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  1. the point i was getting at was that KSP by design is like ever other games in existance..A challange. Make easy..yes ...Remove the entire mechanic\'s of the game and there is no challange. It would be like starting a Final Fantasy game at a stupidly high level....you just button bash, grind and eventually get bored. See if thi principal of this discovery were put into a senerio so that you could instantly beam a glider into orbit to test it and refine it while developing a part....Or a langer into Mun orbit...yes, go for it...abuse the game all you like. BUT then all the work the production team are putting into the design of a test function (talk of it at least) will be pointless.
  2. I got to talk with that guy for a few hours at nasa about 7 years ago or so. He did some other really cool stuff with photography of cities from space. The different chemical make-up of the bulb elements produces some interesting effects. Check out his video where he throws an alka-seltzer into a globe of water, I like that one.
  3. OMG damnit 11 years and making a game of 500k lines of code My program is super simple, just to test my programming skills but I\'m pretty proud of my 750 line code program ontopic: When I was 11 years old i had totally no work for school. But damnit now, I\'m 13, I have every day ton of work on topic 2: I just downloaded that Talk to my robot link. But the file has a .py extansion. How to open it?
  4. only version thats not for beta testers untill V 0.1.0 this version is V 0.0.1 http://uploading.com/files/da9bd512/Talk%2Bto%2Bmy%2Brobot.zip/ you have to have python to you dont need to sciprt just this is the game engin it runs on http://python.org/download/releases/3.2.2/
  5. Tiny Tim Takes Time To Talk To Tom, The Timelord
  6. My website make games but we cant make any yet untill we have more helpers there is one other guy that i like never talk to name jaarad here my website name and yes hopyfully it wont have a .webs is it soon http://pirouline.webs.com/
  7. Well, uh, it\'s a thread about music. Essentially, feel free to discuss music, post youtube videos and talk about your own aspirations (if you have any) but please keep it civil. No making fun of anyone\'s preferences, no slagging off artists or genres - you get the idea. It\'s perfectly possible to discuss and state your own opinions, negative or positive - as long as you remember that it\'s just your opinion - it\'s subjective, not objective. Personally, I find music in general really enthuses me - it\'s a bit of an obsession really. I\'ve given a lot of things a listen over time, from harsh noise to twee pop and frankly there actually isn\'t a lot I dislike. I\'m one of those who really means it when they say I listen to anything from anywhere. That said, I\'m still a pretty dedicated metalhead - and I know some people view 'open minded music lover' and 'metalhead' as mutually exclusive, but really it ain\'t so. There is no inherent contradiction in loving the most extreme metal along with the most lightweight pop or ambient or whatever. As to my musical ambitions I am a bassist, and I\'ve (finally) begun to learn theory and that kind of thang after playing covers for oh-so-long. But enough about me, y\'all have fun chatting about the latest releases and old classics and everything. have fun
  9. That was interesting to dig up some high school trigonometry to figure out the minimum altitude orbit for an equilateral triangle of satellites to see each other around a 600km sphere in the center. If you\'re working from a single ground station on the Mun and trying to talk back to KSP without a series of ground stations, you\'ll need three sats on each end. If you\'re going for lowest possible three-comsat constellation, for Kerbin you need three equally spaced (120 degrees apart) in orbit at about 1500 km. For the Mun, the triangle arrangement needs to be at about 500 km altitude. You could, if you use Keosynchronous satellites on the Kerbin side, get away with using just two of them with about 1200 km separation from each other. One could be directly over KSP and one offset just enough that it\'s always visible when the KSP one is blocked by the planet. However, then your Munar relays end up sending signals across 3000 km some times and 19000 at other times; better to relay across a more predictable 11000 km distance to a lower-orbit 3 satellite setup, I think. You can also go with lower-altitude comsats if you add more than three, but the calculations of just how low get more complicated fast. Lastly, you could park a single Munar one 2500 km ahead of the Mun in the same orbit and use it, if your Munar base can see that point in the sky at all times.
  10. That\'s loser talk IT MUST BE DONE! Put a verticle fin on the boat that goes in between the wings of the plane, and land it perfectly in order to test it
  11. Man. I don\'t even know where to begin to talk some sense into you. Nobody is \'sucking anyone\'s cock\' in this forum; There is however a large amount of praise and respect for those that take the time to make us high quality models and parts to play with in this game. Remember, they are doing this on a voluntary basis and don\'t get paid for releasing anything. It\'s their love for this particular game and it\'s community that keeps them going and releasing awesome shit. For you to shit on Nova personally about his skills in this condensending (spelling) manner is absolutely unheared of and uncalled for. Get your flaming/trolling ass out of this forum asap. I and many other KSP fans don\'t want this sort of BS here it completely kills the community and kills the Drive for the modellers to make nice shit for us.
  12. Hey guy\'s, It\'s me, Millst0ne. I just lost all my logins for pretty much everything by mistake. (Dont wanna talk about it) Anyways, Just letting you know.
  13. That is awesome design right there! Talk about an ekranoplan style / seaplane carrier. The only little suggestion I have is try and change the tail to a 'V' type so the fighter can land on the deck from the rear (less hazardous)
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! There are a few tutorials and many posts on the forums that talk about how to get to the moon and back. Have a look around, almost anything you\'d care to know about KSP is here. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  15. Big Red Button Pressers has conquered space. We\'ve been to the Mun. We\'ve never returned. And now... we\'ve arrived at the conclusion: Why take our crew to space to die when we can do it easier inside the atmosphere? Introducing the new Atmospheric Crafts list, you\'ll be shown all of the most stable ways to fly inside the atmosphere and maybe even learn something! Craft Number One: The KSP Blackbird The Blackbird is so far the most stable craft I\'ve designed, created entirely with C7 Aerospace parts and a stock ASAS, this is the perfect beginners craft. Don\'t even ask about landing though. Go talk to Winter Owl about how to land this thing. With an average cruising speed of 100 m/s (360 km/h) this sucker can go pretty fast and if you\'re good on the throttle it\'ll last you around 30 minutes before you burn out. The reason there isn\'t a photo of it burning out is because it didn\'t. I tried to land it without any landing gear and it broke on the side of a mountain/hill.
  16. I second this. A couple more thoughts about \'books piracy\' which is constantly discussed in Russia. First of all, these \'pirate fighters\' speak about \'protecting an author\' while an author currently gets less than 0.5% of book earnings. Guess whom are they really \'protecting\'? And the second note. A publisher uses to talk about pirated book as it were money stolen right from his pocket, eh? A stupid son of a... female canine. If someone could not pirate books he would not go buy them. He would read less instead. Just win the fight against those pirates... and you\'ll not be getting more money. You\'ll get less. \'Cause destroying that free advertising mechanism that pirates provide will make less people know an author whose books you\'re trying to publish. Both notes are quite obvious and were widely discussed for last several years (not only in Russia). And -- finally here\'s that SOPA. \'Cause nobody fuckin\' cares >
  17. After launching the KOS-1 (Kerbin Orbital Station also formerly known as KB-1 Orbital Operation) with some success I decided to give the go ahead on the KOS-2 system. Kerbin Engineers worked long and hard to build the station and after many stability issues and two attempts that only went sub orbital they decided to add one more tank to the second stage and that gave it barely enough fuel to achieve orbit. The station barely made orbit using the probe engine but had to jettison the kubble telescope payload since mostly everyone considered it a failure. They didn\'t even realized it was successful till bob check it\'s projected course and realized they made it to a 140Km by 70Km orbit which they soon fixed into a 144km by 140 km orbit. Here\'s some photographs that they sent back. The launch vehicle. Before Orbit when the crew were bracing for impact by jettisoning the telescope. After Achieving orbit they snapped a few photos. And to top it all off they got to see a few sunrises. Once Jeb got back to Kerbin after they sent up the replacement crew we heard him talking to an engineer about the possibilities of making this either a Munar station or Kerbol station. We\'ve heard some casual talk about a possible MOS-1 after that.
  18. Man don\'t these parts look great for space stations. Here is my KOS-2 (Kerbin Orbital Station-2, We don\'t talk about KOS-1 anymore not after the incident *Shutters*) Getting KOS-2 into orbit was a pain though I almost thought it wasn\'t going to make it but that probe engine just kept on chugging until I saw we had a 130 KM by 70 Km going. I slowly adjusted that orbit into a more balanced 144 Km by 140 KM orbit and was satisfied with my creation. Before Orbit I had the Kubble telescope but when I thought I wasn\'t going to make it I decided to jettison it. After I magically Achieved orbit I snapped loads of screens. I love watching the sun rise from the KOS-2
  19. Okay so I spent the evening designing a cipher and implementing it in Javascript for the fun of it and, aside from how lame that may or may not sound, I am just wondering how good it is. Anyone here know anything about Cryptography? Anyone want to try cracking this: ^;+.h4r\'-}$?n0=u\3,%7i0$z? You can try cracking it as is, or just try finding the key with my decrypter: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2434899/cryptography.html If no one is interested in this, we could just talk about Cryptography... I find it a fascinating subject.
  20. OK guys, this is the big moment, we are going off the drawing board and on to final mesh conversions and writing the config files. Then I will post a screenshot, talk to my beta testing team and off we go! ???????!
  21. Well hello to you good sir/madam! Wow, really cool video. If it were me talking, I would be so exited that I forgot to talk Anyways, welcome to the forums
  22. Based on 707\'s 2012 Survival challenge, this has a little more structure to it. Your task is to construct a rocket or spaceplane capable of keeping the Kerbal race going following the destruction of Kerbin through means unexplained. However, here there are a few rules. ========================================= -Balanced parts [with the exception of all C7 parts bar the tiny little fuel tank.] -Solar collectors may only be used with ELP [Extremely-Low-Power] engines. [This includes any kind of ion engine, lander thruster or small radial liquid thruster.] + 8 bonus for asymmetry. + 5 bonus for Mun landings. + 3 bonus for Munar orbits. + 3 bonus for Kerbol orbits. + 1 bonus for extra Kerbals. -There is no cryogenic suspension, so no sending Kerbals into deep space. ========================================= And this is the most important part - the nescesities. Scientists recently discovered [through dubiously legal means] that you need only ten Kerbals to achieve a genetic pool large enough to rule out inbreeding as a major problem. Therefore, your craft must be able to carry at least ten Kerbals. Oxygen is, of course, not self-replenishing, and your craft will need to carry [potted?] plants. Each Kerbal requires two plant points. Though inbreeding will not be a major problem, the ethics people don\'t like it, so bonus points for the more Kerbals your craft can carry. Your craft must be robust, able to survive the harsh environments it comes across. Your ship must have at least six Survivability Points. Once you have met all requirements, extra points are converted to bonuses. As there is no requirement for Ethics points, they are basically a bonus already. The person with the most bonus points wins. At the end of the competition, I will be choosing at random [using this: http://www.matazone.co.uk/animpages/bouncing_cow_luck_test_game.html] whether Kerbin is actually destroyed. If your craft can return to Kerbin if Kerbin has indeed survived, you will recieve fifteen bonus points. Three or more bouncing cows means Kerbin survives. However, before that, I will be using the bouncing cows to decide whether your primary power source fails [damaged solar panels or a radiation leak, depending on your primary power source.] [Rocket fuel generators and Physics Module batteries count as secondary power sources, and are not susceptible to damage] Also, having eight or more Survivability Points will allow you to repair your primary power source quickly. This means you can bypass this problem entirely. Only six survivability points means it will take until your emergency power runs down to fix your engines, so not having an emergency source would disqualify you. ========================================= Different modules have different capabilities. =Habitation modules= A 1 meter Hab can carry two Kerbals in comfort, or three squashed together. -1 ethics point for the second option. A 2 meter Hab module can carry five Kerbals. [if they exist.] Wet Workshops are allowed. They carry the same number of Kerbals as Hab modules. -1 ethics point for forcing Kerbals to live in a fuel tank. =Cabin modules= Cabin modules are your capsules or the equivalent. A 1 meter Cabin can carry three Kerbals. A 2 meter Cabin can carry six Kerbals or three Kerbals and a rack of plants. +3 plant points for the second option. +1 ethics point for the second option, as the pilots get fresh air. A remote control/Probe \'Cabin\' carries no Kerbals, as it is piloted from ground. However, they are generally less heavy. -1 ethics point, as Science has shown KSP pilots are more likely to crash when their own lives are not at stake. =Science modules= Science modules are useful. They allow you to do things. A Science module may carry one Kerbal. However, they do have plus points. You may chose to make your Science modules one of three types. Points are doubled for 2 meter modules. Biology Modules can carry plants. +4 plant points Chemistry Modules allow maintainance work on the ship. +2 ethics points +3 Survivability points Physics Modules allow environmental research or they may carry batteries. +3 ethics points +2 Survivability points.for the first option. + Night-time Power for the second option. + Emergency Power for the second option. =Communications modules= Communications can be comprised of anything from a satellite to a dish attatched to an SAS device. These allow your vessel to recieve communcations from other escape ships, any Munar satellites you might want to get information from, and to talk to Ground Control. This will be morall boosting, as it gives your crew and passengers conclusion. It will also tell your vessel whether Kerbin has, in fact, been destroyed or not. +4 Ethics points. + Ability to return. =Power Modules= Power modules can be made from disused engines with fuel remaining, to nuclear power from converted NERVA thrusters to solar panels. Bear in mind that for vessels that may enter shade, there must be power during night. Power is required. It is needed for lighting, which feeds your plants, it is needed for your computers, and it is needed to use communications modules. Solar panels + Daytime power Physics Module + Nighttime power + Emergency power NERVA engine +Long term power Disused fuel + Emergency power SAS +Emergency power ========================================= If I have missed anything, please tell me so i can rectify it. Thanks to Gabyalufix, for SAS as power.
  23. They summarize and paraphrase because: 1. The 'politiburo demands so!' (Ergo, they take 'English Wikipedia' and make it barely '+1' over 'Simple English Wikipedia' because one one of the important head honcho admin types decides he wants to squat over the article over automatic transmissions after deleting some information about a specific model of automatic transmission offered by Chrysler.) 2. 'LOL I KNOW BETTER THAN YOU' (See above, then they decide to barf up some regurgitated information that has complete detachment from reality) Here, familiarize yourself with the internal politics of Wikipedia (NSFW: Encyclopedia Dramatica warning. Extremely NSFW, for the mentally mature especially.) http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Wikipedia Not feeling like doing some reading? How about this golden line: 'Talk page about USS Liberty in which Jayjg attempts to argue with the vice president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association about the Liberty incident. Yes, an Israeli agent involved in the cover-up is allowed to always have the last word on the article, not someone who was actually there and involved in the events in question.' Sadly, they\'re pretty spot on with the bitter mocking and sarcasm going on there. Not NSFW: http://images.encyclopediadramatica.ch/5/5c/Wikipedia_cat.jpg Pretty much how it rolls over there. I\'m pretty sure some people will argue with me about a 'moderate injury' like whiplash being 'LOL, TOTALLY NOT HARMFUL, EVER' over here. If it was Wikipedia, we\'d be waging a nuclear edit war right now. Ah, right, they do that already over there. Anyways, for those little 'fatalities in space' statistics, perhaps you guys might want to look at how many times the Shuttle has launched astronauts (Ergo, treat 'launch of crew into space' as unique instances even if the same astronauts go up) and divide that to the deaths. I\'m pretty sure that number looks real good. Or we can just claim RUSSIA MIGHTY, RUSSIA DESTROY AMERICAN PIGDOG WITH SATAN MISSILE. RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE.
  24. Hey Look! I\'m Another Commenter! I already presented this idea in another thread, but since there is talk about asteroids and other 'small' objects, I thought I might put my idea out there: A small, soviet-inspired, abandoned space station, in orbit around one of the outer planets. It could mostly be an 'easter-egg' sort of thing. Once docking is implemented, it could be an interesting 'recon/intel' type mission.
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