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  1. No. Or yes. I don't remember who they are and don't want to look it up. The user below me Knows what I talk about at least half the time.
  2. Brax


    So I have been playing for a while now, built stations, Laythe Bases, huge multi-docked interplanetary vehicles and what not, but what I really want is SCIENCE! I have looked around for any news concerning new science parts, as I was a little disappointed that none were added in the last update. Has there been any talk about the future of that aspect of the parts? And are there any mods that are science heavy? I have always played pure stock, I mean no Sub-assembly or nothing (not that I think that there is anything wrong with it) but I would be willing to install a science mod. Anything out there? Thanks, Brax Singularity Aerospace Innovations
  3. This project is being working on by MDBenson, WCOLE360, and Yogui87, sponsored 100% by LH Aerospace This is a project to make a realistic replica of the Mars Transfer Vehicle and eventually it's landers, and maybe after that it's rovers, but here's what we have so far, yogui and I will post development pictures as we get them. Here is the current design image, referenced from a Constellation Program Animation: NOTICE: THE PROPULSION STAGE IS CUT OUT, REFERENCE IT IN THE IMAGE BELOW Here are the pieces of the project we will complete: What we currently have has been redone 100% in favor for a better modeling. Some features of the project will be list: Built in RCS Specialized Inflatable Habitat, eventually if I can talk to my contact in NASA, possibly an interior! Front Docking Port Made for Orion Bottom Utility Docking Port for a second orion, or eventually the Mars Ascent Vehicle. Special Modular Docking Port SADDLE TRUSSES Drop Tank for spent fuel stage Deployable Solar Panels Deployable Antennas If the first part of this project goes well, we will do the Cargo Lander and Crewed Lander that go with it. This will all be launched on Bobcat Ind.s Ares 5 Launcher. Modelling and Texturing: Yogui87 CFGs and Primary Testing: WCOLE360 Testing/Bug Grinding: MDBenson More information to come soon! Due to reasons I've been told not to mention this project is temporarily delayed.
  4. I once made a nearly SSTO with about 21 orange tanks; obviously wasn't full when it reached orbit (and certainly could have used a refueler that big lol), but it had about .25 times the weight of the fuel in engines too with well over 1000 parts, so it would have been damn near impossible to make a lifter to put it into orbit full lol. I've been hearing talk about people trying to put a kiloton into orbit, I'd be amazed if anybody can do that for sure =3
  5. ...he's started asking about where some of these other planets are in the Kerbal system. You know, ones that don't exist in the game anywhere but he insists are out there. I figured I share the names and basic characteristics with you guys, in case any of you ever happens to come across any of them. Let's see...first, there's Arde (ar-DEE) and Binbin. Binbin is yellow and Arde is red. There is some confusion as to which one is supposed to be the planet and which is the moon. Then again, he thinks Ike is a planet. It's somewhere past the orbit of Eeloo Then there's Orkinee. It's way far away. Seriously. Like, I drew the rest of the system for him with straight lines between the orbital lanes; Orkinee was past the orbit of Binbin and the line was very long and not straight. So I guess it's seriously far away... There's another planet called Arkin. It's black. That's all I know. He doesn't talk about that one much. Your guess is as good as mine whether or not it has anything to do with Alan Arkin... Anyway, y'all be on the look out for those. (Just thought I'd share that with y'all. Mainly in case the developers are looking for names for any up and coming spheres in the Kerbol system).
  6. I launched my pol mission, started my NEW space station (we don't talk about the LAST one ) returned my eve mission and Jeb E.V.Aed down to the surface of gilly and returned to the ship with only 12% of his fuel left.
  7. My parents "love" to hear me talk about orbital mechanics and the future of human space exploration and how awesome the Apollo program was, etc...
  8. i talk about space all the time, know what they say? "meow"
  9. When I talk about space, people are like "Yeah?... cool.... uh huh... okay... right... I see... cool..." I don't think they pay much attention.
  10. If the topic comes up but there is so much to talk about that it can get boring in a social sense.
  11. The other forum thread about space warfare has inspired me to make a story of my own based on this very topic. And so, I will begin. The thread is in the time peroid equivlent of 2094. This is the prequel to this thread ; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32040-What-if-there-was-a-war-for-the-Kerbol-system-%28You-write-it%21%29, and is based 206 years before the events in that thread. I will rate their technology on the levels 1-10. This is going to be a rather large fan-fic operation, so I may need to reserve a post. Factions United Nations of Kerbin The United Nations of Kerbin is an international alliance consisting of 230 member nations. It consists of all the space-faring nations, who are the world powers of Kerbin and make up an substantial amount of the UNoK's power. These nations can branch off into these ; United Proviences of Amerika Kerbal's Republic of HarvestR The remains of the Koviet Union of Communist States The "Old" Powers of Eurkoa, now united under the banner of the Eurkoan Democratic Union Of these few, the United Proviences of Amerika is the current superpower, only matched by the Kerbal's Republic of HarvestR, but only economically. This faction is the oldest, most powerful, and richest and most advanced faction in the Kerbol System, until the arrival of the IEF. They currently have colonies on Laythe, Duna, and Muna, with small research outposts on Dres, Minimus, Vall, Tylo, Ike, and Eeloo. Tech Level ; 10 The Democratic People's Republic of Muna A democratic faction, with a Constitution and goverment based of it's counter-parts Kerbin-side. However, this colony has declared independence, putting itself into a state of rebellion. Unlike it's other fellow colonies on the Munar surface, this one is highly distrusting of the UNoK, and has cut ties to the Kerbin goverments. This colony is also fighting the other loyalist colonies on the lunar surface, as it is the only one rebelling. The colony was founded by the United Proviences of Amerika and the Koviet Union of Communist States, in a mutual partnership. It was the third research colony on the moon. The weapons of this colony are relatively obselete compared to the UNoK, but it has the advantage of being in terrain that brings advantage to them. Tech Level ; 6.7 Duna'ian Liberation Front / Ike Base I A rebel group that has gained popularity amoung the Duna'ian colonists. It has declared itself into rebellion, but it's technology is only slighty better than the Munar colonists. Unlike their Munar comrades, these rebels have widespread support among the populace of the entire planet, and this, coped with the advantage of home turf, gives the UNoK a tough enemy to fight. Their moon currently contains a small mining colony that is still loyal to Kerbin, providing the UNoK with some limited reconaissance oppurtunities. Tech Level ; 7.3 Laythe Colony I&II / Jool Colonies Colonies founded by a combined effort of the space agencies of the nations in the UNoK, these colonies are highly loyal to Kerbin. They are more advanced than their colonial counterparts. The main bulk of the colonies is on Laythe, but there are a few small research outposts on the outlying moons. This colony has the advantage of a bunch of resrouces, but due to their far-away distance from Kerbin, communication and transportation is tedious, and is often disrupted by the colonies in rebellion. Tech Level ; 8.9 Chapter I (RECRUITMENT DRIVE) "This is the Kearsage II, approaching Lunar Spaceport 03, Luna City, Over". The small passenger shuttle sighed as it began it's slow descent onto the glowing runway five hundred meters below. Using the monopropellant thrusters located at the nosecone of the shuttle, the pilot began slowing the speed down. 400 m/s... 350 m/s... Wendred Kerman had always want to become an astronaut as a kid. He had dreamed of space, and had watched the early days of the Moonshot missions, as the lunar expeditions took off. He had wanted to walk onto the moon. And here he was, on his 23rd flight to the lunar surface. After Moonshot, the exploration and colonization really took off, and today, space was just another frontier that had been conquered. Sure, they had the interstellar probe here and there, but their entire home system belonged to them. The Kerbals. Quickly glancing at his radio, he quickly made a announcment to the passengers onboard. "Ladies and Gentlekerbs, this is your captian speaking. Please secure your shoulder harnesses in preparation for landing at Luna City. Thank you for flying with Virgin Galantik, and have a nice day. The current Local time is 11:00PM" As the small craft touched down onto the lunar runway, the retrorockets in the nosecone where fired as where the small thrusters on the top of the craft, in order to keep it on the ground. The lights of Luna City where in the distance, as the craft slowed down and began taxiing to a terminal. "We will be boarding at Spaceport Terminal 05, have a nice day, and thank-you for flying with Virgin Galantik." Wendred Kerman sighed, then greeted the passengers as they all left. Grabbing his suitcase, he walked off the plane and headed to the Spaceport Transport center, a massive system of monorails and large pressurized passenger rovers that would carry him to Luna City. "Hey Wendred! How's it going, my man!" He stopped, and turned around, only to see Nedbob Kerman, his best friend and companion with him on several Duna expeditions when he was an astronaut emploed by the UPoA. "Hey, how you doing, Ned? Nice to see you after....how long ago? Three years?" "Two. I see you finally got your Shuttle license, Wen. Congratulations!" "Thanks, man. What are you doing nowadays, Ned?" "Wendred. I'm an officer with the United Proviences of Amerika Naval Space Command, and I want you to come with me." "Wait, what did I do wrong?" "Just follow. My superior wants to see you." As he followed Ned, Wendred could not stop thinking "What did I do wrong?? Nedbob led him to a small room, in the back Terminal of the Spaceport. Several heavily soldiers guarded the room, and Ned motioned him inside. "What is this all about?" "Just go in. It's entirely confidential." Wendred entered the room with ahuge sinking feeling in his stomach. He wanted to panic, to scream, but noone would hear him but the soldiers and their officers. And they would finish him in an instant. "Wendred, I've been expecting you, sit down." Wendred looked at the kerbal who sat across the table of him. The kerbal bore the marks and insigna of an Rear Admiral of the Amerikan Navy. Wendred quickly sat down, wondering what to do. "If I run for it, they will shoot me down. If I attack their commander, they'll shoot me down. If I pray for an SRB to hit the spaceport, they'll become suspicous. I'm screwed. "Wendred, you might wonder why I called you today. You're aware of the recent Munar colonial rebellions, am I correct?" "Yes sir" "And do you understand we need good pilots, pilots who can make good decisions under stress, who can act effectively, who can act without mercy or kindness, who can sacrifice, who can-" "Sir, I get the point. But please, tell me why the hell I was called here, and why the hell you are telling me this." "Wendred. Your friend, Captian Nedbob, recommended you to fill a vacant officer position in the Fighter Corps." "Wait, why?" "You have quite an interesting resume, Wen. You were a part of the first Expedition's to Eeloo. You conducted the first manned landings on Moho. You were the main commander of several expeditions that not only explored, but circumnavigated Duna. Therefore, it is no suprise Virgin Galantik hired you immediately, and we shall do the same." "But, why? And what will happen to my career?" The Admiral sighed, then contenuied. "Your career is over. Done. Fin. I already arranged that. You will still recieve your pension, but you will nolonger serve as a civilian pilot." "But...why?" "We need experienced pilots and experienced officers. But all we have nowadays are idiotic rookies who can't do anything without auto-pilot and fancy nodes. This only got worse with the Mechjeb 2 released by R4M0N Kerman, the famous creator of the company. And what makes it even worse are the rumors that Colony 3 might go rogue." "So, what are you suggesting?" "Thank's to an recommendation made by your friend Nedbob, I've decided to ask if you wanted to fill a vacant position in the Fighter Command." "How was that position made vacant?" "Lieutenant Mac was killed when riding a Nuclear-SRB with a seat. It was part of our ODST program, but it's been suspended ever since his death." "So, when do I report to headquarters?" The Admiral looked up at Wendred, and smiled. "Tomorrow." Chapter 2 (RED MUN RISING) A single Kerbal walked in the shiny lunar regolith. Heading into a habitat nearby, he took off his EVA suit and greeted the kerbals in front of him. "Adam, you're late." "Sorry about that. I had some...um....busniess to take care of." "Whatever the case, you're late. I've been waiting. This is the right time to act, with all that Nuclear Booster incident and Hurricane Bob. The United Nations of Kerbin are busy fixing some stuff on Kerbin, so we might as well hit them from here." "Correct." Adam sighed, then went on. "I do believe that we can nolonger afford to export the Kethane-3, but Kerbin still demands it." "That's one of our main reasons to rebel." "Where are the weapons for the attack?" "Our friends just stole a bunch from Aresnal 07. Hell, the guard's did'nt even notice." Adamed grinned, then spread out a sheet of paper onto the table. "How much do we have?" "Colony 3 is all for us. So around five thousand Kerbals." "Let's begin the plan." "Roger." An hour later, at Luna City, shots rang out. The war had begun. Chapter 3 (FIRST BLOOD) "Flight Alpha Five, this is the naval CAPCOM, you are clear for liftoff." The engines roared to life on the booster-stages of the FX-98H patrol craft as they undocked for the station and began their burn for the moon. "CAPCOM Naval, this the frigate New Dawn, we will begin screening if the target once we arrive at the Mun." Meanwhile, on the Munar Surface, a different battle was raging. Colony 3 had attacked Luna City, causing the United Proviences to form a military coalition to strike back. Massive-scale blackouts were occurring, forcing the KEFCON to be raised to 2. Around Kerbin, New's Agencies were making a big story out of it, since it was, after all, the first space rebellion. "At around 6:00PM today, Colony Three has been reported attacking the nearby lunar colonies. Their motive is unclear, and despite the offical report that it is going "Rogue", many suspect it wants Independence." But for the men in the moon, it was a desperate struggle for survival. The civilians of Luna City watched helplessly as the mono-rails were cut, the Spaceport put to military use, and the soldiers occupied the city. In low-Kerbin orbit, planet-side lasers were already bombarding Colony 3. Several anti-matter warheads were released, destroying their targets, but Colony 3 kept fighting. Dozens of long, thin carbon rods where released, smashing into the lunar surface at speeds faster than 19 KM/S. "This is the Frigate UPSSUnited Kerbin, we are in low-lunar orbit, do you copy? Rear Admiral Jebediah was busying relating messages to the ships posted Munside. Colony 3 had to be destroyed, or it would destroy the other colonies. "This is Jebediah. Anti-Matter missile has hit its target, confirmed by, oh, my HarvestR. That blast was huge." "CAPCOM Naval Central, here. We have dispatched the New Dawn. It will arrive at Muna Station in three hours. Clear the shipyard for docking and maintanece before action." "Roger." Flipping some switches, he moved to the Fighter Command Channel. "Lieutenant Wendred. It's been a while since we met back at spaceport, has'nt it?" Wendred snapped to attention, startled by his commanders voice. It sounded famaliar, like some famous astronaut he had heard at a convention. "Yessir. Our mission is to escort the frigate and then provide ground support, to help suppress the rogue colony, yes?" "Now if every Kerbal was like you, my job would be easier." Jebediah flipped the channel. "Station Luna, you got a big visitor." Three hours later, the New Dawn and her fighter escorts were nearing the station. The workers and astronauts onboard rushed to open the hangar doors and to tether the Frigate to the refueling section, while transmitting and forwarding messages to those below. "Wow. Even though we are a good 70 Kilometers from the lunar surface, I can still see the lights of the Colonies below". "You like it?" "Yeah. It looks great. Look the-Crap!" "Looks like Colony 5 was hit by a EMP. Gives us a range for the battle." Wendred sighed, then shutdown the transmitter, looking at where Colony 5 had been. The lights canon, flickered, and the area was once again plunged into darkness. Small flashes occurred, here and there. Theres Kerbals down there. Dying as I sit here. Meanwhile, onboard Station Luna, the scene was chaotic. Normally a tourist stopover point, it was now transformed into a military stronghold. The main bulk if the tourists had flown back to Kerbin on military transports, but a few stayed to watch the action. The loudspeakers on the station suddenly roared to life, blaring static at first, but then suddenly announced another message. "This is Adam Kerman, the leader of the Demoratic Republic of Muna. You stupid United Nations of Kerbin have always oppressed us. But why the hell should we listen to a goverment more than 11,000 Kilometers away? This is OUR lives, and you can't do anything about it. You are weak, aggroant, and stupid. We easily hacked into your mainframe computers on Station Luna. Today, we will change this. We will destroy the forces of oppression! We will fight for freedom! We will destroy the United Nations of Kerbin! Now think about you're weaknesses, your stupidty, and how idiotic you are at refusing to grant us our freedom. Shut up and have a good day." Just outside the station, the New Dawn was busy tethering herself to the station's orbital shipyard. Several fighters buzzed around the massive frigate, as the lunar regolith sparked seventy miles below, providing for a scene of peace and serenity. However, at the Naval Space Command CAPCOM, the scene was far from peace. "So, they weren't just going rogue, they are fighting for their independence. That confirms the theories." "Sir" Jebediah looked around, and saw a Kerbal looking at him, holding a sheet of paper. "Sir, we have just recieved a transmission from the United Kerbin." "What the hell does Captian Nedbob want?" "He wishes to speak with you." "Open the channel." The kerbal quickly hit some buttons on a control panel. "Nedbob, I heard you wished to speak with me." "Sir, I'll get straight to the point. The rebels are armed with anti-matter warheads." "What? I thoguht only we had them!" "Nope. They've ransacked Aresnal 07." "Oh (Explicit). Now what?" "I will attempt to retake them." "You can't do that! They will blow you sky-high!" "I will and I can." "Jeez, fine, whatever you want." Onboard the UPSS United Kerbin, marines boarded the shuttles and prepared to land. The frigate began to fire it's retro-engines, slowing itself enough for the shuttles to take off and land on-target. The shuttle's were ejected, and five squads of marines began their perilous descent onto the lunar surface. Landing some distance away from the Colony 3 compound, they approached it silently. High above, their Captian was directing some fighters to provide support. "Wendred, I have five squads of marines on the ground, I want you to support them." "Roger that." Gripping the joystick, Wendred dove toward the surface, ordering the rest of his flight to stay. Dodging rail-guns, lasers, and missiles, Wendred quickly released a small proton of anti-matter, then flew upward, firing his after-burners to anticipate the upcoming blast. Two miles away, the marines watched a flash of light as the oxygen quickly combusted from the blast, then moved in to handle any survivors. The remaining dozen surviving insurgents, spotting the soldiers approach, opened fire with conventional guns. The marines replied in kind, and soon, seven of them were dead, and the remaining five were locked up onboard the United Kerbin. Independence would not come easy to Colony 3. Chapter 4 (LANDING ON LAYTHE) "Laythe Command, this is the New Dawn, we are requesting to dock at Station Alpha, Port 04." "New Dawn, you are clear to enter." The giant frigate approached the station, firing it's retro-engines to maintain a stable control. It had been some time since the victory at Colony 3, but the war was not over. Yet. But for the crew and officers of the New Dawn, it was over, temporarily. It was their vacation time, and Laythe was one of the most popular tourist destinations. Standing inside the Central Command Room on the New Dawn, Commander Wendred could not have been happier. Due to his role in providing air-support for he marines, he had been promoted to Commander, as a reward from the Admiral, making him the de facto First Officer of the New Dawn. And to make it better, there was even talk of him replacing the current commander (Who was planning retirement), which could make him Captian. "Sir, the officer's shuttle is ready." "Very well. I will board it soon as possible." Wendred gathered up some files and possessions, then headed for the Docking Module. Boarding the shuttle, he noticed several of his friend's were there, and so was Bill, the commander of the New Dawn "Hello Bill, Billy-Bobfred, and whats-your-name?" "It's Magnus. Lieutenant Magnus Kerman, Engineering Department. And you?" "Lieutenant Commander Wendred, Fighter Command." "Wow! Fighter Command? Wait, have I heard of you before.....WAIT! You were the first Kerbal on Moho!" "That was a good seven years ago." Buclking his shoulder harness, Wendred took out his smartphone, and quickly made a call. "Hello Nedbob. I'm currrently in the Joolian System, Laythe." "What the hell are you doing on Laythe?" "It's a holiday, and my crew has the next three months off." "Did you hear? There has been a full-scale riot on Duna Base 01!" "My captian said we would pass Duna on our way to our patrol station near Eve. No need to worry. Bye." The shuttle dove toward the shining blue moon below. Wow, Laythe looks so much like Kerbin..., though Wendred. As the shuttle dove through the clouds, it's passengers could truly see the true beauty of Laythe. The oceans sparkled, and the buildings in the Laythe Colony looked new, fresh, and modern. "This is your pilot speaking, please secure your shoulder harnesses for the final descent to Laythe Spaceport 02." Wow. This place is just beautiful. "This is Laythe Spaceport 02, you are cleared for landing." A sudden tug of g-forces marked the beginning of the firing of the retro-thrusters. The shuttle touched down, and slowed itself to a taxi. "This is your pilot speaking. We will be docking at Terminal 01, thank you very much and have a good day." The plane docked, and a fizzing sound marked the depressurization of the cabin, as they nolonger needed it. They were on Laythe, only a mere kilometer from the sparkling seashore. Wendred greeted the pilot as he left the plane, and headed to the main Terminal. Outside, taxi's and car's buzzed. It almost feel's like Kerbin. The spaceport was near a bulsting city with a population of more than 60,000 Kerbals. Laythe, was a really popular destination for colonists. It had neither the crushing pressure of Eve, the microgravity of the Mun, the endless deserts of Duna, or the barren landscapes of Ike. It felt like Kerbin, and it was a paridise, an oasis in an infinite black void. And the crown jewel of all of the Kerbin colonies. "Hey, can you tell me where the Laythe Grand Hotel is?" Wendred hated asking for directions, yet agian, when you're on a world you never been on, you have to. "It's near the seashore, Nova Avenue." "Thanks." Walking into the hotel's main lobby was another surprise. The interior was well-decorated, an spectacular sight. Quickly getting his room keys, Wendred boarded a elevator. Room 1567, Floor 10. Entering the suite, he quickly set down his luggage and settled in. A large window was on one wall, providing an spectacular view of the seashore. A holo-graphic television set sat in a corner, and the bathroom was clean, stocked, and well designed. Wendred took his cellphone, and called Nedbob. "The user you requested is unavailable. Please leave a message after the tons. Beep." "Hey Ned! How you doing? I'm in a hotel at Laythe now." Placing the message, Wendred took out a newspaper and started to read. Best to get caught up on vacation. As photons travel, several day's later, Wendred was recalled to the New Dawn, and so were all the other officers and crew. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" "You have emergency orders. You are your ship are to proceed to Duna immediately." Bill sighed, and then went on. "Why us? They should've dispatched the ships at Dres Station, not us!" "Captian, you've got the only Heavy Frigate in the outer planets. I mean, the only Heavy Frigate equipped with the Wernher Fusion Drive." "But still, why not those at Kerbin?" "Kerbin is currently on the other side of Kerbol as Duna. They would take a month to arrive. But your frigate could finish it in less than two weeks."
  12. You say this, but this is the whole crux of the issue, isn't it? What evidence is there of this turning point based on CO2 concentrations other than the models? I happen to think that market forces and technological progress will tend to phase out burning of fossil fuels (although we'll probably still use them for plastics until we run out) within a generation or so. I don't have any real evidence for this, just my intuition. To err on the "more warming" side, let's make some ball-park estimates and say that fossil fuel usage largely stops within the next 100 years, and that CO2 peaks no higher than 2,000ppm (so, 2.3 doublings). Assuming that the concept of climate sensitivity holds for concentrations in that range, that gives us between 3 and 10 degrees C maximum warming. The low end is within natural variation over the geological history of the Earth, the high end is just beyond it, and the middle puts us smack dab into the period known as the Eocene Climate Optimum. Try as I might, I don't see how this is going to cause hundreds of millions of deaths and set back human progress by a hundred years. It's Malthusian doomsaying. Sure, it might cause localized displacements (although, 100 years is a long time in human terms, and people are good at adapting - that's why we're the dominant species) - but the discount rate over a period of a hundred years is awfully large, and localized displacements many decades from now don't warrant drastic changes to our economy today. K^2 is really the right person to talk to about the standard model - my expertise is QFT in curved space so I don't play with the full particle physics model often. However, I'll give it a shot: The standard model contains 18 free parameters: 9 fermion masses, 3 mixing angles and one phase, three coupling constants, the Z_0 mass, and the Higgs mass. Its dependence on each of these parameters is relatively simple, and many of them are amenable to independent experimental confirmation. Granted, the form of the model is purely phenomenological, but we have reason to believe that that form is largely correct on physical grounds. Furthermore, the model is much, much simpler than the climatological models, and we have far better quality of data against which to test it. Also, we don't tend to use the standard model for extrapolation (it's generally accepted that the standard model will break down at sufficiently high energies, which is why we continually build more and more powerful particle accelerators to probe for new physics). So, the answer is that you're right: it works as well as it does because it's been tuned really well. But, we've also pretty much run out of parameter space for the model: if we change any of the parameters, the model ceases to work so well. This gives us indication that the form of the model is probably right. However, these are the right types of questions, and physicists have been asking these questions about the Standard Model for half a century (and we still are; do an arXiv search for "Beyond the Standard Model" physics). Lastly, the standard model has survived the acid test: it has made predictions which have been born out by experiment. The most recent such success was the discovery of the Higgs Boson. If the situation were analogous from climate science, I would be willing to trust the models. It's not. The models are more complicated and less well tuned, and the parameter space of the models is not so well understood. The mere fact that we're using models in the plural, rather than Standard Model (singular and capitalized), should tell you something about the relative success (or lack thereof). And, lastly, the climate models have not survived the acid test: they uniformly predicted more warming than was observed for the first decade of the 21st century.
  13. I guess it would be nice, to set multiple targets for one dish. For example I have 4 in GSO around Kerbin, now I would like to add all for to one dish and the dish selects automatically which is useful/connected. Of course, this doesn't fix the talking back problem, that the targeted GSO then needs to talk back. Fabian
  14. There's a handful of things that can go wrong. First of all, there's two different antennae - the omnidirectional antennas, and the more powerful dish antennas. There isn't an omni that can reach from Kerbin to Duna, so if that is all you have when you're putting craft up there you're boned. The satellite dishes need to be opened, and you need to target them. So if you're going to hyperedit craft, it's best to put them on the launch pad, right click on the antenna and target them at Kerbin, and then shift them. Finally, remember that KSC has fairly short range capability on its own. I don't recall if it can reach to Minmus, it definitely can't talk to Duna on its own. If you're avoiding effort, the simplest way to solve this is with a small relay craft with both an omni and a large dish that's parked near KSC. The omni talks to KSC, the satellite dish should be aimed at your craft, or the body it's orbiting around. The thing to remember with relaytech is that it works on line of sight. If you only have one craft on Duna then it will only work if it can see the craft on Kerbin. If you've only got one satellite dish near KSC, then the window where they can both see each other is pretty small indeed.
  15. I can remember all of my planes in KSP, and often talk to myself while thinking, "I wonder what would happen if I did this." I picture it in my mind, too.
  16. Ah, the great what-ifs when you think about British aerospace in general. The UK is the only country to develop a booster, get it to orbit, and then give it up. Thats the sad thing about that whole debacle; the cost was really small, and the engineers worked it all out (took them nearly 30 years, but they did it), only for the government to drop it. Doesn't exactly give a lot of hope for anything to get developed. All this talk about great things being done in the shed, well, thats great and all (often great ideas come from it), but those shed ideas which got developed into something useful (radar & Colossus come to mind), were given massive backing by the government of the day. And when the statistics show that the UK space industry is one of the most profitable, and fast growing markets in the UK economy, what does the government do to boost it? Nothing. Oh, they set up the UK Space Agency, another quango which will just eat some more money from the R&D budget, with some paper pushers earning money, considering they didn't pump any money into it. Even the logo cost 50 million quid. Thats the modern PowerPoint generation for you. Rolls-Royce should pony up. Its the only company that would make sense to take the chance, and to be fair to RR, they do make some of the greatest engines ever made. Even hardware noone else could duplicate.
  17. Nice shot of the sun over Kerbin. Enjoy Minmus. Don't let your Kerbals bring spoons. The whole moon is made of mint ice cream. Margaul the Magnificent, Slayer of the Elevator Boss, AKA Prince Ali, and the guy who always has his finger on the "talk" button.
  18. All Russia use it, because there is no real alternative. AOL? Why it all English? Does it have Russian interface? And why there are no anyone here? MSN? I can not leave a message when recipient is offline? FAIL. Jabber/Google talk? There is such hodgepodge of incompatible clients, that simple file transfer does not work! Skype? Yes, only Skype is real competitor of ICQ. And so, ICQ ended up being bought by Mail.ru...
  19. Hay man, your work is fantastic! I am working on another project and don't have time for making new models, so I think you are the right man to talk to =) One of the things I wanted to make is a WET WORKSHOP, which is practically, a fuel tank that when used, turns into a crewable module. For example, there was a proposition once upon a time in NASA to convert the Shuttle external tank into a crewable module once it's spent. So imagine the stock KSP orange tank that can be crewed after being emptied =) Another thing could be a fuel tank that converts into a cargo bay (for example for retrieving debris or satellites) It sounds like a great compromise for part count. The dry mass of the workshop would be higher than the standard fuel tank and also more expensive (maybe even twice), but you wouldn't need to carry another module for crewing, also you get a bigger crew space for less launch mass. The bad side is that it can be crewed only when the tank is empty (and possibly can't be reverted to tank function since it would undergo some interior decoration after being crewed). You could also easily use the models you've already made, but give them more... less sophisticated sturdier fuel-tanky texture =) It's actually strange that there is no mod that exploits this idea..
  20. No need for hardcoding AT ALL if you write an interface to transfer money to your mod. This way, the "sale" can be handled by the other mod, at no effort to you at all. No coding, no config files, nothing. The way you propose means anyone adding a resource would have to tell you, and you'd have to compile again. Makes no sense. Maybe we should talk about this off forum. Feel free to PM me.
  21. So I've made some progress today on the mathematics side. Between yesterday and today I've fully worked out the mathematics for computing the departure body-centric delta-V required to achieve any transfer orbit to anywhere in the Kerbal solar system. Basically, given: 1) A starting orbit around a planet/moon, and 2) A transfer orbit around some "central body" (say the Sun or Jool) my code will now compute the required delta-v vector required to achieve the transfer orbit about the central body. As an example, take a hypothetical Kerbin departure to some other planet, say Jool. You start in the following orbit about Kerbin: SMA = 1700 km Eccentricity = 0.2 Inc = 11.5 deg RAAN = 5.7 deg Arg of Peri = 5.7 deg Using the first part of my tool (the porkchop plot tool, above, which will actually just use this information transparently to the user, but bear with me...), you know you want to hit of hyperbolic excess velocity of: V_inf_outbound = <0.5, 0.4, 0> km/s My code does some math and comes up with the following optimal departure (that is, it's not any departure orbit, it's the least expensive (aka best) you can achieve!): (Solid black line is the current orbit about Kerbin, the dashed line is the hyperbolic escape orbit, and the cyan line at the intersection of the two is the delta-v vector.) What this says is that if you burn 0.55193 km/s in your velocity direction, -0.76105 km/s in your orbit normal direction, and 0.35743 km/s in your radial direction, you'll hit your target escape orbit and be on your way to Jool! The code also knows the burn true anomaly, making it easy to place the maneuver node. I realize these numbers don't mean much unless you use MechJeb or Improved Maneuver Nodes. However, if you do use these tools, all you have to do is create a maneuver node at the correct location, enter these values into the boxes, and execute the maneuver. Voila! You're basically where you want to be. I need to talk to The_Duck and R4mon and see if they'll do a "create node at True Anomaly" thing for MechJeb. If they can, this will be a hundred times better for use in-game. As it is, though, it's an excellent planning tool. Any thoughts, comments, etc? Please note that what I'm showing is just the math and I still need to work out a GUI, etc, for actually applying it.
  22. Ok, I got the sound setting figured, so tommorow I´ll be streaming again Propably in 22:00 GMT +1 EDIT: And I promise I´ll talk english this time
  23. Impressive. This makes me want to tool around with Moho sooner than I thought. Margaul the Magnificent, Slayer of the Elevator Boss, Prince Ali, and the guy who always has his finger on the "talk" button.
  24. Nice work, but the gold tank is a tank, it's not a lander. If you watch the video, the lander used by the crew is one of the two sent ahead of the crew vehicle. It's the reason it carries an Orion capsule at the front, so that they can transfer across. That's at about the five minute mark on the video. That gold tank is drained on the transfer to mars and dumped. The problem recreating it the lack of a "saddle truss" in KSP - essentially an open truss cargo bay. Using the two girders that you originally did would have been quite weak I imagine. I wonder if we can talk one of the many talented modders here to create a saddle truss :-) Otherwise, nicely done - it's nice to see someone building the Copernicus, it's a great looking ship, I think.
  25. But we ARE just further ahead on a scale. There's no fixed limit, above which you can be said to be sentient, as far as I know. It's like sexual preferences, it's scientifically meaningless to talk about people being straight or gay. It's all a sliding scale, with most people being near the "straight" end, some near the "gay" end , and a few closer to the middle. I imagine sentience the same way, with ringworms near the bottom, apes somewhere near our end of the scale, and us near the top.
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