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  1. This poll is badly worded and bady placed. It's not a general discussion about KSP, so it should be in the Off Topic forums. First of all, NASA's charter doesn't talk about establishing colonies on other worlds. NASA is a research and technology development agency. Its role is to develop new technologies and to make them available to the aerospace industry. A colony makes no sense. There are only two reasons for colonists to want to migrate to another planet: either they are being forced to move there by the political power (ie. Australia) or they move voluntarily to improve their wealth, their confort or their security. Mars or the Moon offer neither wealth, nor comfort, nor security. Also, colonies only make sense if there is an economical incentive for the power who is financing the colonization effort, either though trade or by establishing a political land grab. Only the land grab idea is feasible, but there is no point in a land grab when there are no resources and there is no way to reach the land. The only thing that makes sense is a permanent/semi-permanent scientific outpost, similar to McMurdo base in Antarctica, with crew rotations and regular supply lines. However, this would be immensely expensive.
  2. I don't play minecraft much anymore, so I normally talk about what I did in the past. My base in my Vanilla world. It's villager area. Now for more recent stuff. When me and Pluto100 played a world, I decided we would need a awesome area to live, so I walked/boated to find this area. You have no idea the torture it was to find this dang area, it was about 50000 blocks away from spawn. About 35000 of that being ocean. Torturous.
  3. Hello! I'm an Italian player of KSP, i love so much that game. I've too opened an Italian Channel of YT who talk about Kerbal. Sorry for my bad english Bye!!
  4. Hi guys, My brother showed me Kerbal Space Program about 3 weeks ago, and I am absolutely enjoying the game. Although my rocket design is not perfect, I've been messing around with moonbases, landing on other planets and building some airplanes. Roleplay has really been an enjoying part of my game aswell. For example: Recently, my mission to Duna went wrong. The goal was to land a scientific rover on Mars to discover a good site for a potential Duna base, and then fly back to Kerbin. However, during the landing sequence, something went wrong, and the rover aswell as the rocket were damaged. The rover is now almost incapable of moving, and the rocket can under no circumstances safely launch. It just so happens, our brave Kerbonaut, Bob Kerman was inside the rocket. Thanks to a miracle, he survived. Instead of just restarting the mission, I decided to go ahead and begin a rescue operation. I've never been able to make a spacecraft that is able to fly to Duna, land, and get back. The last 5 days I've been busy attempting to save the brave Kerbonaut, and I've had several failed attempts (which I could talk about for hours ) at getting him back. Rather than just looking up a tutorial, I decided it would be more of a challenge to do it without one. Roleplay always seems to do well in Sandbox games. Anyways, I decided to join the forums, so I could share all of my epic creations and progress on missions similair to the above.
  5. Currently streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/orbitusii Lots of stuff to talk about tonight! Mekan1k should be joining me partway through the stream, so be there!
  6. BvB: Make the juice and charge your Talk-o-Matic 2000 and dodge the satellite and look inside it (Not sure if there is a rule for thread bumping, please tell if there is.)
  7. Hello, I understand things can be daunting...learning chess is daunting...playing it is daunting...winning is impossible...so what do we do here? WE LOSE !? Why we lose !? Cause when we lose, that's when we learn...and we start over, and over, til we find the amount of satisfaction we need; then we start over each time gettin just a little bit happier.... I am streaming live video feeds of KSP and Blender tonite - hop on over... I only been at the game for a month and now it is the only game I am playing...why...cause I can create here...like writing a song...its all about creation and living a dream - ya I know thats abit exagerating haha...but you get the idea ! http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta I am learning ans streaming Blender at the moment - talk about learning something ! But wow Blender is easy compared to learning animation which I need to do next. I am building a wroking Mission Control Center in KSP...How you may ask? I dont know actually, but whatever happens, happens...! Cdr Zeta
  8. How'd you talk Sandra into working on your space station?
  9. So I was doing Pe kicks to get to Jool. Unfortunately Mun got in the way, but I figured "meh, it dosen't change my orbit much." (because i kinda just went right past it. Well once I exited the SOI on the up trip it turns out that I encountered Mun again coming back to Kerbin. I was like "well that kinda kills my ejection angle." Then I realized that I had just gotten an escape trajectory from kerbin for only 800 m/s Dv... I figured I would just see what planets I could get to. Turns out I can get to Duna despite my entirely wrong phase angle for only 1000 m/s Dv. Talk about happy accidents I am going to get there with almost 8,000m/s extra Dv. Can anyone tell me any way to repeat this process in the future on purpose (and somehow maintain an appropriate phase angle)? This is the most epic gravity assist
  10. A preadtor has a top speed of 135mph, anda service ceiling of 7,600m. Talk about low and slow, even has to skimp on the weaponry, it can barely carry the two hellfires on it.
  11. I use ASAS for docking as well. I've never tried multi-docking before but people always say that it is hard to get them all to 'stick'. The point of solid core is that it is the only one we actually know how to build. There has been talk over the years of closed-cycle gas core lightbulbs and such but they are nowhere at all near being a mature technology.
  12. Yes. Ioncross is the name of a gaming community that came together around Freelancer. I gave the mod the name so the guys who I talk and play Kerbal with could easily find the mod on the spaceport.
  13. You have to use Youtubes dispute system, and good luck with that. Google has no Live customer support for any of their sites or services. Unless your like a multimillion dollar company .. then you can talk to someone. You being a "Nobody" as google see's it have to just deal with them through Email. Be very very clear on the videos content. Don't say anything that could be taken as a admission of guilt. When dealing with any of google's services you have to think like a lawyer. Otherwise you're screwed. I found this out the hard way. Google banned my adsense account last year claiming fraud. They wouldn't tell me what had occurred, or on which my my sites, either my blogspot account or youtube. Also note, Google's policies on Adsense use, if your site or videos are viewed by a bot or series of them that interact with the ads, Google will use that as a excuse to claim fraud, even if you had no responsibility for the Bot or its actions. This is what happened to me after a LOT of digging through my sites activity logs. Bot swarmed on my blogspot site, and google banned my adsense account and refused to reinstate it even after I showed them evidence of what happened. You get 1 and only 1 appeal with any issue on a google site, if that appeal is denied your just out of luck Google won't respond to further inquires.
  14. I had only one Sim City video. All other videos were KSP. Just one simcity video and it was flagged for copyright music, the music was the background music of the game. I didnt upload more simcity because of it. All music I used for KSP was free to use. I was very careful to find content that was allowed so this didn't happen. I also posted the license and copyright to all my video descriptions. It's the Kevin guy Kurt Jmac uses and other popular you tubers use. You tube does not tell you why and I've tried the appeals system. The only take your email. There is no one to appeal to or contact that I can find. I think it's EA too but I don't know who to talk to resolve it.
  15. Hey, Gillbald found it and decided to use it. See the smile? He's very happy about finding such an amazing "just lying around" part to slap on his rocket. You'll have to take it up with the little green feller. I tried to talk him out of it...
  16. Well, in KSP, asparagus staging works good, at least, it depends about the rocket. However, when we talk about real, earth drag, then it become a total other story. So, asparagus staging can help a lot in some cases, but in some other cases, it don't really helping anything.
  17. That makes sense to me. People talk about how a decent drag model would kill asparagus, but I'm far from convinced. We're only that concerned with drag for the first 8-10,000 metres anyway, and to a first approximation an asparagus rocket is just a load of individual rockets flying in formation.
  18. Sure, why not. Brace yourself for nostalgia and photo-avalanches! I went to Duna. It looked in phase, and I had a very successful Mun rescuer. I rebuilt it into an interplanetary lander, with satellites, cart-mod rover probes, the lot. I tested it extensively on Kerbin, and found it could land with only the derouges, and a little engine thrust, so I assumed I'd be good for Duna. Enough talk. Here are the pics: (Yeah, this was before I knew about F1) They've been there for about two years. I needed to send them some extra stuff so they had the Delta V to get home. That extra stuff: Those are arms to grab the command module. Not a sail.
  19. Flying, discovery, mining - okay, thats some pretty noble goals. But first, someone has to fly the ship, make the discovery and use the resources. It all starts with little, green guys So, kerbonaut training is the thing i chose to vote on. Currently Bill, Bob and Jeb are known to everyone - they are icons of space program, and rightly so. But the rest? They are literally "the other guys" - we talk about them only if one has unique name, or survived a huge disaster. With personal stats and training allowing to customise them even further, every single kerbonaut will be distinct and important. And will add another major layer of management of hum...errr, kerbal resources to the game.
  20. About 1-2 minutes under Linux, 3 minutes under Windows (identical hardware -- dual-boot system). Which is really odd when you consider the Windows hard drive has a faster seek time than the Linux one -- literally the one aspect where their hardware differs, and Windows has the upper hand yet comes out on bottom!! (We won't talk about my laptop, where I really can't even fly ships in excess of 4 or 5 parts and yet I try to fly my 400-500-part ships on it anyway!!) Only mod installed is Subassembly Loader. I do use symlinks and Dropbox to keep everything in sync between my various computers.
  21. That would be Skykooler. He is indeed on the forums, except that I believe he's dropped the project. I intend to talk to him about getting the source code so I can clean it up and release it (with credit of course!).
  22. When I talk to others I tend to call them Rockets, when alone in the VAB I give them alot of different names, dependant on Function, Target, my mood, a lot of things, for example my first Jool Mission was named Julia I tend to give my spaceships female names, for ships are always female, and spaceships they are (and Rockets, and orbiter, and stations, and drones, and catastrophees and ... well I like to refer to them as space ships and give them fancy names )
  23. KSP is great because: It has given my something to totally let my inner nerd shine. It's great because I can talk orbital babble and have my friends give me sideways glances. It's great because it is one of the coolest feelings to see someone who says they would NEVER play this kind of game find their way to the Mun in awe of their subtle yet grand accomplishment.
  24. Since the forums have been knocked out and this thread no longer exists, we need a new one Talk about anything in Minecraft, share stuff you built, just have it INVOLVE MINECRAFT! I build my houses into large caves on the surface. I shape it how I need it to be, fence off the top, and then add rooms for all my needs.
  25. This is pretty close to the limit of my understanding, too; a satisfactory answer here really requires a quantum gravity theory. Part of the problem is that we always talk about gravitons as perturbations around a background metric - but in the black hole case Schwarzschild (or Kerr, etc.) is the background metric, which means that the information regarding the propagation of gravity away from the black hole is already contained in the background. Attempting to describe the singularity itself perturbatively runs into renormalization issues and generally fails. You can consider propagation of gravity waves due to a change in the position of the black hole - this is the subject of the numerical relativists working on binary black hole mergers in conjunction with LIGO on the experimental side - but even those calculations are considering perturbations well away from the two black holes and the event horizons; the collision itself is handled non-perturbatively. However, K^2 is correct that virtual particles are not confined to behavior on the mass shell. This is one of the ways to think about Hawking radiation - you have correlations between virtual particles on either side of the horizon which result in an energy flux across the horizon. Gravitons can be approximated by a massless, minimally coupled scalar field which certainly obeys the properties K^2 describes. Now, if we want to get speculative and start talking quantum gravity, things change. There's some indication, based on generic properties of candidate quantum gravity theories (and supported by some of my own, soon-to-be-published research in stochastic gravity) that spacetime is not four dimensional on small scales, but rather two-dimensional. The geometry may be something like a 2-complex (to understand what a 2-complex is, think of an arbitrary graph in 3 dimensions - containing vertices connected by edges - and allow that graph to evolve in time such that each vertex traces out a world line and each edge a world sheet, but also vertices are allowed to merge and split so that the graph changes shape from time slice to time slice). If this is the case, then (on a given time slice) a black hole would look like a graph where every vertex has many connections leading towards the singularity and only a few leading away, such that any particle random walking the graph has an overwhelming probability of falling towards the singularity. "Gravitons" in this picture are the connections in the graph itself, so the singularity is still gravitationally connected to the outside universe. Of course, this is only on such picture (one suggested by the Loop Quantum Gravity approach, but also not incompatible with several others); it is by no means the only picture, nor is there any reason yet to believe that this is the way things really are.
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