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  1. You have that the wrong way around, I\'m afraid. Like it or not, they\'re in charge. It\'s you who\'s going to have to learn how to talk to them if you want to get anywhere.
  2. @ydoow I have tried talking things out with my parents. I\'m better off not, they just end up getting me more raged. They don\'t know how to talk to me. Oh yeah i did write a song in this situation...
  3. LOL ... I\'ve already introduced him to the joys of Minecraft, and he\'s learned well on the iPad version. I think another year will be his prime for something like KSP, maybe even sooner. I already have a computer ready for him and it, just got to get it formatted and ready. May do some Let\'s Fly in the near future. My insane landing probes are ... interesting, to say the least. Not to mention very Kerbal. Hmm, if I could get him to talk into the mic, that 'Me and My 4-year old playing KSP' could be interesting. Will have to work on it! Some of his favorite Youtube Minecraft videos feature father\'s and their kids playing the Minecraft Yog Olympics. Will have to think on this! (Sorry to hijack, White Owl! Now back on topic!) For one of your future videos, I\'d like to see you land a truely massive Munolith Reconnaissance Base near one of the Munoliths, using your space plane/rocket designs. And I hereby request, that two of your Kerbonauts on such an endeavor be named Shawen Kerman and Aydan Kerman (the latter of which is my son\'s name ... he\'ll get a kick out of that ... unless he \'splodes ... hmmm, will have to prep him for that . The former is a Kerbal play on my real name). *Edit* Never post when you\'re exhausted bleh!
  4. Your sister engaged in a dialog with your parents and told them (right or wrong) that she had been wronged by you. You responded by yelling at your parents, refusing to tell your side of the story calmly, and then were rude to your parents again when they tried to talk to you. It is no wonder your sister got listened to. Never get angry. Anger clouds the mind and makes rational thought impossible. Outsmart your sister. Go to your parents first. Have a list of verifiable offenses. Document your claims. Never get angry. Anger makes you dumb.
  5. Remember the saying 'you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar'? Yelling and turning up the music when they try to talk to you is the absolutely worst thing you can possibly do, that\'s just going to make them angry at you. Staying calm won\'t make your parents listen to you, but at least it won\'t get your PC taken away. If it makes you feel any better, I\'m fairly sure your sister also thinks they never listen to her. That\'s just how parents are. Also, don\'t start arguments over something silly like a drink. I\'m sure there are other things in your house that you can drink. Choose your battles, and don\'t fight with your parents. That\'s a fight you can\'t win. So make your sister fight with them. Then they\'ll be angry with her and you\'ll win. Learn to push her buttons to make her do things that make them angry. Always have a plausible justification, though. If your parents suspect you manipulated your sister on purpose, you\'ll be in deep trouble. Always, always stay calm. Fear is the mind-killer, and so is anger. If you\'re not thinking clearly, you\'re going to do something stupid that\'ll make your situation worse.
  6. Well everytime i get into an argument with my sister, my parents listen to her side of the story. Just this morning i went to get a drink, my sister grabbed the drink from the fridge, she knew I was getting the drink, we got into an argument. She got my parents, she told her side of the story, that was it, me and my mom and i started yelling at eachother, my dad took away the pc. My parents each came in my room and tried to talk to me, i turned up the music so i couldnt hear them. Any way to deal with this? (P.S. I\'m on my tablet, sorry for grammar.)
  7. Pretend your a girl. The girls get ALL the subscribers. No don\'t do that. But if you want to be a legitimately good youtuber you should - NEVER ask for subscribers. It gives you a good reputation. Make your videos interesting. Even if it\'s just you minecrafting, talk over it. People like to hear voices Be Smart. Good artists steal from the right people. Don\'t use overused music. I will personally stab you. If you don\'t like your video, post it anyways. Opinions differ.
  8. On the contrary, the algorythm of Retrograding is so fussy and buggy that it is sometimes much faster to turn retrograde than wait untill it is done automatically. The 'Mun' button you talk about isn\'t enough a munbutton. I mean, this is just an easy way to calculate the orbit or just put yourself onto that orbit. Of course you had better know what is orbiting about, though. The guide made by hubbazoot is good enough, I think it\'s just perfect. And, just in case, there\'s one more PDF tutorial made by Guekko, it is now being translated somwhere. Cheerz, Shaun.
  9. Kosmo-not, I feel a lot the same about it as you do. As an engineer, I feel my goal is to achieve the desired result with the bounds that are currently set in place. So, if the bounds that are set in place don\'t allow for an autopilot system, I don\'t use them. Most of the time I want to talk to someone, whilst playing, I just leave the game running at 1x speed. I have yet to 'role-play' a mun flight mission, where I don\'t time lapse at all (I\'m planning on doing that over the summer). If a game has a built-in 'autopilot' system, I will use it. I use the ASAS because it\'s good at something that would take a LOT of effort to do myself, and it\'s an 'approved' methodology.
  10. I like the Mechjeb. It allows me to do stuff I would never have been able to do! I guess that I could work backwards; use plugins to show me how to do stuff, and slowly work my way towards independence. Most of the time though, I\'ll launch a rocket and have it set into a parking orbit while I talk with somebody. It\'s a matter of convenience.
  11. Jeeze, all this talk of Mechjeb, it\'s getting to the point where you may as well just press play on a youtube vid of a Mun flight
  12. Simply being able to toggle between vertical and horizontal flight should just be a matter of making the two engine groups use the Variableengine module and name the groups two different things in the .cfg. If you need more help you can hop on the KSP IRC and me or r4m0n can talk you through it.
  13. I\'ve just sent an email to Micro Simulateur, another french magazine about computer simulators, they\'ll maybe talk about KSP in the next edition !
  14. There\'s already a topic on this in this very forum about Planetary Resources, about 6 posts down. Talk about this there (feel free to put the youtube video in there as well) Locking this one. Thanks.
  15. very interesting talk, important bit starts around 28 minutes
  16. With thanks for the earlier link... I\'ll add that it might not actually be worth getting too very concerned about figuring out exactly how the lift/drag relationship works in the game right now, because I believe that system is supposed to see some changes sometime soon. Just speculating, since there was talk about more proper wing behavior back before C7 went to work directly for Squad.
  17. War can turn anyone insane. See the GIs who went to war for fighting for good ideals and came back after they enjoyed the deaths of innocent men, women and children. See the young people who enjoyed their life years ago and joined groups like the Taliban because they couldn\'t believe in a peaceful future again. I seriously can\'t imagine why normal people believe in RL war games (other universe is fine for me, so-called serious games also) and talk about it like 'I GOT MOAR KILLS IN TERMINAL MISSION THAN U'. I can\'t imagine why someone can play as a Nazi in games that \'gives you real WW2 experience\'. I also don\'t know why my father talks about his electronics company inventing parts for the TIGER (he sometimes calls it heli and sometimes tank, I believe it\'s the Eurocopter gunship) or about buying resources from the Taliban ('\'cause you can\'t really get \'em in other ways, every company does that') like about everything else. I don\'t get why the Formula 1 does not care at all about being in the center of a massacre. I really hope for the day a new CoD comes out and almost nobody buys it BECAUSE IT IS WAR. I hope for the day a new product comes out and nobody buys it BECAUSE WARLORDS MAKE MONEY WITH IT. But I know this will never happen...
  18. I can\'t believe its actually coming out at long last. I am very eager to see what the newest version will look like. It\'s odd, but I\'ve never considered it a ground breaking game, or even a particularly great game, but something about it is just amazingly fun (and no I am not calling the Diablo games \'bad\' or anything like that, that\'s crazy talk). I too started with a necromancer (in fact my original character was named Randox, and I keep using the name to carry on the line, sort of like my own personal Enterprise). My true class though are the Barbarians. Also, since D3 won\'t have the necromancer class, I might not name any of my characters Randox anymore. Randox has always been the name bestowed to my best necromancer. Might make a witch doctor named Parandox though, in honor of the old legacy.
  19. I noticed a glitch today while trying to build a Serenity or Prometheus style ship with rotating engine pods for VTOL. If you use vectored thrusters or SAS on the rotating engines it will glitch if you have ASAS on the ship. The rotatrons get all out of whack and no longer line up properly (is this the sort of thing people talk about with the Kraken?) and you are unable to move them, it also causes a drop in framerate.
  20. I haven\'t been talk or reading what you guys have been talking about, but there is two things that scare me. One being that how far people will go with combined themselves with robots and the other being that if we solve every desiease on the planet, that our ammune system will slowly evolve into something weaker, and then when a big bug comes along, it will wipe out half the population because of it.
  21. Wow, never thought I\'d live to see the day when people didn\'t know how 'land lines' work. You can connect them both, but they will not be able to handle separate calls. If someone is on one and you pick up the other, you will be able to hear and talk with the current conversation. If you need to be able to handle to calls at the same time, you will need a second number(easy, less $) or some kind of multiplexing switchboard (hard, more $). Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  22. I talk to my friends on deviantART in science
  23. Basicly, I won\'t talk about this one much. Its powered by 8 swivaling prop engines. Its 4 times larger that the launch tower. It breaks up often (as seen in one of the pictures). No weapons, no fancy design, just an experiment to see how big it could go.
  24. Are we allowed to talk about speed? ;D It\'s cool anyway 8)
  25. When we have two parties that don\'t inspire confidence (and it happens now and again!) you do get a bit of what we call 'informal voting' and 'donkey voting'. An informal vote is one in which you don\'t follow the instructions to correctly register a preference. You are legally obliged to show up at the polling booth and get your name marked off, but since the ballot is secret, you can do whatever you like with your ballot paper; you can leave it blank, you can write 'You all suck' on it, you can draw a picture of a pony, whatever you like. All of these votes (obviously including the ones where people mark ballots incorrectly by accident) are gathered together and called 'informal'. If both major parties suck, your informal vote skyrockets. I expect a high informal at our next election! Donkey voting is when you protest by not caring; you just vote 1,2,3,4 etc down the page without bothering about which candidate is which. I dislike this form of protest because a donkey vote IS A FORMAL VOTE. So donkey votes artificially inflate the candidate numbered '1' (for this reason the law says candidates must be randomly allocated in each division). There is a bit of this kind of protest voting. However our system allows a better way of protesting. Like most major democracies, we have two major parties (namely the left-wing Labor party, and the right-wing Liberal party[1]; and you can be pretty sure that ultimately one of those two will win most of the divisions. But minor parties or independent candidates CAN have an impact because we have a preferential system - in other words, you don\'t just tick the candidate you want and cross the other guy; you rank the candidates in order from most preferred to least preferred. If the election is close, the preferences of people voting for the independents and minor candidates can decide who wins many seats. Like the USA we have two houses - House of Representatives and the Senate. Unlike the USA, in which the party of the president finances his/her campaign but doesn\'t really figure in the election, the party with the most representatives is considered to be elected as government, and one member of that party is elected (by their party members) as Prime Minister. One curious result of this is that there\'s absolutely no reason why a party couldn\'t go to an election with leader Herp, then win the election (But Herp loses his seat) and instead elect Derp as PM. This system has a big advantage over the US system - if a PM is really doing a terrible job, there\'s an easy system for removing him or her (if the party loses confidence in them and has a vote as such, the PM is sacked). The disadvantage is that it\'s all too common for a sitting Prime Minister to be ousted by their own party on the back of bad results in the Opinion Polls (that is, not necessarily doing a bad job!). Our current PM 'knifed' our last PM, and this is a real problem for many of her traditional voters. Exactly. But right now, appealing to the centre ground won\'t get a candidate much traction. It\'s easier to convince people who don\'t vote BUT ALREADY SHARE YOUR VIEW to just get out there and vote than it is to convince people to change from voting one way to voting another way. This is why Presidential candidates tend to appeal to either the redneck vote or the bleeding heart vote - it\'s just the path of least resistance. In Australia, the whacked out fascists and the crazy communists are already voting, so appealing to the extremes doesn\'t actually help you. Instead, you need to put the effort into capturing the middle ground. You say that the majority of Americans are fairly centrist, and I\'d say you\'d be absolutely right. But your system doesn\'t actually reward politicians who truly represent them. Our system does. Perhaps the diagram below might help explain what I mean. Oh, they\'re quite willing to sabotage each other. But when I talk about party discipline, I mean something a little different. Our two parties certainly don\'t work together much. But they are disciplined. Every time Congress comes to a vote, the numbers of the votes will be slightly different. This is because Democrats and Republicans who feel strongly about an issue may well vote against their party. Therefore, in order to get a bill through Congress, a president or member often has to sacrifice a lot of what is good about their bill to get it through. In Australia, we consider that if a person has been elected on behalf of a particular party, they are obliged to vote with that party EVERY TIME SOMETHING COMES BEFORE PARLIAMENT. There are, of course, exceptions. A member who votes against their party is described as 'Crossing the floor'. But this is an extremely unusual event, and since the member was elected as a member of their party, it is viewed very seriously. If that member holds any ministry, they\'re required to resign. Consequently, a party that is elected in Australia has a much easier time of enacting their platform. In fact, to promise something and fail to deliver it is a very bad mistake for a party here. Of course it happens frequently, but it really harms your re-election chances if you do it. A curious example - the current Prime Minister went to the last election promising that there\'d not be a tax on Carbon dioxide emissions. The Carbon Tax is to be enacted this year! Here\'s the weird bit: Most Australians actually have little or no problem with the tax itself (there are a fair few people who disagree, or course, but polls have repeatedly demonstrated that people are generally okay with it). They DO have a problem with what is perceived as Ms Gillard\'s dishonesty - she went to the election promising 'no' but changed her mind once elected. The Labor Party will probably lose the next election because of this issue. It shouldn\'t be. Since the main power of government is to sign cheques (think about it - if they want to do something, government has to pay people to do it!), the budget is a key statement of priorities. Now, every government deviates from their budget because you can\'t plan for every event. However, governments should stick to budget as much as possible. Also, see what I said about party discipline. In Australia, a party promises X, Y and Z (and recently they\'ve been asked to submit their policies to Treasury to be costed). They then allocate the Nation\'s funds accordingly. Since they\'re elected to enact their platform, the budget should pass without any question or comment. Otherwise it\'s like having a new election every year! Well, if you can\'t cope with an inch-long spider that can kill a horse with its bite, you\'re probably too pitiful and weak to come here anyway. [1] Ironically Australian Liberals are not 'liberals' in the American context, they\'re conservatives! The name comes from a different use of the word - the Liberal party includes a fair number of different right-wing perspectives, ranging from fairly far right (think Tea Party Republicans) to Centrist (think bleeding heart Democrats). In the sense of a wide variety of views, they can truly said to be liberal.
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