bits and all that, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what they work out for us. This has, however, been suggested loads of times...and discussed a lot, too. It's a good suggestion, even though it's a bit redundant. It's even been suggested that we be able to recolor our parts and I personally would love, LOVE to see that type of feature someday. Ideally, it would work like the Dawn of War army painter, where you have a base color, a secondary color and one or two trim options as well. You'd select the color for each using a color wheel with a brightness slider and maybe even a transparency or saturation slider as well. Maybe even include a handful(or more) of patterns. Like, this one's diagonal stripes, this one's polka-dots, this one's got no special pattern, it's just solid colors and so on. If they wanted to go all-out and really make the people happy, they'd develop something akin to what you can do in APB: Reloaded. Talk about amazing customization through simply changing colors or using basic shapes and simple images to create your own decals and place them wherever you'd like on your vehicle. I'd even like to(and I know other people would too as I've seen it suggested before) be able to change the color scheme of the kerbonauts' suits. Maybe I want Jeb to have a black suit with red trim 'cause he's the badass of the party whereas Bill would be dressed in blue 'cause he's more calm and collected. Meanwhile, Bob is turqwaz and urrnge 'cause he be craaaaaaazy! Of course, I doubt any of that will get implemented...ever. Would be really nice, though. Especially for RP series or even just streaming, blogging, vlogging and simply showing off screenshots or videos to friends. In the end, though, we'll probably just have a basic decal feature that functions essentially like the flags, except we can place them onto the surface of our vehicles....which isn't all that bad, honestly.
  18. I just want to know where you people have seen yourselves, or other people being awesome. What I mean by awesome in this case is anything that a person does to better themselves or others in a way that isn't selfish, like the child you know who works steadily towards changing their failing grade to a passing grade, or the person who outright tells somebody else that they are a great person, even if they don't know them personally. Other people tend to feel better when they see good done in the world, and if this person saw that you told other people around the world about something great they had done (Without using their personal information), would it not most likely make them feel a little better? It could even be something you yourself did. Its good to talk about how you helped somebody else, and it normally makes others feel better to see good being done. If you don't know of anything you or other people have done that fits this, go and do something and tell us about it. Its never a bad idea to tell somebody they make the world a better place, by doing or by example, and its normally easiest to start by doing exactly that.
  19. Hello all, I have a question for SQUAD. do they plan to make a smaller FL-R1 RCS fuel tank, that is half the size for the large rockets. i use RCS a lot but never burn more then i say 1/4 of what in that tank. even before .21 and .20 i do not like the Stratus-V tanks hanging off the sides of my rockets/ships but still want to a smaller tank
  20. Just watched it yesterday, and they didn't talk about the dark side of the moon. They were at the south pole of the moon, saying some of the craters there never had direct sunlight in them, which fits with what you said. There were a few other things that were wrong or made no sense, but they didn't fall for that one. Also saw Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon last night, and it did explicitly refer to the dark side of the moon that way, but I'm no more likely to expect scientific accuracy out of that series than I am intelligent dialog out of a political campaign.
  21. I think that's the main reason why squad decided to implement career mode now. It somehow reminds me of the scenario and training missions they added in 0.17, which were made for similar reasons. I don't know if those did help newcomers to learn KSP, but for experienced players they were pretty worthless. We also should remember that currently we don't really know anything substantial about how exactly career mode will be implemented, other than that it constrains the parts you will be able to use. It seems that many people have different concepts in mind when they talk about how they'll like career mode and I'm afraid that a lot will be disappointed when it finally doesn't reach their high expectations. Besides...limiting resources for your space program doesn't seem very kerbal to me.
  22. I doubt you even need to apply with such an attitude. Also to answer your questions to some extent - its pretty much a small deveolpment team with a rather small game. Pretty much all earnings are strongly linked to the sales. Chances are most of them are still doing it out of suasion. Maybe thinking about making more money later on. I dont know many indie-developers but chances are they dont earn that well and have a very risky job that can end up either way. People like Notch are the absolute minority. That beeing said i would never hire someone that seems to see the job as some sort of plan C. If i were in the position to hire someone. Not to mention that i doubt that you are qualified anyhow. Do you have any specific apprenticeship or knowledge? Also since programming and the game are both in english chances are they talk english a lot. Thinking you could learn a languange that fast just like that just shows that you are probably a rather naive kid. Sorry i am a bit harsh and maybe i even completely misjudging you.
  23. Well, another 24 hours are over and: antbin wins clearly with 13 votes! Tied on second place are Mulbin and brobel with eight votes! It was fun once again to see and talk about all your designs. Thank you guys for participation. You can download the top3 in a single .zip >>HERE<< Primary elections are done! Time for the grand finale! You can vote over here! Please drop a few line who you've voted for! Final elections will run for 24 hours. Also check the orignal posts for more pictures and stats on the finalists Contenders AmpsterMan - SR2-"Ranger" antbin - To Aeris Kerbal 3a brobel - X-2 Swift Mulbin - Jet 3 Xeldrak - CR Moloch Primary elections have started! Vote here! Please drop a few line who you've voted for! Primary elections will run for 48 hours - the six best entries will enter the final 24h-election! Please check the challenge guidelines - even if you just want to vote! Remember to come back in two days! As you all should know by now, the stock crafts in KSP are horrible for the most part. So I challenge you to come up with a replacement craft.The last challenge just finished yesterday, with Mulbin as a clear winner but for reasons I'll explain in a few we'll start with the next one right now. Please read the stuff I've typed, there are a some minor changes in the format this time. Please check the challenge guidelines - even if you just want to vote! This is where I've outsourced all the rules. Didn't you say one week between the challenges? Aka. How is this going to work? Thing is, I'm leaving the country on September 16th for 1-2 weeks without internet, so we can either run another challenge or wait for up to 3 weeks. Since there were several people who seem to be anticipating the next challenge, I won't let you wait this long. Because that's in one week, I'll have to modify the challenge-rules. This time you got 72 hours to build your craft - that's only three days. Please remember - I'd hate to turn down entries just because you didn't realize. Afterwards we will spend three days with voting - if we have enough entries, we will have primaries first. What are we doing this time? As you allready know, we are doing the Aeris 3a Well, this one is actually a rather good Plane - still, I encourage you to come up with something better If you can, drop a few line why you plane is better Now, I'm a little more specific about the replacement this time. Since there are still other planes to get a challenge, this time I want something that can have a short range, has to fly well, be maneuvrable and stable. Basically a plane you can use to get used to the airplane controls and get some basic aircraft-design ideas. No speed or altitude records needed, this time. For inspiration, I picked a rather odd choince this time: So basically, you craft can be anywhere between a Messerschmitt Bf 109, a Cessna, a Grumman Hellcat and a Learjet. Yes, I know - there are no propellers in KSP - that's just to emphasize, that speed is not the goal here. Contenders AmpsterMan - SR2-"Ranger" antbin - To Aeris Kerbal 3a Bobnova - Functional Plane Mk1 British_Rover - TR-32 Bull Frog brobel - X-2 Swift carazvan - KP Fly CreeperShift - Kerbalicious Mk1 FallingIntoBlack - D-2 Wyvern Genius Evil - Aeri 2 trainer Giggleplex777 - Beta Jet Heagar - Double Delta III Hejnfelt - The Batman HueHue - Ares 3b Kappa73 - KGBureau B Karmacoma - The BSC Sprite littlebattler - Mayfly Mulbin - Jet 3 Read have Read - The A3.1 Trainer searlefm - Mitchells Sirine - Better Aeris 3a sploden - Aeris 3A improved 03 Tarmenius - T6e Peregrine ThePsuedoMonkey - The Bumblebee Toastie_Buns - ASS-10 Xeldrak - CR Moloch zekes - Gullplane Doublegull
  24. Indeed. It looks like they have got some useful IP in their engine, but they don't have anything near an entire vehicle. I hope they do manage to work SABRE up into an actual engine, or sell it to someone who can, but any talk of the Skylon vehicle is immensely premature.
  25. They always overlook Sandman just because he cannot talk ... poor fellow ... And funny how it is always just half an hour ...
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