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  1. Nazari, Landing Gear Modules do not have Collision Enhancers. You are thinking of Wheel Modules. They operate very differently as far as construction goes and are technically non-retractable. The existance of a collsion enhancer would cause even worse problems than the ordinary landing gear module as now you have an actual collider (which a wheel collider is not a collider, its a raycast) which will intersect with the cockpit model. You're also missing the issue here - its not collisions internal to the part thats the problem. Its meshes on an animating part colliding with other parts in the vessel. ZRM The suggestion of just plain combining the cockpit and the front landing gear module is probably the best one from the standpoint of if the cockpit is designed to only ever be used specficially with this shuttle, or nose gear configuration. Though you'd need to do this to wings as well. I'm not entirely sure if either cockpits or wings have full partmodule support (but then I haven't fiddled with either for some time, so don't let me stop you trying) The problem with an animating collider intersecting another part is they will physically collide as is parts on seperate vessels. A simple example is any of the animated docking ports included in KSP stock. If you open one into the vessel it will clip and bend anything in the way until the animation is finished. Though the severity of this seems to vary. a very small, barely colliding collider doesn't seem to cause too much trouble. Big or multiple ones is a serious problem. Turning off some mesh colliders by plugin is something I've considered trying, but after trying out another method (a single, smaller collider that intersects as little as possible) I found it was effective enough to not need to do so. I've just yet to adapt everything I've made to do the same. Another good person to talk to would be Snjo on this. I've mainly got experience with custom animating plugins and the stock animation module. Parts I've animated with the landinggearmodule I never tested for clipping - but I'm reasonably sure they are all running off the same driver.
  2. People often talk about renewable energy, or energy that wont run out as it is harvested or exploited. From a physics stand point this concept is very strange to me. Let's imagine for example that you put a wind turbine on the side of an acceding rocket. The turbine will generate a lot of electricity from rushing through the air, however this electricity is harvested from the force of the rockets momentum and manifests in the form of extra drag. With solar energy there is no question as it comes from the sun burning itself out over a long period of time and that energy is being produced whether or not we make use of it. However with wind turbines, wouldn't their be an inherent slow down of wind that impacts the turbines? if energy cannot be created or destroyed then converting the kinetic energy of the wind to electricity might cause some kind of inherent effects. Granted these effects would be much less than what is caused by a large square building. I am not trying to preach about save the world or anything, I am just generally curious about the physics of it. Is wind and weather slimier to solar in that that energy is being used regardless of our exploitation of it? (side note) I hope one day to have a form of green generator for the sake of saving on my power bill.. my word power companies are expletive! also solar energy relies on using solar power to knock electrons from the solar cell? if this is the case wont a solar cell become depleted after a while, as the positive ions begin to outnumber the available uncharged atoms of the crystal structure?
  3. Hi fellow Kerbnauts. short ans simple, i followed the instruction to connect to the server through the game and it just wont work. the long and complex explanation is that, me and my friend recently re-downloaded this mod and i am hosting a private server on the computer i am running the game and the client on. I have connected to the server using my internal IP (since localhost did not work), and I have followed the steps to load the chat into the game, this is where the problem lies the game cannot see the client and cannot pickup the chat and the client cannot read what is being sent from the game. I have included a screenshot of the Server, client and game with the 2 menus to show the problem. (yes i know the internal IP is visible but u cant do anything with it, that and it is 1.00 in the morning here) In the picture me and my friend can talk through the client but not through game. the example in the picture was i type "test1" he replies "test2", and if i say "hello1" he replies "hello2". i types test1 on the client and hello1 in the game he saw and replied to test1 but never saw hello1 which is also shown through the server If anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong or suggest a fix, i would appreciate it. If you need anything else please send me a message and i will reply as soon as i can. Thanks in advance, Haybale100 P.S. it may not help but i am running all this on a Sony VAIO E Series 14P running Windows 8 64-bit with a 64-bit processor and a Intel Core i7 -3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz and 8.00GB of RAM. I don't know if that will help but its there anyway
  4. 1 and 3 - spaceplanes update is planned; I am sure some of your concern will be addressed. Never heard any dev talk about wind tunnel testing though. Regarding nations - it was proposed many times before with no positive response. Kerbals are unified unlike us silly humans.
  5. Oh boy, it's been an exciting couple of days, huh? Sorry I haven't been around to help defuse the situation, work has been rocking my face off again. Thanks for keeping things civil, guys It looks like things have calmed down, so let's figure out what we can do to avoid any more issues in the future. Cooly, your modules were pretty badass, dude. I really enjoyed your video, too, you've got a good sense for editing and it was highly entertaining to watch. We're not upset with you or anything, have no fear! I'll take part of the blame myself, I should've made a concise list of all the rules before we started building, so everyone had an idea of what's what. In fact, I'll be doing that here (as well as adding these to my first post)! These are things we've all agreed on throughout the thread, so hopefully there's no confusion. It's understandable if someone missed a rule when it was being discussed, so we'll have this list for reference. Anything else you guys would like to see added, lemme know! KCBP Rules: 1. The limit of 25 parts per module, this is perhaps the most important with so many people involved. We need to keep the parts count as low as possible, since we all know how bad the lag can get, especially for those with not so beefy PCs. There is a leeway of 5 parts, in case of an emergency and you absolutely need to add a few extra pieces. Keep in mind this still means you should aim for 25 parts, not 30. We're currently over-budget on both stations, so we have to keep a close eye on this for future modules. 2. No docking dead-end modules. If you take up a docking port, there should be at least one additional docking port on your module of the same size. Station-to-station ports should be Senior-sized. Should be pretty obvious why this rule is in place, we don't want to block off the expansion. In the same vein, try to attach your modules to a port that makes sense. We'll probably have to rearrange some modules around anyways, but as long as there's plenty of docking ports available it won't be an issue. 3. Debris - don't leave it behind! More specifically, when you launch your module, have a way of deorbiting any debris. Still, it's not a problem if you're unable to deorbit, as long as you ensure that you terminate its flight before posting the save file. We wouldn't want a random piece of rocket to crash into our awesome builds, after all. Keep those orbits clear! 4. Mods - they are sort of allowed, just not on the final module. It's no problem if you use mods for the launch, as long as whatever you leave behind on the station is built solely from stock parts. This also ties in to the rule above about debris, since we don't want modded parts floating around in orbit. 5. The builds and the order of uploading - please stick with what's been assigned. I don't want to be a jerk about it, but we've got so many people involved in the project that we absolutely need everyone to follow this rule. The order might change depending on the situation, but the builds we're currently working on should be our focus. The project will eventually have stations and ground bases all over the system, so let's take it one step at a time. 6. The recording - your video should be of good audio and visual quality, though that's a given. Let's put a time requirement on it, too, say between 10-30 mins. Most importantly, please talk a bit about the project and your module's intended purpose. Cinematic videos and such are totally cool as well, just make sure to leave a little tidbit at the end with the previously mentioned info. This is just to keep things a bit more coherent than it currently is, it might be a little hard to keep track of what's going on to someone unfamiliar with the project. 6. Please post your submission in the other thread. I don't mind if it gets posted here as well, I just want to make sure that the other thread gets the attention it needs. Since it's in the Live from Mission Control sub-forum, it only makes sense that the actual videos get posted there. I think I got all the important things? Again, please let me know if I missed something! It wouldn't be at all surprising, heh.
  6. Good question The KSO project is compatible with a stock installation of KSP using ZRM's KSO related plugins (the KSO plugins are one and the same, the shuttle won't work without ZRM's plugins). That is my goal. Once we get the KSO features in and working then I can work with the community to enhance or fix any compatibility issues, but it will not be a priority. My apologies in advance if this is gonna bum out a lot of you guys. I neither have the time or enthusiasm to account for many of the community mods out there (that includes Ferram Aerospace). Once the KSO is flying perfectly, the Cockpit MFDs and instruments function flawlessly and we have it complete and done done, (and people are downloading it and flying it as bug free as we can) then I'll talk to ZRM or any others helping me about changes to accommodate physics related mods. In fact, I don't even want to mention it to ZRM as I don't want him to feel overwhelmed. Getting the MFDs working is enough as it is and he's been awesome and kind enough to get this project going. Actually if it wasn't for ZRM's work on researching the shaders odds are this project would be dead in the water by now. Again to make it clear; We are NOT accommodating physics related mods for the first version of the MOD. There will be a big warning on the download in bold. I want to be flying this yesterday, I don't want to spend another three weeks working out the compatibility issues with other mods.
  7. I'm experimenting with RT 2, and I'm very familiar with RT 1, but I can't seem to set up a network. I'm using the 8.00Gm omnidirectional antennae and I can get the first stationary satellite up fine, but the others don't want to talk to it. Any ideas?
  8. CHAPTER 21 AEROBRAKING: DUNA *** JEB: Hi Ned. NED: Jeb. JEB: I, uhm, I just wanted to NED: I'm fine, thanks. JEB: Okay, okay. NED: … JEB: Ekhm. Are you sure that y… NED: No. For Kod's sake, of course I'm not. JEB: I'm sorry. NED: He's dead. He's just… gone. JEB: I'm sorry, Ned. NED: They said it's much safer, much more advanced. “Proteusâ€Â, that is. They lied. JEB: It was an accident, Ned. NED: Like Bob, huh? JEB: … NED: You know, for a moment I thought that this is finally over. Pointless wandering in deep space. It's more than 12 months since we left Eve, almost seven since Dres. I thought that when we finally see Duna – I don't know, that it'll somehow help us put ourselves together, you know? JEB: I know. The Red Planet. NED: Yeah. Second manned mission to the most desired target in the whole solar system. And now this happened. JEB: We can't give up. NED: Aren't you the one with depression here? Poor Orsey. And for what? Do you know that he didn't let me finish the repair? JEB: I know. NED: He convinced Bill to aerobrake and repair the cooling system afterwards. Frakin asshole. JEB: Rozer's right. NED: What? What did you say? JEB: He's right. He's a cold bastard, yes, but he's right – we can't risk missing the injection burn because of the engines malfunction. Plus, we'll save more than a 1000 m/s. NED: I'll be honest, Jeb, I didn't expect that. Since when you are so aloof in your judgment? JEB: Since Bob. NED: … JEB: … NED: Frak this ****. Whatever happens, we'll get through this together, right pal? JEB: To the end, Ned. NED: Damn right. You want to talk with Sid? JEB: About Duna? NED: About mission, about KSC. About us. JEB: Sure thing. NED: Let's go then. *** PATLIE: Visual inspection concluded, no damage to the hull. Duna exploration team is ready to go. BILL: Good. Remember to wait for further orders until we complete the aerobraking. Kodspeed. BILL: Your turn, Danrey. DANREY: Copy that. DANREY: LAMGML docked. BILL: Good work. Now help the rest secure living modules, we don't have that much time before the aerobraking. DANREY: Roger. *** BILL: How long, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8: Aerobraking will commence in 39 minutes. ROZER: Don't be so nervous, commander. Everything will go smoothly, BERTY took care of that. Am I right? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes, captain Rozer. Although the window suitable for aerobraking which will result in orbit insertion is very small and is wide only for 784 meters, there is 99,99% probability of successful aerocapture. ROZER: Exactly. We will pass precisely at 10,820 above the surface which will give us periapsis at 446 kilometers after the operation. BILL: I know, it's… it wasn't scheduled originally. And the latest events… ROZER: Aerobraking was optional, commander, it wasn't forbidden. It's necessary evil – we can't risk engine failure in the critical moment. BILL: :sigh: Right. BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes, commander? BILL: You said 99,99%. What is this 0,1 percent? BERTY v.2.0.8: Unpredictable variables. Space debris from previous missions. Micrometeorites. Microscopic black hole. Fire on board resulting in hull breach. Unstable crew member sabotaging critical systems while in atmosphere. Sudden change in external pressure. Fusion core malfunction. Various… BILL: Alright, alright, that's enough BERTY. Let's just check everything once again, shall we? *** JOHNDON: H-hello, Mr. Jebediah! JEB: Hi Johndon. Professor Mallock. MALLOCK: Captain! I know that you are extremely busy considering incoming operation but may I ask you something? JEB: No problem, I'm not needed in the command module anyway. JOHNDON: Oh? I was s-sure you'll be helping commander during the a-aerobraking, sir. JEB: Orders from Kerbin. “Unacceptable disobedienceâ€Â. So what is it, professor? MALLOCK: Well, err, I'm sorry, captain. I would for sure feel safer if you were there. JEB: Your question? MALLOCK: Oh, yes. Ahem. Do you by any chance happen to know what exactly are we going to do in the following days? I know that there is scheduled robotic exploration, as well as landing on Duna and this fascinating moon, but what then? Will we abort the mission and come back to home? It will be such a pity. JEB: I'm sorry, professor, I'm in the dark as well. We'll just have to be patient, I guess. BERTY v.2.0.8: Attention. Aerobraking will commence in 15 minutes. Please proceed to the acceleration couches immediately. JOHNDON: We b-better go, professor. Are you coming with us, captain? JEB: Not really. I want to take a closer look at Duna from the secondary command module. MALLOCK: Ah, yes, of course. It'll surely be magnificent view. But is it safe? Acceleration will be equal to more than 1g, after experiencing microgravity for so long it can be problematic. JEB: Is aerobraking safe? MALLOCK: Err… JEB: Relax, professor, I was joking. I'm used to high accelerations. You better go now. MALLOCK: Ahem. Yes, yes. Goodbye. JOHNDON: Take care, c-captain. *** BILL: Incredible, truly incredible. And to think that it has been 12 years since “Jingwei†landed here. BERTY v.2.0.8: Aerobraking will commence in 30 seconds. ROZER: All systems nominal. SAS operational… should we turn on the RCS too, commander? BILL: Not now, we don't have much monopropellant. Alright BERTY – the ship is yours. BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. Aerobraking will commence in 5 seconds. BILL: Aren't we in atmosphere yet? BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. â€ÂProteus†has entered the atmosphere. ROZER: It's too sparse to affect the ship, that's why we're going so close to the surface. BERTY v.2.0.8: Increasing friction and pressure. BILL: 1g. Long time no see. BERTY v.2.0.8: Heatshield's temperature 500 degrees. Warning. Vibrations in hull detected. Five seconds to periapsis. BILL: Bumpy ride. ROZER: Commander, I think… BILL: What was that?! BERTY?! BERTY v.2.0.8: Master alarm. Assuming direct control. Initiating RCS. BILL: BERTY, report! BERTY v.2.0.8: Ship covered by heatshield in 79%. Heatshield's temperature 700 degrees. ROZER: BERTY, how long… BILL: Holy frak! Frak, frak, frak! ROZER: …would it take to leave the atmosphere? BILL: Can we loose control of the ship?! BERTY?! BERTY v.2.0.8: 1 minute and 45 seconds. Yes commander, there is a chance of catastrophic unscheduled rapid disassembly estimated to 8,54% and falling. BILL: What can we do?! ROZER: Calm down, commander, BERTY is in control. BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. My reactions are infinitely quicker and more precise than these of any pilot. Please try to relax. Leaving the atmosphere in 60 seconds. BILL: Heatshield? Structural integrity?! BERTY v.2.0.8: Heatshield's temperature 200 degrees. Structural integrity unknown, damage assessment in progress. BILL: Frak this… ROZER: Shall we proceed with the operation? We still have to match the orbital planes with the Payload. BILL: Yes. The sooner we start damage assessment and repairs the better. I assume the engines are operational? BERTY v.2.0.8: Affirmative. “Proteus†has left the atmosphere. Elliptic orbit achieved. Shall I switch to manual control, commander? BILL: No, BERTY. Execute scheduled maneuvers. I need a brake, I'm sorry, Rozer, stay here. ROZER: Err. Yes… sir. [ *** BILL: Alright. Report, captain. ROZER: Sir. We've achieved stable equatorial orbit above Duna in the same orbital plane as the Payload. LAMGML “Beta†is waiting for orders. All we have to do is to circularize. BILL: Good, good. And what about the damage? BERTY v.2.0.8: Collecting data in progress, commander. Visual inspection is advised. No damage to the critical systems detected so far. BILL: :sigh: Aerobraking is safer than orbit injection burn, right Rozer? ROZER: Sir, with all due respect, it is. We've achieved our goal and we're ready to proceed according to the mission plan and by using aerocapture instead of the engines we minimalized the risk. It was the right thing to do. We're in orbit and the planet is waiting. BILL: :sigh: Yes, Duna. Alright, it did appear to be a better alternative, I'll give you that. ROZER: I think we can agree that it could've been much worse, commander. Aerobraking was a right decision to make. And despite this minor accident, everything went almost perfectly. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  9. Wow, talk about lithobraking. How much of it survived?
  10. Please stay on topic; this thread was made for suggesting an Space Station Sandbox Mode. At start or to be unlocked with somes goals to achieves. If you want to made a thread to talk on me ; i can't do nothing about that. But respect the suggestions thread plz. You have the rights to say i'm not down for this. But i have the right to ask too. For the realistic side of the demand; i think they have no rules to ban Sci-Fi mods or suggestions. We have the rights to do unrealistics mods and i think you must respect that. I can understand your wish to keep KSP an realistic simulator. I have the same wish because i really love that side of KSP. But after a while; you can consider another way to play KSP. Lazer are common now. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/04/laser-warfare-system/ At end; i'm a guy who love that devise : Why not !?
  11. The idea is not to. It would take a LOT of work for me to pull this off by myself. Hence the reason why I'm asking if anyone wants to join in and take part. I will be providing the comic art and the post-edit work, but I definitely need help in the other parts of this. By ideas, do you mean helping out with the writing of a show? Or pitching ideas for a show? Or are we talking character ideas? If you want, we could PM talk, or skype? My skype is: pjlx911 (I probably won't be back home until 3pm EST, but you could shoot me a line and I'll read it when I get on). Having two heads are better than one (including when it comes to comedy writing). I have already came up with some concept artwork for Jeb, will probably show some of it when I get back later today. I'll see you guys then!
  12. It would more than likely be similar to his Witcher review, complaining about the complexity of gameplay that thick-headed simpletons like himself can't comprehend. Or like when he went to Valve's headquarters and said he didn't understand the "meet the team" video they showed him 'cause he was too thick. Or like when he was talking about EVE. Gotta love people who can poke fun at themselves in addition to whatever it is they're mocking Then he'd probably talk about how glorious it is to make a phallus-shaped rocket and watch it explode in all its magnificence. Or something like that. Man, it's been too long since I've watched me some Zero Punctuation >.> That said, Robbaz has a bunch of funny videos on youtube about KSP. He's been playing it off-and-on since like...version .16 or something. It's been a while, I know that much. He even shows off a couple mods here and there.
  13. Well, the 4m hull plug works much better now. But there's still a bit of a problem. If I mount it flush "inside" the 1st part, then the second part also wants to connect flush to the hull plug, which means both parts on either side of the hull plug overlap. The bottom of the 1st part physically occupies the same space as the top of the 2nd part. However, this does not cause any performance issues that I'm aware of since I've launched a test rocket with this situation built into it and encountered no problems. The rocket is simply a bit shorter than it "should" be. Alternatively, if I mount the plug just "outside" of a part, the second piece will also only attach "outside" the plug. The result is two pieces separated by a plug that is "virtually" hovering between them. I haven't tested this configuration as it is just plain ugly and appears structurally unsound. Maybe if the plug was a bit bigger, extending to the outside walls of the connecting part, like your docking ports and doors, there wouldn't be a problem. I hope this helps. I will continue building and reporting stuff. Cheers P.S. I have not tested the 2m plug Also, my new concept in seating arrangements for launch. One must give one's guests the most memorable experience possible. Yes, that's the runway down there. We're going to have a special talk with Paul Simon if he wants a ride.
  14. OMG, how do you make those diagrams, is this still mspaint? OK Ralathon, I think we talk about different things again. I never said it's not possible to enter a polar orbit very cheaply. Again, I am just saying there are 360degrees worth of polar orbits and I have to enter the right one. Shifty, that's a great idea. A few posts back I finally realized even better way, when I was talking about "barely scraping" the SOI.
  15. Hey guys I've been playing KSP for quite some time now and I must say: Awesome game! I've spent a lot of my time discussing design theories with Jeb and the other Kerbinaughts (Such nice guys, I mourn every time my incompetence causes one of their deaths). Anyway, I've finally decided to get on the forums for when I can't play, so here I am. I've also started a video tutorial series for newcomers to the game (I'd like to help more people get introduced to the game). The video series is actually some practice for me to talk to people (I'm a bit of a social introvert), but that is not really important. If you want to view them and maybe give me some positive criticism I'd appreciate it (I am new to that kind of thing). The link to my first video is here: I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys, but in the meantime I'm of to the Mun... Yours Sincerely Nuclear Mosquito
  16. Hmm. Depends greatly on wether or not stuff orbiting kerbin is destroyed too. I've got a space station with fuel and various supplies in orbit, as well as multiple unmanned tugs. Around gilly (moon of eve) right now I've got a kethane miner I've been doing experiments with. So, all together that's about five different spacecraft, which combined results in ... five kerbals. At least if the ones in orbit of kerbin were still alive, the ones around eve would have somebody to talk to; there's just enough room for everyone to fit in the station if they disembark. And with the kethane mining if they're careful they've got infinite supplies.
  17. I am the Foreign Ambassador of the Zokesian Empire. I handle diplomatic relations and such. If you have something to say about diplomacy with us, talk to either me or Emperor Zekes.
  18. Crazy talk -- that idea is way too simple. Thanks all!
  19. This doesn't really make as much sense as you seem to think, but I can see where you got the ideas from. Considering how Bac9 is really putting a lot of effort into the 3dmodelling developments of the game (compare buildings from .20 & .21,) I wouldn't jump off from one article saying he's not a part of Squad. Could be he's still on his Vacation week before the article, or possibly that he was unavailable to talk about his works because there is a lot to be done. Ultimately unless Bac9 pulls a Fish and straight up comes out on Twitter or whatever and posts a comment about leaving, it's probably safe to say he's still developing for Squad.
  20. CHAPTER 19 DUNA TRANSFER BURN *** Personal log, entry 1 (32). I didn't write anything for a long time, but since I'm stuck in the LAMGML until they finish fuel transfer I thought I'll kill some time. Four months – a lot have changed. Technically this is my first entry, not a commander anymore. And not a pilot apparently. But I understand him, he didn't have a choice – I did ignore his order. Still, there are months before we get to Kerbin or Duna, so I hope he'll get over it. Unless KSC decides otherwise. They recommended additional sessions with psychiatrist for me – old survivor syndrome from the days of “Kadmosâ€Â, guilt about Bob's death, this kind of things. What a load of crap. They sent 18 people inside of a giant can to drift through space for months and they expect us to not go loony. I didn't breath the real air and drink something else than a processed urine for almost a year. The last time I walked was on the arid surface of Moho, tiny dead planet almost lost in the flames of the Sun. One of us died. And now we are here, floating aimlessly above yet another lifeless rock. But they insist on “psychological evaluations†and “uplifting the team's spiritâ€Â. Pathetic. Personal log, entry 2 (33). Done. My last flight for a long time, I suppose; maybe the last one. I don't care – it was the right decision. They can say whatever they want, but with additional fuel our error margin is much bigger. Safety above all, right? Personal log, entry 3 (34). Today the Dres exploration team has returned. I hope that Ned and his men will repair the AMU without which our mission is doomed. Ned's still angry at me, he thinks it was stupid to take such risk. He'll understand, in time. Personal log, entry 4 (35). After long deliberation they decided to leave it. “Broken beyond repairâ€Â, “safe randez-vous impossibleâ€Â, yadda yadda. Fools. So all that was for nothing – we can't continue the mission. They want us to go to Duna however and then decide – abort or send supplies. I don't think I care anymore. Personal log, entry 5 (36). Now this is crazy. To save fuel and make sure that there won't be more accidents the Dres exploration is suspended until further notice. We sacrificed four months to get here and now, with this cursed dwarf planet 200 kilometers below us, we have to cease all activities. What is even worse, they decided to execute transfer burn earlier, so we will spend here only 41 more days instead of 72 and THEN it'll took us SEVEN MONTHS before we get to Duna! I don't understand it at all. Don't they want these samples? Why are we here if not to explore the asteroid? If they are content with the orbital scanning, why did they send us here? And do they really think that ONE YEAR of almost complete inactivity after his death won't screw us all over completely? Why? What's the purpose of this madness? Personal log, entry 6 (37). Another long brake. I couldn't find strength to write. Every day is the same, mundane activities, artificial light, drinking piss. They have answer for everything. Microgravity and bone loss? Physical exercise and special diet. Isolation and loneliness? Full schedule and meetings in the social room. Stress? Loads of music, movies, manuals – Sid is even trying to learn his third language. But they can't hide us from the space and they can't give us a purpose, not after weeks of doing nothing important. 6 months and 40 days to Duna. It's not the emptiness behind the hull that makes us all anxious. It's the void inside. Personal log, entry 7 (38). Tonight's the night. Transfer burn. And 365 day of our journey. We're organizing kind of a little New Year's Eve, but no alcohol, burn is scheduled 8 hours after “midnightâ€Â. One year… We even have a torte. There's something really funny in this weird parody of a normal live but nobody's smiling. Personal log, entry 8 (39). And that's about it. We're leaving Dres for good. Tiny planet has a new satellite though – such a waste. So, we're on course and there's only 217 days left. Every time I think about it my hands are shaking. Seven months of NOTHING… Personal log, entry 9 (40). Last “night†I couldn't sleep. I was drifting through the main module when I heard voices. A lot of folks followed Sid's example. Three or four of the eggheads talking silently with BERTY, each of them in their sleeping station, each of them in another language. And he was conversing with all of them with this kind, optimistic voice he has. Why they even bothered with us in the first place? He's perfect in a way no kerbal can ever be. I talk with him a lot recently. He's in complete control of all the ship's subsystems, he can feel the space radiation hitting the hull and the hellish temperature inside the fusion cores. He's practically the “Proteus†itself, changing terminals, taking care of every vessel, keeping us alive. Like a ghost. A talking, sentient ship. And we all live inside him. Personal log, entry 10 (41). 125 day. First course correction. Successful. Next in a few weeks. Personal log, entry 11 (42). Nothing. Personal log, entry 12 (43). I watched the last movie we have on board. Now what? Personal log, entry 13 (44). â€ÂProteus†is very quiet lately. It freaks me out. Personal log, entry 14 (45). 153 days after the transfer burn. I think. Every day is the same. Personal log, entry 15 (46). Second course correction. BERTY is incredibly precise – 70 km from the planet, inclination 49 degrees. 45 days left. Personal log, entry 16 (47). It 's weird but as soon as we hit 30 days mark, suddenly it seems that blood starts flowing in our veins again. Maybe it's the mystery – of course we STILL don't know what exactly are we supposed to do there. I've heard some crazy theories recently and Ned is still joking about Sid's idea. But, what is more probable, it's because we all can feel that this is probably our last stop before coming back to Kerbin. The grand tour of the solar system aborted, the most advanced ship ever built ordered surrender – and all of that caused by the few tiny RCS thrusters. Personal log, entry 17 (48). Only two weeks left. We still can't see Duna with a naked eye but it's a matter of days before we do. Tiny red dot in a dark sea. Personal log, entry 18 (49). One week, one week, one week. Personal log, entry 19 (50). 6 days left. I can't even imagine how uplifting… BILL: Attention all personnel. Your presence is required on the flight deck immediately. JEB: Hmm? BERTY, what is it? BERTY v.2.0.8: It appears that there is an impending failure of the secondary cooling system of the fusion core A. JEB: What?! Are you sure? BERTY v.2.0.8: Yes. The system is still operational but it will fail within 72 hours. JEB: Can we fix it? BERTY v.2.0.8: I don't know, Jeb. [ *** MISSION STATUS ***
  21. Lol, the one thing every non-american knows is to never ever talk to an american about WW2. The american perspective on that war is so much a part of American self identity that any debate, any deviation from the collective, is taken as an affront. I was at a lecture where the guest speaker was talking about the economic impact of bombing campaigns in various wars, from Spain to Iraq I. The anger, the snide remarks ... in an econ lecture! So I suspect that many of these uncorrected discrepancies about WWII are a matter of which US highschool you attended, which version you were taught. Cold war, space race, Korea, Iraq... those are open for discussion. But WWII, and perhaps Vietnam, are closed topics. Everyone knows that when it comes to cherished history it's just easier to let people keep their stories rather than get into a debate about wars soon out of living memory. Of course if you really want to get an american going, just ask about canada's and/or France's role in the american revolution. That brings the crazy real fast.
  22. If you talk about Black suit, Juste here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16683090/KSP/Black%20EVA%20suit.rar
  23. woah woah woah, don't tell us you're gonna show some rover and not talk about that magnificent rail
  24. Class: Orbital Interceptor AKA "Ganymede" Company: Valley Inc. Allied With: Hanland https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzWVddevUqx5cGJjYmtNaG9ESEE/edit?usp=sharing Valley Inc. decided, for its next project, to develop a small quick response fighter that could be launched from the surface of Kerbin and right into orbit with no fuss or muss. And very little fuel too! And the tiny Orbital Interceptor the 'Ganymede' was born! A small craft with a pair of launchers and a wing design that makes it look cool AND protects it from light weapon's fire, it will be the center piece of any military space port and the talk of the town! Another weapon of modern science brought to you by Valley Inc. The same people who invented the Space Recycled Sandwich and Space Night Light. In future we plan to continue to develop, test, and improve on our products for our Hanland allies. Everybody is working hard, 24 hours a day, in our publishing departments, our space centers, and our factory floors to bring us to a bright and tax-free future! Working hard to develop ways to do more with less and bring the savings to YOU! To the FUTURE!
  25. Fuel Delivery: Fuel Truck 1 is the next ship to enter Duna's SOI. Here it has passed Ike's orbital path. Cupola view of Duna during aerobraking. After circularizing the Fuel Tanker separates from fuel tank. Following the same procedure as the Mobile Habitat, excess fuel is transfered to the fuel tank and left in orbit for later use. Jettisoning the transfer stage. After shifting the orbit to intercept the Duna mobile habitat already on the ground. Firing retros to slow descent speed. Deploying parachutes. Aerospikes are burning too much fuel. Patfield has to think quick. Shut down engines and transfer extra fuel from the tanker. There isn't much time as the fuel truck starts gaining speed without the retros to slow the vessel down. Disaster averted. With just seconds to impact Patfield reingnites the rockets full throttle, hoping to avoid disaster. Jonfrey radios Patfield; "Hey Patfield, you need assistance? Over." Patfield; "I'm OK but that was close! Talk about suicide burn!*&^%$#@ KSC pencil pushers cutting corners again! Here I am sitting on a truckload of fuel and the blasted engines run out of gas!" Jonfrey; "Roger that. Take your time. Meet us when your ready. We have cake!" Patfield; "Sounds good! Looking forward to stretching my legs too!" Patfield marks the location for future generations. Joining up with the rest of the ground crew. Chadgee; "Grab a piece of cake. You deserve it. Speaking of, glad to see you made it in one piece." Patfield; "Don't mind if I do. Om nom nom...Om nom nom." Jonfrey; "Think you have it tough? Kenvan's going to attempt to land the VindiGator here without parachutes!" Chadgee; "He's nuts if he thinks he can fly a plane in this thin atmosphere." Patfield; "Before I left KSC I heard they refit the VindiGator with VTOL assist. I hope HIS fuel holds out or I made this trip for nothing!" Chadgee; "Hey! Don't forget you have our great company!" Patfield; "Oh yes and cake too! Om nom nom..." Next Phase... The VindiGator Arrives.
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