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  1. Personally I am at an impass for myself. I am not against it and will not give anyone any greaf about it until I watch an episode. But I have a friend who has a rusted old scalpel and he hates My Little Pony and I he continues to talk about something happening like in the story cupcakes. oh and becoming an entry level assassin is easy. You just need a weapon and some training. There is a reason not many assassins exist above entry level!!!!
  2. Obviously it cannot be a qoute about The Stig, it clearly doesn\'t know how to talk!
  3. It\'s kind of small, but mine says 'Don\'t talk shit about TOTAL.'
  4. i a-bein' takin' that as an insult! Arr! You're a-gonna be keelhauled ovar me biggest flying ship. Arrr! (It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day)
  5. . . . And that be talk like a pirate day! So arr to all ye shipmates aboard the Good Ship Kerbal! Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!
  6. Hello! I've just registered here:) KSP is probably my favourite game as of now, mainly because of the amazing 'If kerbals die, take new ones from a box' theme and awesome developers, who actually talk to the people and listen to our (sometimes stupid) ideas:D So yeah, hello!
  7. Yeah you can talk! BTW, I'm not a pony hater. I got the 1 hour loop of MLP Equestria Gurls on my iPod. And I'd have a MLP avatar, but I can't be bothered looking for one. World of Warcraft though...
  8. *shrug* So let's talk Bitcoins. They have junk volumes; they are illiquid; they are used primarily by speculators, fanboys, and criminals; they are extraordinarily vulnerable to market manipulation; they aren't backed by anything (fiat currency is backed by a government's willingness to accept it as tax; gold is backed by thousands of years of cultural tradition; Canadian Tire money is backed by a business that could buy every Bitcoin on the market out of petty cash); the exchanges for it are rapacious in their fees and slow in their delivery of real money; the alternative of finding random mooks willing to trade them is the highest order of sketchiness and is, in any event, wholly insufficient for an actual transactional medium; the exchange rate to useful currencies fluctuates wildly and remains extremely unstable (this ties into the speculation issue); the lack of any regulatory body is a downside, not an advantage; five guys with mortgages could corner the entire market; there are, as noted, doubts to the long-term technical feasibilies; the promoters of it are trying to con suckers into buying in, so they can cash out, in classic pyramid scheme fashion; the entire trade is based on the last-sucker principle, where people buy things they know are overpriced in hopes of being able to sell them to another sucker. BitCoins are penny stocks with a bit of technical gloss to overawe geeks, nerds, and the ignorant. They're a scam. To these arguments, you have countered with 'you're misinformed' and 'so's wall street'. These are arguments that are literally contemptible in their lack of content, and I have so pointed them out. You bragged about your (alleged) wealth and intelligence, which is less than useless, and I pointed that out. Perhaps I was too subtle, in that I did so by making similar, exaggerated claims, instead of simply saying 'Yeah, I don't believe you, because anyone can claim anything on the internet, and the three things people lie most often about are money, brains, and sex.' I expect you'll get round to the third eventually. You also seem to have a persistent persecution complex, since the vast, vast majority of your posts are plaintive complaining about how people are being mean to you. I have some news for you, pointman; you may wish to sit down for it. Something being your super mega extra sugary special opinion doesn't require others to agree with it. This does not mean they're flaming you, it means they disagree. If you want to see what actual flaming looks like, I can provide. Or you can man up and try arguing instead of threatening to hold your breath and take your money and go home like a five year old who got picked last for football. You were the one who took this offtopic, pointman. I've given you the chance; you can put it back whenever you please. Ball's in your court.
  9. Idiot.... hmmm.. perhaps. Maybe I am. I do scientific research on proteins for a living. but I am sure I am stupid. -Admin www.talk-reason.com Go ask those guys if I'm an idiot....and while you are there, ask my wife who is a director of Neuroscience if I am an idiot. Ya know... nevermind ALL that. You should see my portfolio. Real life... not Bitcoin. I have both.
  10. I live square in the middle of one of North America's largest cities. Only nine American and two Canadian ones are larger. Kindly do not make presumptions you know nothing about. You're a man trying to compare a pebble you found lying in the street to Mt. Everest. EDIT: Let's talk numbers for a second. Mtgox is the biggest BitCoin exchange. It's thirty-day volume amounts to nine million USD. That's nothing. EDIT2: Real currency exchanges are not, in fact, slower than driving to Joe Schmoe's house. Real currency exchanges have the ability to flip the same dollar several hundred-- or more!-- times in a single second.
  11. So we can't talk about pi, huh? Whattt aboutttt.... TAU?(Pi variant) 6.28318531
  12. STOP TALKING ABOUT PI PI SUCKS TALK ABOUT MUN MUN DOESN'T SUCK wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  13. I meant that I felt less like competition because 'we're gonna buy both, anyway,' in that they funded both the low-risk *and* high-risk options, rather than having a traditional design competition where both options are developed and tested, then the one that better met the requirements were purchased. An artifact of the times, and directly related to the poor intel that indicates a 'missile gap,' yes, but still, it's like Atlas and Titan were *both* guaranteed big orders, instead of it being 'winner take all.' Assisted, of course, by the fact that there were exactly two markets for boosters at the time, DoD and NASA. (Remember, NASA had a legal monopoly on American civilian space launches--including commercial comsats--until after Challenger.) Boeing or Chrysler *might* have been willing to take on developing a Saturn-class booster on their own--note how Chrysler spent billions of dollars over thirty years trying to make the gas turbine-powered car work, and how betting more than the company's worth (B-17, B-29, 707, 747, 777) is almost a rite of passage at Boeing--if they'd been able to market it to a wide array of customers, but with only the two government agencies as potential customers, and the resultant requirement to go through design competitions to sell the boosters, there was no way they could guarantee recouping the investment. I'd always heard that in the Russian aviation industry, secrecy ran rampant enough that often, MiG wouldn't know what Sukhoi was doing, for example. Not necessarily as a matter of official security protocol, but rather just because people didn't talk, lest they accidentally let something slip around a KGB guy who'd inform on them. Might be wrong, but I somehow suspect there was a lot of duplicated effort due to secrecy. (Witness how NASA duplicated much of the design effort for an upper stage for Atlas and Titan boosters until the Air Force finally declassified the Vega program, just before renaming it Agena--which had exactly the same performance as NASA was going for, and would be ready two years sooner. If that happened in the 'open' world of the US, I'm sure similar SNAFUs happened in the more secretive Soviet system.) Don't forget an inflatable airlock where you need to partially depressurize the EVA suit to reach the repressurization controls! That's the most likely scenario for the earth-orbit Apollo Applications missions, complete the Titan III development and use those to fly Apollo CSMs in low orbit to 'dry workshop' space stations launched on INT-21. NASA was leaning towards Saturns, of course, because von Braun was still around and trying to urge their use because they avoided putting people boosters that used solid rockets, which he did not trust at ALL. (Can't blame him... ever since Challenger, I held my breath all the way from SRB ignition to SRB sep, every shuttle launch.) I'm not sure, just due to the need to lug deadweight equal to roughly three times the payload up to orbit, every single time, plus the need to fly it crewed for simple satellite launches where the crew's entire input was 'Point orbiter in correct direction, open sun shade, spin up PAM-D, release clamps.' Did that really require sending up a four-man crew? No, but every time the Shuttle was used as a comsat launcher, that's what they did. I certainly agree there. This is why most of the Saturn-derivative schemes attempted to reduce the number of stages to simplify some of these issues, with the ultimate example being the Saturn V-B (described in detail here: http://astronautix.com/lvs/saturnvb.htm) that MSFC proposed in 1968, a 'stage-and-a-half' version of the Saturn V's first stage that could put a payload comparable to Shuttle into the same orbit. You'd end up with a single-manufacturer, horizontally-assembled rocket somewhat akin to if someone took Atlas and injected it with a mixture of horse steroids and Miracle-Gro. ;P If you needed a higher orbit for a somewhat smaller payload, an upper stage engine could be mounted on top of it, of course, and the development time and cost would have been *very* attractive by comparison to Shuttle! The versions I've seen were relatively simple modifications of the S-IC, removing the fins (which were of almost no value) and part of the thrust structure fairing for weight reduction to add 45m wings with vertical stabilizers at the tips, jet engines, and a one-man cockpit just forward of the left wing(!), with plans to replace the F-1s after each flight; MSFC and Boeing estimated about a 20% payload reduction as a result. (See http://astronautix.com/lvs/winturnv.htm) INT-20, along with INT-18 and INT-19, was proposed as the replacement for the IB; INT-21 was always seen as a heavy-lifter. (Quick summary: INT-18 was an S-II/S-IVB stack with either two or four Titan strap-on SRBs; INT-19 was the same stack, but with between 4 and 12 Minuteman I first stages as strap-on SRBs; INT-20 was a stack with an S-IVB atop a three-engine S-IC, largely considered due to von Braun's distaste for SRBs.) Realistically, though, the Titan III would have been a better choice for an Apollo earth-orbital booster in the long-term, and probably would have won the contract. What really annoys me about Skylab/Apollo Applications is that we could have, at minimal cost, kept flying almost right up until the Shuttle was ready. After all, in 1972, after the last lunar flight, NASA's inventory included six complete and one partially complete Apollo spacecraft (if you count 102, the Pad 34 checkout vehicle, and 105, used in acoustic tests; 115 was never fully completed after the original Apollo 15 mission was cancelled in 1969), six complete and three partially complete Saturn IBs (S-IVB-212 had been converted to the Skylab orbital workshop while S-IVB-213 and -214 were cancelled in 1968), and two complete and one partially complete Saturn Vs (S-IVB-515 had been converted to the backup Skylab orbital workshop). The Skylab program, as flown, expended one of the Saturn Vs (SA-513, with S-IVB-513 being replaced with the prime Skylab workshop), three of the Saturn IBs (SA-206, -207, -208), and three of the Apollo spacecraft (116, 117, 118). By finishing the work on spacecraft 115, mating S-IVB-514 or -515 with S-IB-212, and then using SA-514 or -515 to launch the converted S-IVB-515 as a second Skylab workshop, we could have flown three more Skylab missions in the late 70s while retaining spacecraft 111 and SA-209 as the rescue mission, at virtually no cost to the taxpayers. We'd already bought all the hardware, it was all flight-rated, and the only costs would have been training, manpower, and consumables. What's more, this would have given the Space Shuttle someplace to *go* on its early missions, instead of it being a shuttle bus that didn't have a destination. Instead, this expensive flight-rated hardware ended up either rotting in rocket gardens, or, in the case of S-IB-212, -213, and 214, simply scrapped. :-\ Very frustrating, but it's so typical of the US government to not at least try to use up what it's bought and paid for, y'know?
  14. I also want to echo Reflectors statments about this stuff being common knowledge. (At least it SHOULD be.) That the OP has a tertiary education (that he's proud of, no less) and still has so many wrong ideas is a sad indicator of the larger state of affairs. Orbiter is more realistic than anyone could ever hope to make KSP with mods. I call again for this crazy talk to stop. Stop I say!
  15. True, each winglet produces a moment, but they SHOULD cancel out, regardless of their longitudinal offset. I'm starting to think that there may be a slight error in the radial position of the winglet when not using the symmetry tool, which would cause a small moment like the one Foamy's illustrating. Maybe. Yes... WHA- Go learn the difference between resultants and components; between coplanar, colinear and parallel; between lift and drag. Then MAYBE we can talk. Flipping through a glossary of physics terms and picking them at random does not constitute a cogent argument. Well, aren't you a gem....
  16. Delirant isti Kerbali! (Roughly: Those Kerbals talk rubbish / are insane)
  17. Talk about memories! I remember a styrofoam shuttle kit I had, with C-type motors. I think we did one single full launch, and it ended up in a tree. Then we got to playing with just the C-types, and strapped cardboard fins and toothpick struts to them. And of course, little tin foil men, which were named 'Kerbals' Thank you for making that reskin. It's significant on many levels here. Hmm, now, we need an Estes-like tripod launchpad Cheers EDIT: Oh and yeah, I've done a small change to the parts loading scheme, and underscores will no longer be a taboo character on part names
  18. Awesome! That cockpit looks like it's been revised so many times. There's Apollo-like gauges next to glass displays. Anyone notice there's a guy standing near the access hatch on the lower flight deck? Talk about photobomb Cheers
  19. Well I'm a big fan of Anime (The good stuff anyway) and my friend and I use Baka as a general name for everyone (luckly also anime fans) so one day I just skipped the small talk and called myself a stupid person in Japanese I have the same problem, but the thing is with me.. I'M HUGE! Call me porkins... well don't actually call me that , but I can just walk up to people and it can take them 10 minutes to realize I'm there. Add that ability to my sharpshooting skills and you have a special forces elite in the making. Able to sneek up on enemies or take them down with a shot from a distance. Just don't expect me to crawl through vents...
  20. It's saving the path to the config correctly, it just doesn't seem to like reading the value. I wonder if it has to do with slashes, maybe they need to be escaped or something. I've never used Java so I gots no ideas there. I'm on the IRC channel if you need to talk shop. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  21. first game? bloody good job. spiffing, if I say so myself! good job old bean! [/end posh talk]
  22. 150K downloads in 18 days... That's an average of 8333 per day over the current lifespan Lets talk some cash here. Lets take the conservative estimate that 50% of the people are just downloading a free demo and that 50% are paying. Now imagine when the game gets a price tag, lets say $10 for arguments sake. That would equate to almost $42,000 per day... or around 3/4 of a Million in 18 days had the game been carrying a price tag (using conservative estimates). Heck at $5 a pop that would still be $375K right there. However, being the smart person that HarvesteR is, he's getting us all hooked first with the free aplha then when the time comes - Early Retirement And I for one do not mind helping him retire young in exchange for this awesome game. Keep it up bro, you deserve every penny coming your way soon.
  23. Since most people (Myself not included) seem to find regular orbits fairly easy, I was wondering if anyone had done something a bit more fun, like a Molniya orbit? I'm not sure if they are out of our realm without more advanced tools for calculating trajectory and orbit, but I'm sure somebody knows how to get into one. Feel free to talk about anything interesting you have done/noticed/want to do with orbits.
  24. You should totally talk to the folks who make this awesome game and get em to change it so decouplers don't fire before anything else. Frankly your retro's being able to fire at the same time as the decoupler would be an amazing thing...as is, firing them then the decoupler causes you to lose a bit of your velocity due to simple human reaction times. Still, keep up the good work. This mod is an amazing thing ;D
  25. Oh, by the way; if anyone here does have TeamSpeak3 I run a few servers; so if you want to get together and talk...
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