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  1. From: Wernher von Kerman, Minister of Space Affairs To: Nijn Kerman, Commander of the Space Fleet Date: 28th of October 1948 Commander Nijn, I have been pondering the recent events involving the alien bio-robots. The more I think about it, the more peculiar it becomes. I mentioned before that I would speak with mr. Prefect, an old friend of mine. He is a man of great knowledge and experience, and he advises us to go to Minmus, to meet the aliens there. If I may quote him: "I understand you've been having some... interesting encounters with extrakerbal life. Now, there's this Daneel fellow on Minmus, which is a rather inhospitable place, if I recall correctly. He's there hiding from you lot because for some reason, he's very worried about something, and he may want to blow up your planet. You should go there and talk to him, and maybe at the same time you can give me a lift off this planet? There's this really wild party on Fregulon IV that I need to get to." Isn't that quite something? It seems we may be dealing with a race of aliens who are more scared of us than we are of them! I believe it is imperative that we investigate this matter further before we cease to exist. As soon as we have the capability to reach Minmus, we should send a mission there to speak with this Daneel. Until then, we must remain vigilant and prepared for any further incidents. Yours sincerely, Wernher von Kerman Minister of Space Affairs
  2. Welcome to Kerbalism Hundreds of Kerbals were killed in the making of this mod. Kerbalism is a mod for Kerbal Space Program that alters the game to add life support, radiation, failures and an entirely new way of doing science. Go beyond the routine of orbital mechanics and experience the full set of engineering challenges that space has to offer. All mechanics can be configured to some degree, or even disabled if you don't like some of them. A big part of the mod is fully data-driven, so that you can create your own customized game play with only a text editor and a minimal amount of espresso. Or simply use a set of rules shared by other users. Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ Current version: 3.11 What's new: New and Noteworthy Download: Github - SpaceDock - CKAN Docs & support: Github wiki - Discord - Github issues License: Unlicense (unless stated otherwise, parts might be licensed differently) KSP version: 1.5.x - 1.10.x Requires: Module Manager, CommunityResourcePack See also: Mod compatibility - Change Log - Dev Builds Download and installation Download on Github releases or use CKAN Two packages are available: Kerbalism is the core plugin, always required. KerbalismConfig is the default configuration pack. It can be be replaced by other packs distributed elsewhere. Requirements - Module Manager: must be installed in GameData - CommunityResourcePack: must be installed in GameData Third-party configuration packs Make sure to install exactly one configuration pack only. Don't combine packs unless there is explicit instructions to do so. - ROKerbalism for Realism Overhaul / RP-1 by standecco - SIMPLEX Living by theJesuit - KerbalismScienceOnly for Kerbalism with the science feature only Installation checklist for the "GameData" folder required content : - CommunityResourcePack (folder) - Kerbalism (folder) - KerbalismConfig (folder, can be replaced by a third-party config pack) - ModuleManager.X.X.X.dll (file) Mod compatibility and support Checking the mod compatibility page is mandatory before installing Kerbalism on a heavily modded game. Kerbalism does very custom stuff. This can break other mods. For a lot of mods that breaks or need balancing, we provide support code and configuration patches. However some mods are incompatible because there is too much feature overlap or support is too complex to implement. Documentation, help and bug-reporting - Tutorials and documentation are available at the Github wiki - Need help? Ask on Discord or in the KSP forums thread - You found a bug? - Maybe it's related to another mod ? Check the Mod Compatibility page. - Maybe it's a known issue ? Check the GitHub issues and ask on Discord. - You want to report a bug? - Reproduce it consistently, provide us with screenshots and the KSP.log, modulemanager.configcache and persistent.sfs files. - Report it on Github issues (preferred) or in the KSP forums thread. - You want to contribute or add support for your mod? - Check the technical guide on the wiki - Pull requests are welcome, especially for mod support configs. For code contributions, it is recommended to talk to us on Discord before engaging anything. - Read the contributing documentation - To build the plugin from the source code, read the BuildSystem documentation Disclaimer and license This mod is released under the Unlicense, which mean it's in the public domain. Some parts are released under a different license, please refer to their respective LICENSE files. It includes MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the Internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the Internet and no personal information is sent. For more control, download the full KSP-AVC Plugin. What does it do? Kerbalism is a mod for Kerbal Space Program that alters the game to add life support, radiation, failures and an entirely new way of doing science. Go beyond the routine of orbital mechanics and experience the full set of engineering challenges that space has to offer. All mechanics can be configured to some degree, or even disabled if you don't like some of them. A big part of the mod is fully data-driven, so that you can create your own customized game play with only a text editor and a minimal amount of espresso. Or simply use a set of rules shared by other users. All vessels, all the time Contrary to popular belief, the observable universe is not a sphere of a 3km radius centered around the active vessel. All mechanics are simulated for loaded and unloaded vessels alike, without exception. Acceptable performance was obtained by a mix of smart approximations and common sense. The performance impact on the game is by and large independent from the number of vessels. Resources This isn't your classic post-facto resource simulation. Consumption and production work is coherent regardless of warp speed or storage capacity. Complex chains of transformations that you build for long-term life support or mining bases just work. Environment The environment of space is modeled in a simple yet effective way. Temperature is calculated using the direct solar flux, the indirect solar flux bouncing off from celestial bodies, and the radiative infrared cooling off their surfaces. The simulation of the latter is especially interesting and able to reproduce good results for worlds with and without atmosphere. Radiation is implemented using an overlapping hierarchy of 3D zones, modeled and rendered using signed distance fields. These are used to simulate inner and outer belts, magnetosphere and even the heliopause. Solar weather is represented by Coronal Mass Ejection events, that happen sporadically, increase radiation and cause communication blackouts. Habitats The habitats of vessels are modeled in terms of internal volume, external surface, and a set of dedicated pseudo resources. These elements are then used to calculate such things as: living space per-capita, the pressure, CO2 and humidity levels of the internal atmosphere, and radiation shielding. Individual habitats can be enabled or disabled, in the editor and in flight, to reconfigure the internal space and everything associated with it during the mission. Inflatable habitats are driven directly by the part pressure. Life support Your crew need a constant intake of Food, Water and Oxygen. Failure to provide for these needs will result in unceremonious death. Configurable supply containers are provided. Kerbals evolved in particular conditions of temperature, and at a very low level of radiation. You should reproduce these conditions wherever your crew go, no matter the external temperature or radiation at that point. Or else death ensues. The vessel habitat can be climatized at the expense of ElectricCharge. Environment radiation can be shielded by applying material layers to the hull, with obvious longevity vs mass trade off. Psychological needs The era of tin can interplanetary travel is over. Your crew need some living space, however minimal. Failure to provide enough living space will result in unforeseen events in the vessel, the kind that happen when operators lose concentration. While not fatal directly, they often lead to fatal consequences later on. Some basic comforts can be provided to delay the inevitable mental breakdown. Nothing fancy, just things like windows to look out, antennas to call back home, or gravity rings to generate artificial gravity. Finally, recent research points out that living in a pressurized environment is vastly superior to living in a suit. So bring some Nitrogen to compensate for leaks and keep the internal atmosphere at an acceptable pressure. ECLSS, ISRU A set of ECLSS components is available for installation in any pod. The scrubber for example, that must be used to keep the level of CO2 in the internal atmosphere below a threshold. Or the pressure control system, that can be used to maintain a comfortable atmospheric pressure inside the vessel. In general, if you ever heard of some kind of apparatus used by space agencies to keep the crew alive, you will find it in this mod. The stock ISRU converters can host a set of reality-inspired chemical processes. The emerging chains provide a flexible and at the same time challenging system to keep your crew alive. The stock ISRU harvesters functionality has been replaced with an equivalent one that is easier to plan against, as it is now vital for long-term manned missions. The means to harvest from atmospheres and oceans is also present, given the importance of atmospheric resources in this regard. No life-support like mod would be complete without a greenhouse of some kind. The one included in this mod has a relatively complete set of input resources and by-products, and some more unique characteristics like a lamp that adapts consumption to natural lighting, emergency harvesting, pressure requirements and radiation tolerance. A planetary resource distribution that mimics the real solar system completes the package. Reliability Components don't last forever in the real world. This is modeled by a simple system that can trigger failures on arbitrary modules. Manufacturing quality can be chosen in the editor, per-component, and improve the MTBF but also requires extra cost and mass. The crew can inspect and repair malfunctioned components. Redundancy now becomes a key aspect of the design phase. Engines have their own failure system: limited ignitions, limited burn duration, and an overall ignition failure probability will even make your 100th moon landing feel like an achievement! Science Experiments don't return their science output instantly, they require some time to run. Some complete in minutes, others will take months. Not to worry, experiments can run on vessels in the background, you don't have to keep that vessel loaded. There are two different kinds of experiments: sensor readings and samples. Sensor readings are just plain data that can be transferred between vessels without extra vehicular activities, they also can be transmitted back directly. Samples however require the delicate handling by kerbals, and cannot be transmitted but have to be recovered instead. They also can be analyzed in a lab, which converts it to data that can be transmitted. Analyzing takes a long time, happens transparently to loaded and unloaded vessels alike, and can't be cheated to create science out of thin air. An interesting method is used to bridge existing stock and third-party experiments to the new science system, that works for most experiments without requiring ad-hoc support. Transmission rates are realistic, and scale with distance to the point that it may take a long time to transmit data from the outer solar system. Data transmission happens transparently in loaded and unloaded vessels. The resulting communication system is simple, yet it also results in more realistic vessel and mission designs. Automation Components can be automated using a minimalist scripting system, with a graphical editor. Scripts are triggered manually or by environmental conditions. You can create a script to turn on all the lights as soon as the Sun is not visible anymore, or retract all solar panels as soon as you enter an atmosphere etc. User Interface Kerbalism has a nice user interface. A planner UI is available in the editor, to help the user design around all the new mechanics introduced. The planner analysis include resource estimates, habitat informations, redundancy analysis, connectivity simulation, multi-environment radiation details and more. To monitor the status of vessels, the monitor UI is also provided. This looks like a simple list of vessels at first, but just click on it to discover an ingenuous little organizer that allow to watch vessel telemetry, control components, create scripts, manage your science data including transmission and analysis, and configure the alerts per-vessel. Modules Emulation Most stock modules and some third-party ones are emulated for what concerns the mechanics introduced by the mod. The level of support depends on the specific module, and may include: simulation of resource consumption and production in unloaded vessels, fixing of timewarp issues in loaded vessels, the ability to disable the module after malfunctions, and also the means to start and stop the module in an automation script. For Modders Kerbalism has a lot of interfaces ready for other mods to use. If you are a mod developer and want Kerbalism to play nice with your mod, please see the wiki or contact us on discord. Legalese
  3. Can one truly love without loving everything? That is, is true love love if there is hate at the same time? As I was dealing with my nuclear anxiety in Tokyo, I was overcome by the intense feeling I could not hate anyone or anything, period, if I was to truly have compassion for anyone at all. The thought that entered my head was this: loving one thing alone is an excuse to hate another. Thus it isn't true love. Note that this notion applies to my very philosophical and... how to put it... spiritual? mind. Of course, by applying this rule, I love those who love one thing while hating another. As someone who values personal autonomy to the highest degree, I do not translate love for all into being love for all on the condition that they are eventually "transformed" into a different, very specific state that suits my personal liking. By love I mean love in the sense of agape. Some context though: I consider much of what I see to be an illusion. A cruel illusion that can hurt, of course, but nonetheless an illusion. I hope this next part isn't too political. What drove me to this was the nonsensicality of existing nuclear disarmament arguments. It just makes zero sense to eliminate one class of weapons without not only eliminating other weapons, but violence as a whole. There's no argument there that anyone will ever be able to agree on. Side A and Side B will never convince each other to try and prevent the mass violence of a nuclear war if *some* violence is okay. Because which form of violence is okay is totally opinionated. You can't form logic around it. Justifying violence requires saying, "I have the right to end this person's life... because I said so." You can do mental gymnastics, of course, but realistically if you have the right to take someone's life, so do they have the right to take yours. Because what you're really saying is "It's okay for me to kill because I have a good reason. If I didn't, it wouldn't be okay." And thus all they have to have is a "good reason" and it's okay for them to kill you, and anyone else. But what a good reason is is entirely up to the person deciding. Because there is no objective "good reason." And what we're left with is it being quite natural that violence and war seems to never end, because the people trying to create peace aren't creating peace for all, they're creating peace for themselves. In the way they want. But I can't hate these people, those who accept violence in some instances. Because to hate and dislike... dislike unless a certain condition is met, i.e. them becoming more like how I think they should... would be to become one of them. Or rather, to join this endless cycle of suffering. Inflicting suffering and having it inflicted back on me. Infinitely. Or until "There's two of us standing and only one of them." Thus I am led to believe one cannot find peace or have compassion without eliminating the concept of us and them, and instead only seeing all. This involves an immense degree of compassion and trust. It involves seeing those who potentially threaten your own life as sentient, feeling beings, rather than part of a machine-like "Them." Hoping... because that's really all that can be done, it's impossible to know... that they will make a reciprocal decision about how to interact with yourself. And then even if they harm you, still loving them anyways. Loving them despite what they do. Not what they do, of course. But loving the person. Not the action. And (bear with me) not loving them believing they "truly" are or can be different, but simply loving them. Loving everyone and everything. I have no idea how to explain this in a way that makes more sense. Human society, as well as human behavior, is, at least from some scientists' POV, specifically structured around an "Us" and "Them" system. That's who we are. Talk of inner humanity and such, is, IMO, just mental gymnastics to convince ourselves "Us" are better than "Them." At the end of the day even the most peaceful person is, if left with no other option, gonna take the life of another in order to defend something they love. The problem is, from the point of view of "Them," we are "Them." Thus there's no way out of this sort of "game." But we... especially I... was left with the question of why this keeps happening. Why do people hurt each other? Which brings me to the other solution to this question. Which is to realize our "morals" are just fantasies we cook up to convince ourselves we are better than "Them," as evidenced by how what we do does not differ from what they do except who it's targeted towards, and that the reality is that these moral distinctions are silly. What matters is that we are alive and they are not (in other words, unable to harm us). There is no point in handicapping responses to threats beyond making yourself feel good that you are. Feeling good is an intangible thought. Fake, in other words. But the threat is real. The possibility is real. So why wait? Why not hit the threat now before it hits us? There's nothing holding us back except ourselves. The same is the only thing holding them back. But can we trust them to hold themselves back? We don't even trust them now. It's the whole point of classifying them as a threat (note that this may sound like I'm describing geopolitics but it can mean anything. Household against robber, business against business, person against murderer, and so on). やれる前にやれ. A yakuza saying to kill before being killed. And my own little phrase I've come up with to describe this thought process. Hit hard, hit fast, hit now. Anything less is inviting an attack on you and what you care about. And this brings me back to that notion of mine. You either love all or you don't truly love at all. Because the end result of allowing some violence to be okay and not others is just a pure free-for-all murder fest. Group against group. Individual against individual. History does not occur according to formulas or patterns. It shifts without rhyme or reason. If one doesn't recognize that and make the choice to take a position and defend it no matter what, they will find themselves suddenly looking a lot like the people they think they are different from one day. Because if pushed... if the external situation was in a certain way... we'd do exactly what they are doing to us. Because if there's a "good" enough reason to do something... But if we stick to one idea and never violate it... not "because of the extraordinary situation," or "because of the demands of the environment around me," etc... I think we will find ourselves suddenly in a much more peaceful and friendly world. Even if we are indeed different in many ways. Because I vow not to take your life, and you vow not to take mine. No matter what. We can talk about how to resolve issues like getting enough food and water, securing shelter, etc., for as long as we want. Because we're alive, and will be for a long time. The specter of many rather choosing to kill me... and millions of others... and take all the food and water for themself haunts me everyday. Killing, killing, killing. Not only "until there is no one left." Because anyone dying in the first place is a tragedy. Mass death doesn't suddenly become more tragic when there's no one left to kill. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk Some notes: These references to killing apply to humans vs. humans. I don't see any sense in militant vegetarianism, we are omnivores and the idea that animal life should not be taken but plant life can devalues plant life, who have just as much a right to life as do animals. I.e. I don't think capacity to feel pain or sentience defines the value of life. Anything living should live. But living things need to eat other living things in order to live. Thus eating animals is simply part of the way reality is. On the other hand, I do object to making these animals suffer for extended periods of time in the process of raising them (in other words I don't like factory farms), but that's my opinion... any how I digress. Some of the stuff about war may sound political. If you choose to respond, please try to talk about war as a concept rather than listing real life examples. I'm not trying to point fingers at specific individuals, because one man is just as culpable for justifying and carrying out violence as any other. All violence is bad, IMO, not just specific instances.
  4. Why is it bad form to disclose the exact questions? Had an teacher at university who used the same 7 questions on exams , just using random 3 of them. Field was electromagnetism shielding and antennas. A bit relevant as in the 1990's computers tend to run at 100 MHz or the FM sweet spot so have fun with radios next to the pc. But the 7 questions got well known and the teacher more important things to do, might even be related to stealth so he could not talk about it. Anyway poor guy died who was an obvious tragedy for him and his relatives But they got an new teacher with now questions and most failed.
  5. Aren't you lot presuming to know what the bureaucrats are thinking, with all this criticism of the regulatoty process and related talk of the relative impacts of thunder vs. sonic booms? Or is it open knowledge what's behind the delays? Don't get me wrong. That's what internet forums are for (i.e. presuming to know what others are thinking and responding accordingly), but I feel the need to point it out in light of some of the discussion up thread.
  6. I've noticed a few people on this forum play Ace Combat games (like five lol) and I also noticed that you could make threads about specific games here. Seeing as there is no dedicated Ace Combat thread, I made this for Ace Combat players to talk about... well, Ace Combat and such. How do you do the campaign, what's your go-to fighter and special weapon, etc. Ace Combat is a series of games that take place in the alternate universe of Strangereal. Strangereal's Earth has different continents and countries, such as the Osean Federation and Kingdom of Erusea. Most games are set after the planetfall of the Ulysses 1994XF04 asteroids, an asteroid that devastated part of the Earth. Anti-asteroid weapons helped negate the damage but the asteroids that did hit would lead to massive instability, setting the ground for most of the franchise's wars. The player's character is a "silent protagonist" and is always a fighter pilot from one of the fictional countries. Common traits of Ace Combat and their campaign-based gameplay involve: a wide spread of aircraft and weapons, enemy ace pilots, and giant superweapons. Not to mention the excellent storytelling (usually), graphics and music. Also, fun fact: more players play KSP than Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown by monthly average from Steam, but roughly the same number of games have been sold for each. AC7 released five years later than KSP, however. *** EDIT: From this thread I've been doing a bit more research into Project Wingman and found the two games are pretty similar. I mean, obviously, seeing PW was made by AC players. But the two games are similar enough in gameplay, genre, fanbase, etc. that it probably doesn't negate creating a separate thread. Project Wingman is an indie game that takes place in an alternate, post-apocalyptic future Earth nearly 600 years in the future. All of Earth's geography and politics have been significantly altered. This was due to a disaster called the Calamity, where the Ring of Fire had massive tectonic disasters, triggering huge eruptions. While this plunged the world into winter for over a century, it also unearthed Cordium, an unstable natural material that can be utilized for energy and fuel, making this resource highly coveted by new superpower nations. Similarly to Ace Combat, the protagonist never speaks and is a fighter pilot (this time for a mercenary company). The game features plenty of aircraft and weapons, and boss battles against airships and enemy ace squadrons. The story is also well written, and the music is superb.
  7. They always were quick to tell us whatever positive the new game had. They talked about HDRP and the PQS rework (though that never ever showed up), they talked about multiplayer which also wasn't a thing (and had been soft cancelled in 2022). They talked about a lot of huge things that were for sure coming. In fact their whole 4 years of delays just added more hype through promised stuff (yes, I know they never used that word, get lost). Yet they -never- gave a proper tech talk about part number targets, active flights per save targets, or specifics about how many parts their shown creations had. Every technical detail was either drawings and dreams (like the heating blog), or hazy non-details. The game had no technical base, and even the most staunch defenders of "this codebase had more potential" have long lost that fight and have been talking about what can be done with KSP1 vs 2. For what you wanted to to have happened, the game would've needed massive reworks in a lot of things. Performance wasn't bad because "muh optimization", performance was bad because the codebase is amateurly done, and you can't really build on top of that, which is why a year later the only thing the game has is a tech tree and a points system. Now, I'm not saying it was a cash-grab, just a very amateur project where they ended up being completely unable to build anything on top of their base and whatever idea they had had to be cut down harshly to fit: Heating? had to be simplified. Career? Had to be reduced to a single currency, they couldn't even balance it properly. Ship construction? Had to be hacked together with all-in-1 parts to not make it so obvious the game was bursting at the seams. Thrust during warp? They couldn't solve the problem, so they just made everything be simulated at all times, and completely exploded performance and the saving system. Interstellar? Never arrived, but hinted at being literally the same hack as KSP1 mods were, with solar systems orbiting a magic point. Orbital construction? Never shown in motion, they showed parts... again all of them were all-in-1s Colonies? Never shown past unity editor videos and a "colony ship" made of all-in-1s. Logistics? Excel simulator without physical vessels. Multiplayer? They didn't even tell us work on it was stopped. They never showed anything past that one screenshot which now we know was probably hacked together. There was no game, and even when they were dreaming up features, they came up with the most basic, puddle depth stuff.
  8. This is a pretty simple thread, you just talk about what you did today. It can be in games, but not ksp as there is a thread already for that. I went to our local mall because I have money from Christmas and wanted to see what I could get. I looked around, my indecisiveness led to me not getting anything. After that I looked for DnD books at a book store near us. I didn't do much else, a lot of sitting on youtube. I also have a bit of a sickness.
  9. There is no stuff to talk, so no. There is no further news, no hints, no clues, no anything. This thread is in fact old and speculation isn't interesting as of now. Everything thought is said. But feel assured, if I stumble on some news humble me would post it.
  10. Please continue to talk on this thread, it's being considered "old" when it's only been months.
  11. Chapter 10 “Morning gene,” Jebediah arrived at mission command, Valentina, Bill and Bob were already there. “The ground crew looks like they are just pulling out the scaffolding from the launch pad upgrades. We ready to go to space today?” “Good morning Jeb,” Gene looked up from his computer screen. “We were just discussing the next major contract that showed up.” “Great,” said Jebediah with a smile. “Time to send Val to land on the Mun, or maybe visit Minmus?” “This one is a little closer to home,” said Gene. “World Firsts wants us to rendezvous two ships in Kerbin orbit.” “Kerbin orbit?” Jebediah was incredulous. “Bob and I made it out to the Mun, why do they give us a contract over Kerbin now?” “This mission fits very well with our long term plans of the space program operating on mined fuel,” said Bob. “Once stations orbiting each body are refueled from mining operations, we only need to launch Kerbals from Kerbin and let them take “taxi” rockets to each of the other bodies. Rendezvous is the first step toward building stations.” “I suppose,”said Jebediah. “But we could just rendezvous around Minmus, picking up a lot of science along with the contract.” “We don’t control the contracts,” said Gene. “This contract is for rendezvous in Kerbin orbit. Maybe World Firsts wants to be involved in producing equipment for building a station around Kerbin.” “OK then,” said Jebediah. “What is the plan?” “We need to start with building the two rockets that will rendezvous with each other,” said Gene. “I don’t want to send one rocket up to wait for a week in space while the second rocket is built and launched.” “No kidding,” chuckled Jebediah. “Neither Val nor I want to sit in a command pod for a week. We’d go as nutty as poor Lizfal.” “Exactly the issue I’m trying to avoid,” winked Gene. “It will take us four weeks to build two rockets. They can then be launched close to each other so you do not spend too much time in space before the rendezvous.” “Perfect,” said Jebediah. “Let’s talk about the rendezvous plan.” This is Walter Kerman reporting. With today’s mission the space program takes a step toward establishing a permanent Kerbal presence in space. While the space program rockets bring our Kerbalnauts to the moons, and eventually to other planets, each rocket is meant for a single mission. Space stations on the other hand will provide long term habitability with comfort, food and life support… eventually. I have taken the time to talk with Bob about everything needed for long term space stations, and believe me, the list of needs is extensive. Many rocket trips to both the Mun and Minmus will be needed for all of the science needed to lead to long term space stations. The space program will likely leave the Kerbin Sphere of Influence, and send missions to other planets, before we have enough science to build space stations. Today’s mission is the first step toward these long term space stations. A space station will be much too large to efficiently, in some cases even possibly, launch in a single stage. As a result, the space stations will need to be launched in parts and constructed in space. Before parts of a space station can be assembled together, the parts will need to find each other in space. Over the past four weeks, two separate rockets have been assembled to be rolled out for today’s mission. First on the pad we have Valentina’s rocket. The rocket is a modified version of the one she first flew to orbit, an RT-10 has been added as a middle stage to increase the range of the rocket, and the upper stage now uses an LV-909 engine that results in both increased range and lowered cost. This updated rocket design is designated the Halifax class E. Jebediah will launch next with an identically prepared rocket. Up goes Valentina to orbit! She will orbit in the lead, waiting for Jebediah to catch up and rendezvous. Speaking of Jebediah, his rocket is being moved out to the pad as quickly as possible. Jebediah is already on board the rocket and prepared to launch. And Jebediah launches into space to chase down Valentina. We track the progress of the two spaceships moving closer together in orbit. Jebediah is now boosting up to Valentina’s orbit. And we have rendezvous! It may not look like much, Jebediah’s rocket almost not even visible, but it achieves the contract. We will monitor our astronauts return from space and break in should anything important happen. Additionally we have updates on Lizfal’s mission. She has successfully completed a fifteen day simulation with no mental concerns at all. While her mental state during the long simulation in the KV-1 pod has been excellent, her level of concentration steadily declined throughout the experiment. At the beginning of the experiment Lizfal had a one hundred percent successful Minmus landing rate, by the end of the experiment her success rate had dropped to fifty percent… “I’m in the breaking phase, reducing velocities,” reported Lizfal. “Angle is rather shallow.” “Altitude below a hundred meters,” Lizfal’s voice was showing some strain. “Cannot transition to approach phase yet as horizontal velocities are still too high.” “Horizontal velocities nearing zero,” reported Lizfal. “Transitioning to approach phase. Throttling up to reduce vertical velocities and give the landing sight a quick visual inspection… Uh oh.” “I’m still in retrograde mode!” Lizfal exclaimed. “Kill rotation! Reduce throttle! “No! I’m already upside down!” Lizfal was beginning to panic. “Vertical plus mode! Come on, cut throttle!” “Too late!” cried Lizfal. “I think that is a fail,” sighed Lizfal. “Yes it is,” Bill’s voice crackled over the radio. “Even Jeb couldn't Kerbal together something with what is left of that rocket. You should have transitioned to vertical plus as soon as your horizontal velocities dropped out to prevent flipping if you bounced. It is not completely your fault though. Your command to reduce throttle would have saved the landing, but MechJeb blocked the command. We really need to address MechJeb locking out the controls when switching modes.” “I’ll make a note to look into that after my test is complete,” said Lizfal.* …”Despite her youth, Lizfal is an extremely skilled simulator pilot,” Bob reported to us. “I feel her degraded performance over time is not an indication of her skill level, but an indication of general Kerbal psychology while isolated over a long period of time. No Kerbal will maintain optimal performance while isolated such as Lizfal has been during the test.” Bob believes that a pressurized pod like the KV-1 will be necessary for long range missions, but the KV-1 will not be the choice due to only having room for one Kerbal. The space program will skip over the KV-1 pod and go straight to missions in two Kerbal pods as they become available. Lizfal’s mission completed successfully, even if the KV-1 pod was not chosen for use in Minmus missions. Gene has also informed me that the mission control building has been upgraded for one hundred and fifty thousand funds. This upgrade expands the contract offices and allows mission control to operate more contracts at the same time. Gene tells me that with the upgrade, they have accepted a number of contracts for operations landing on the Mun that will be completed later after completing the World Firsts contracts that require operation in Kerbin orbit. Until next time, this was a Walter Kerman report. Jebediah Chronicles - Day 295 Another smooth mission. The upgraded rockets included controllable flight surfaces, which provided a much more optimal ascent. Rendezvous went exactly as planned, if completely counterintuitive to normal flying. Slow down to catch up, speed up to fall behind. I would still think Wernher was crazy if I hadn’t seen everything work out exactly like he said. Jeb Valentina Chronicles - Day 295 Pretty quiet day despite going to space. The rocket flew like a dream up to orbit and had a ridiculous amount of fuel left after the mission was over. This will be an excellent rocket for running around Kerbin in low orbit. Once I was up to orbit I just had to wait around until Jeb rendezvoused with me and then head back home. Not a lot different than my first orbital mission, just a little easier to fly. Looking forward to more difficult missions! Val * I don’t know how many landings I failed because I forgot to switch out of retrograde mode, or because the MechJeb window is selected and I can change throttle. By always coming in at a relatively steep angle and switching MechJeb to vertical mode when I’m dropping straight down (and always clicking off MechJeb after switching modes) results in a much more reliable landing. Lizfal, of course, did not remember to fix the MechJeb problem. I don’t think there is a way to make MechJeb work without intercepting flight commands when a MechJeb window is selected.
  12. Im sorry to be taking up bandwidth lamenting but ive just passed 1 day and nearly 20 minutes since my momma died. Im less than 15 minutes from the 1 day mark of learning i lost her. But im so afraid if i dont talk somewhere im going to lose myself. Ive no idea how to cope. Im so lost with out her. I dont feel nearly 43, instead i feel like im 3 or 4 and cant find my momma. This is so blasted hard… 191409232024
  13. KSP 1.12.x Near Future Propulsion [1.3.6] Last Updated August 14, 2024 This pack contains advanced electric engines for deep space travel. Generally engines split into the following categories: Gridded Ion Engines: like the stock Dawn, they have low TWR and great Isp. They run on Xenon fuel. Hall Effect Thrusters: similar to Gridded thrusters, but with better TWR at the cost of some Isp. They run on Argon fuel and are pretty cheap! Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters: with the best TWR of all electric engines, these engines are very power-hungry. They run on Lithium fuel. Pulsed Inductive Thrusters: similar to Hall thrusters, they run on Argon fuel and have the unique ability to dump extra electricity into the engine, increasing Isp but generating more heat. VASIMR Engines: high tech and fancy, these engines run on either Xenon or Argon fuel. They can be tuned for high-thrust, low Isp operation, or low-thrust, high-Isp operation These engines are all very power hungry - use nuclear reactors or high intensity solar to get the power you need. Their balance has been finely tuned to work with stock mechanics and to extend the KSP experience, particularly in combination with the Community Tech Tree. Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Q: The mod album shows parts that look old/don't exist. What's up with that? A: Keeping the gallery up to date is not super easy. I have it as an action item in the future but this takes time away from real modding. Q: Does this work well with KSPI-E? A: Talk to FreeThinker about this, he manages KSPI-E and its compatibility with NFT Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Community Resource Pack Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (Github) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Electrical [2.0.1] Last Updated September 6, 2024 Ever wanted some futuristic energy generation that wasn't too... futuristic? I have you covered here. This pack contains: Nuclear Reactors: Turn Uranium into power! Attach nuclear reactors to your vessel and generate large amount of electricity. Ensure that you have enough cooling capacity with radiators for your reactors to work properly. Refuelling Parts: store extra uranium, reprocess it and extract it from Ore with containers and reprocessors. Capacitors: discharge for a burst of power! These parts can be charge up with normal generating capacity, and once activated will deliver a large amount of power to your ship's electricity banks. Very mass efficient! Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Does this work well with KSPI-E? A: Talk to FreeThinker about this, he manages KSPI-E and its compatibility with NFT. Q: The mod album shows parts that look old/don't exist. What's up with that? A: Keeping the gallery up to date is not super easy. I have it as an action item in the future but this takes time away from real modding. Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch SystemHeat Community Resource Pack Dynamic Battery Storage Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Solar [1.3.4] Last Updated August 14, 2024 This pack contains many concept solar panels to use on your ships and stations. There are many sizes ranging from small form-factor panels up to gigantic solar arrays. Additionally, some wraparaound solar panels are provided, for coolness. Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Construction [1.3.3] Last Updated August 30, 2024 This pack contains a good number of skeletal trusses and construction type parts for building those near-futurish ships you see in concept art. You'll enjoy: A 1.25m size class triangular truss set A 2.5m size class octagonal truss set A 3.75m size class square truss set A 5m size class annular truss set Adapters and connectors galore! Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Q: The mod album shows parts that look old/don't exist. What's up with that? A: Keeping the gallery up to date is not super easy. I have it as an action item in the future but this takes time away from real modding. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Spacecraft [1.4.4] Last Updated August 14, 2024 This pack contains a variety of parts for making crewed spacecraft. This means command pods. Pretty much just command pods, but also monopropellant engines in many sizes! Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Q: What is up with the RPM IVAs? A: Some exist but now require the ASET props pack to work. They only function for the older (Mk4-1, Mk3-9, PPD-1) pods. Q: The mod album shows parts that look old/don't exist. What's up with that? A: Keeping the gallery up to date is not super easy. I have it as an action item in the future but this takes time away from real modding. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Near Future Props Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Launch Vehicles [2.2.2] Last Updated August 14, 2024 The latest and greatest (for size, perhaps) in launch vehicle components. This pack includes 5.0m Parts: a balanced and extensive part set that provides a new size of rocket parts. Comes with tanks, adapters, utility parts and specialized components for engine clustering. 7.5m Parts: an extra-large set of rocket parts for those huge constructions. Includes adapters, clustering, cargo and utility parts. Advanced Engines: several new rocket engines based on a whole set of concepts in the 0.625 to 3.75m sizes. Support Parts: new supporting parts that help enhance the large rocket experience, like heavy RCS thrusters. Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch DeployableEngines Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future eXploration [1.1.3] Last Updated August 14, 2024 This pack contains a set of parts to help enhance and improve the KSP probe experience, particularly in the later game with larger probes. You will find: More Probe Cores: A set of eight new probe cores in medium (1.25m) and larger (1.875m) sizes. Probe Bus Parts: Cargo bay-like parts that match the footprints of most probe cores (stock and NFX). Useful for storing batteries, fuel and the like Probe Fuel Tanks: New multi-fuel probe tanks in stack and radial sizes that are in the vein of the stock Dumpling and Baguette More Direct and Relay Antennae: More antennae that seamlessly fit into the KSP CommNet system to fill in missing ranges and add more interesting options. Reflector Antennae: A new type of antenna that does nothing on its own, but instead bounces signal from another antenna to amplify its range. Point antenna at a deployed reflector to recieve the bonus. Available in many sizes. Small Probe Parts: A few small probe parts (battery, reaction wheel) to fill out the probe range Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Q: I'm using Remote Tech and something doesn't work! A: This mod is not compatible with RemoteTech. Some aspects may work but the reflector/feeder system would need to be reimplemented by the RT devs. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (Github) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.x Near Future Aeronautics [2.1.2] Last Updated August 14, 2024 This pack contains large and powerful aerospace parts, such as jet engines, intakes, and nacelles. It was preciously part of the MkIV Spaceplane system but has been split off. Large Multimode Engines: Big (2.5m), powerful RAPIER-like engines for your wildest spaceplane needs. Large Jet Engines: Hefty 2.5m engines - turbofans and turbojets for big aircraft. Advanced Propeller Engines: Super-efficient low speed propfans and turboprops. Lift Fans: Designed specifically for efficient VTOL and available in many sizes, these engines can run on LiquidFuel and air, or be driven electrically for flight in oxygenless atmospheres. Nuclear Jet Engines: Massive, rewarding engines that let you fly almost forever! Large Nacelles and Intakes: Of course, 2.5m nacelles, engine pods, precoolers and advanced intakes to help out. Full Screenshot Gallery Frequently Asked Questions Q: CKAN Support Questions? A: Talk to CKAN folks, CKAN is not supported. This is because KerbalActuators, a dependency of this mod, is specifically NOT listed on CKAN. Q: Will you add a part I want? A: I have defined this mod as feature complete, and bugfixes are all I plan to add. Q: I don't like the balance of *thisPart* A: I appreciate suggestions from experience aeronauts for engine balance, it's not really my specialty (Sith lords are). Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager B9 Part Switch Community Resource Pack KerbalActuators DeployableEngines Licensing All code and cfgs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source Special Thanks A big hand to @Streetwind , who basically designed the balance for the whole NFT suite. If you appreciate this project, please consider contributing to my caffeine addiction! I really appreciate it, and also helps justify this time sink to my wife , which results directly in more models.
  14. FROM: Nijn Kerman, commander of the Space Fleet TO: Minister of Space Affairs, Wernher von Kerman Date: 12-9-48 Minister, To our great surprise, we have been able to reactivate the ‘corpse’ of Bill Kerman. That is, the biological body is largely broken and fractured, but some bits apparently provide enough energy to run the robotic components. The result is pretty terrifying, something that looks like one of us, but slightly exploded and with electric bits sticking out. We were able to talk to the creature briefly. This is a transcript: Q: ‘Hello, can you hear me?’ A: ‘Kkkzkkkzzzzzz gggzziiiiiiii krrrr can hear iiiiiiiiiiie’ Q: ‘Who are you? What did you come here to do?’ A: ‘Ggggggzzzzz...... pl...eat on iiiiiiiiizzzzzz side...... universu....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’ Q: ‘A planet? What's it called?’ A: ‘iiiiiiii....Ter...gggzzghhh...us......’ Q: ‘What did you come here to do? Are you spying on us?’ A: ‘......oberen....zzzzggggggg......univers...m......million...ong....z....zzzzzziiiiiii’ Q: ‘What do you want with us?’ A: ‘Wiiiiiiiizzgggghhhh.Mule....find....here’ Q: ‘Mule? That's a kind of horse, isn't it?’ A: ‘iieeed d d d d d ....plan..llllleeeezzzzzzz’ After that exchange, the bio-robot's systems unfortunately melted, but what we could register was not explicitly hostile. Can you have your people research the semantic content of Bill's replies, and perhaps cultural references overlooked by us? Regards, Nijn Kerman Commander of the Space Fleet
  15. KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPIE) is a plugin for Kerbal Space Program, designed to encourage bootstrapping toward ever more advanced levels of technology as well as utilizing In-Situ resources to expand the reach of Kerbal civilization. KSP Interstellar Extended aims to continue in @Fractal_UK original KSP Interstellar vision in providing a realistic road to the stars. Players will first gain access to contemporary technologies that have not been widely applied to real space programs such as nuclear reactors, electrical generators and thermal rockets. By continuing down the CTT tech tree and performing more research, these parts can be upgraded and later surpassed by novel new technologies such as fusion and even antimatter power. We attempt to portray both the tremendous power of these technologies as well as their drawbacks, including the tremendous difficulty of obtaining resources like antimatter and the difficulties associated with storing it safely. The goal is to reward players who develop advanced infrastructure on other planets with new, novel and powerful technologies capable of helping Kerbals explore planets in new and exciting ways. The principal goal of KSP Interstellar is to expand Kerbal Space Program with interesting technologies and to provide a logical and compelling technological progression beginning with technologies that could have been available in the 1970s/1980s, then technologies that could be available within the next few years, progressing to technologies that may not be available for many decades, all the way out to speculative technologies that are physically reasonably but may or may not ever be realizable in practice. This is the KSPI-E release thread where we announce any releases of KSPI Extended If you want to chat about KSP Interstellar you can do it at our new Guilded Server (old: KSP Interstellar Discord Server ) For technical questions or Mod support, please ask them in the KPIE Support thread For talk about new development and features request you have to be in the KSPI-E develpment thread Latest Version 1.29.5 for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 - 1.12.2 Download older version from Here source: GitHub If you appreciate what I create, please consider donating me a beer you can donate me with PayPal or support me by Patreon Download & Installation Instructions step 1: remove any existing KSPI installation (GameData\WarpPlugin folder) step 2: download KSPI-E and put the GameData in your KSP Folder (allow overwrite) License Info KSPI-E code and configfiles:are distributed under KSP INTERSTELLAR LICENSE Molten Salt Reactor model from USI Core by RoverDude licensed under CC 4.0 BY-SA-NC Tokamak model from Deep Space Exploration Vessels by Angel-125 licensed under CC BY-NC SA Solid Coie NTR, Nuclear Ramjet, Nuclear Lightbulb and Nuclear Candle models and textures from Atomic Age by Porkjet all licensed under CC BY-NC SA Super Capacitator Model from Near Future Electric Mod by Nertea licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Surface Wrapper Radiators from Heat Control by Nertea licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Microchannel radiators from Heat Control by Nertea licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Inline RCS stack by TiktaalikDreaming for Inline licensed under MIT Nuclear Ramjet Model by Lack licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA retractable RCS by BahamutoD licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Wrapper Tanks from Kerbal Hacks by enceos license under Creative Commons 4.0 Inline Thermal Dish Relay Receiver by @steedcrugeon licenced under CC-BY-NC-SA at JX2Antenna Plasma Wakefield Particle Accelerator Ring by Sin Phi CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 at Sin Phi Heavy Industries If you think I missed something, please notify me Credits @Fractalfor developing the original KSP Interstellar @Eleusis La Arwall for most of the new Reactors, new Power Dish transmitters and Beam generators @zzzfor most of the original models/texturing @Boris-Barborisfor porting KSPI to 0.90 and fixsing many bugs @Northstar1989for providing theoretical basis for many of the new features in KSP Interstellar Extended @SpaceMouse for Magnetic Nozzle, MHD generator and EM drive engine @EvilGeorgefor programming Solar Wind collector and ISRU processing and several other ISRU processes @Cyne Daedalus Fusion Engine Model and Texture @Arivald Ha'gel for helping to fix several issues @MrNukealizer for his help in C# development work on KSPI @Snjo for making the code FSFuelSwitch public available Olympic1 for his help with the integration of KSPI with CTT KaiserSnow for providing Icons for Integration with Filter Extension InsanePlumber for converting part textures to DDS format A2K For helping get KSPI-E on CKAN Bishop149 for Helpi improve the Wiki and OP ABZB for Helping to find many bugs and developing Mk2 EXtension Mod SmallFatFetus for giving permission to use is Vasimr model michaelhester07 for creating Particle Accelerator NathanKell for creating ModuleRCSFX. Trolllception for helping new players understand the tables on the OP and MM scripts Nli2work for creating the Magneto Inertial Fusion Engine @Nansuchaofor helping to create documentation and guides for KSPI-E @th0th for providing Icons for the tech node @Tonas1997 for proving new technode nodes Recommended AddonMods Recommended Planet Packs/Star System/ Galaxy mods: Recommend Tech Tree: Recommended Tool mods: Suggested Challenges: Documentation & Tutotials KSPI is one of the most sophisticated mods for KSP. To help you get started, you can make use of the following resources: KERBAL INTERSTELLAR EXTENDED GUIDE KSPI-E for Dummies KSPI-E Guide by Nansuchao KSPI-E Technical Guide KSPI-E Wiki KSPI-E Youtube Videos: 9 part Russian Tutorial by @ThirdOfSeven 3 part EnglishTurorial by @Aaron Also: Support KSPI-E add support for the following mods
  16. This is a film, currently on Amazon Prime, that is a series of interviews talking to newspace (and a few traditional space) companies, legislators, non-profits and science communicators about the present and future of the space economy. So why should you watch it? It's light on the details (I would pay everything in my bank account to look through his B-reels), it's not that well-edited and it has a 'personality' hosting it. However. What it does do quite well is draw a picture of the growing market beyond SpaceX and Blue Origin, the diversity of the people all over the world and the warming attitude to space as a new, unique opportunity. For now, and for a future generation. If nothing else, you get names and faces to put to important, non-US companies like Planet or Exolaunch, who've been overshadowed by the billionaire behemoths but are profitable. The actions by non-profits are enlightening too: a parabolic flight of people with physical disabilities (blindness, missing limbs) to see how they performed in zero-G; or 'citizen astronauts' being paid to go to space on suborbital flights, with the understanding that they then go on to promote and talk about space. There are now space agencies being set up in over 40 countries, a specific UN body for inter-country co-operation on space, and hundreds of startups working on this or that aspect of space (he makes the point that most of them will fail, which is realistic).
  17. While I was walking through the National Museum of the United States Air Force last Saturday, I was reminded of all the KSP replicas of those same aircraft. Some of them looked like they can be done with pure stock parts and no DLCs, while others (mostly the older ones) need mods that come with more parts. So, I started this thread for everyone to showcase their replicas of the aircraft that the four large hangars (plus the Missile Gallery) have on display. The guidelines for this showcase thread are simple: You are free to use any and all parts necessary, including ones that come in DLCs and mods. Vehicle has to be functional. Which means pictures/video of the craft in action. Similar performance stats are a plus. EXCEPTION: if the craft in question could not move on its own (as in it needed to be attached to a larger assembly to go anywhere) then the functionality requirement may be waived. e.g. the Apollo 15 command module. You'll only need one picture of your best replica (or half-assed; it shouldn't make a difference in that case), since it's useless unless attached to the rest of the spacecraft. If you want to make the rest of the rocket assembly, fine. Only the capsule made it to the museum, and that's what I need. Vehicle has to look as close as possible to whatever real-life craft you're trying to copy. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you have photographs to reference. Build something not yet claimed on the checklist (link below) first. EXCEPTION: for craft that appear more than once in the museum (such as the Superfortress and the Twin Mustang), you may only sign off on one of your craft's variants. Leave the rest of them for others to claim. e.g. I only do one Twin Mustang; the one in the Korean War section in Hangar 2. I'll leave it to someone else to get the other Twin Mustang in Hangar 3 and claim it on the log. If you want to show something that's already been showcased on this thread, fine - but you don't get credit for it. I don't care if you built the craft 7 minutes or 7 years ago, so long as it's yours. If you have an old stash of aircraft replicas that you're willing to showcase (and can work), great. Weaponry (e.g. guns, bombs, missiles) not necessary, although I won't object to them either. If the original aircraft was manned, so is your replica. If the original aircraft was unmanned, so is your replica. I won't object to a probe core for your manned aircraft if it doesn't deviate too much from the aesthetic, so long as you include the appropriate crew module/s. You don't need to match the passenger/crew capacity of your original aircraft, so long as your replica comes close to looking like its real-life counterpart AND it's functional. e.g. if you use one or more Mk. 3 Passenger Modules for an Air Force One variant, as long as your aircraft makes a convincing replica I don't mind you exceeding or falling behind its real-life counterpart's passenger capacity. Those things weren't designed for carrying a lot of people anyway; just provide comfort for the president and his staff. (SIDE NOTE) Whoever builds the Douglas VC-54C "Skymaster," I'm not requiring you to install an elevator in the back to load polio-stricken passengers in and out. If you do and the plane still flies smoothly, even better. The one housed in the museum was designed specifically to transport then-president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who needed a wheelchair. Craft files a plus. Below is the link for the replica checklist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tA9IGsSCQIuTFjw9eNHYcgv8JboCxKiAy9ep5-nflR0/edit?usp=sharing Here are the instructions on how to use it: Pick an aircraft that has not already been built Like I said earlier, if you want to build something that's already been done here, don't steal credit from the original kerbalnaut. And for duplicates, you can only claim one of the type. Once you're done, write: Column D: Your KSP Forum name Column E: The link to the specific forum post showcasing your replica/s It is acceptable to put more than one craft in the same post. Just leave a link for everyone to find it. Column F: Whatever DLCs you used to make the replica If this doesn't apply to that specific craft, leave it blank Column G: Whatever (parts) mods you used to make the replica If this doesn't apply to that specific craft, leave it blank Column H: (IF YOU WANT TO) Additional notes that other readers may find interesting Please don't modify someone else's notes. If you want to debate/talk to someone about their craft, don't do it on the spreadsheet. Source for my list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_at_the_National_Museum_of_the_United_States_Air_Force Click here to see this thread's replicas assembled on KerbalX As a prize, if you make at least one replica from each of the four hangars (not counting the air park or missile silo since they're too small; specific hangar category (e.g. Early Years vs WWII, Experimental vs Space) doesn't matter), you'll earn this sweet badge: I made it myself. It's a representation of all four hangars by using a combination of the following four logos: U.S. Army Air Corps, whose planes dominate Hangar One. Classic U.S. Air Force, which became mainstream at the time period Hangar Two covers. Modern U.S. Air Force, which has a lot of planes in Hangar Three still in service. NASA, since the space gallery is in Hangar Four. Entries from the Missile Gallery can be used as "wild cards." They're ultra-rare, so get them while they last. Depending on what hangars you lack, it can be used as either a Hangar Three or Hangar Four entry. To make things fair for everyone, only one Missile Silo entry per person All Four Hangars Badge Recipients @Mars-Bound Hokie (Me, the OP) @swjr-swis I'll start us off with my favorite, the SR-71 Blackbird. The SR-71 Blackbird on display in the SPH Picture taken February 2020. Ted Kerman enjoying himself flying at high altitudes at a speed higher than the aircraft's real-life counterpart. There you have it, folks. Have fun, and I can't wait to see what you got. Build a plane from each of the four hangars, and you get the badge.
  18. i don't need a psychiatrist to attempt to break this down to hopefully see with words, and perhaps directly by other users reading it. :3 (thankfully) See's a post about LTT doing the worse rated parts, and had ksp 2 in it.. Due to experience of building computers, i have some input in this with the parts regardless of what the video is about. I join in talking purely about how the parts are not suitable for the situation for ksp 2 due to the lack of GPU performance. Then talk in more detail about where it stands with more "common" GPU's that are easier to understand due to the intel dedicated GPU scene is new and there is tons of users not understanding where it sits, (just like saying "i have a 4090", people understand better when it is compared to other things they might be familiar with) and thought it would have been beneficial for users to have this context. In this context i talk about how the gpu isn't allowing the real struggle of the game which is CPU intensive to actually show the game, simply due to the gpu not performing well due to its lack of power. Saying the power you get is simply not up for the task for 2024. Then i end off saying t2 shouldn't have ended it with production, and wasn't happy with the performance it ended in. to then finally end this statement off with stating the GPU was horrible. Thats perfectly understandable. You then state stuff about consumers are expecting the a310 to do stuff it simply will not do in ksp 2 due to the well known issues ksp 2 has. Then you remark that out of the three games ksp2 was the only game tested that was considered unplayable. (see the whole video) then you talk about linus never played it yet enjoyed it. And then a remark towards someone in this conversation this could be stated as the entire party in this topic however, There is no one else in this comment you sent only as users you and me.This however makes it harder to say "its in general" due to being only user remarked or replied, using "your", so the concept of saying "everyone in general" cannot be applied here. This is directed at someone in this convo in this direct comment when this was stated.. Stating about gpu specs to "learn my mistake" life can be more simple. simply by trying add an "s" to the next word beside it doesn't make it a party when there is only two participants in this as we concluded a few sentences up. I then state that the section was about worse review bombed games, and stated the reasons why the three games had there reasonings of being worse, with knowledge that ksp 2 will be the worse, and then requoted a statement to show that the review bombings are not due to performance, and it isn't a fair comparison with all three games, then finally remarked about talking the a310 or in statements that it is just not a good gpu. Then end off its illogical to pursue further, due to i strictly wanted talk about the gpu but this kept getting dragged on. Then you reply within your statement, with another inflammatory statement in the mutilible replies to a single user that there is one person in this convo that is being illogical and is failing to cope with reality, however not stating who it is that this comment is being told to. i asked if there is a disconnect about what we are talking about, and asked to explain further. And finally, you agreed there is a disconnect but decided instead of commenting on what was wrong, you attempt to misdirect the user by attempting to start something with this statement: Now that i have professionally mastered this convo without needing to exercise either intellectual honesty, on talking about computer parts performance nor needing to get a bare minimum of doctorate degree in a profession that isn't needed for this, I shall now ask how there is a disconnect and what it is about? i see we talked about both, computer parts and where the gpu stands, and aswell that ksp 2 performs poorly and out of the 3 games ksp 2 didn't do well and was the only one that failed to work well. Now I'm not frustrated, not angry, not mad nothing, i will like to see where you are trying to gather to formulate this conversation, due to trying to understand where you sit with information that was given by me about gpus, and about ksp 2 being poor and didn't show ksp 2 in good light.. i will be enlightened about where you think the faults of this convo stands due to stating in total Stop covering your arses and start learning from your mistakes. Life can be simple like that sometimes. We finally reached an agreement. There's no point on arguing with illogical people. Obviously, one of us is failing to cope with reality. Let's give time to time and see who. I would recommend to exercise some intellectual honesty and reread the posts - I'm not a Psychiatrist, I'm forbidden by Law to do such advises. With your wording users can and will attempt to try get frustrated with passive aggressive talking and would attempt to outlash, I'm just honestly curious where you sit with this convo due to one party is missing a larger key that the other user is using. And with this user that is missing the larger key asks about what is missing, only to get aggressive comments that can only be directed at two users instead of a direct the answer to a question. i shall go to sleep to see what i am missing in the morning in this conversation so i am better able to understand where the connection is lost about talking about gpu part performance, where the a310 stands, where the game stands within a video, and how poor the game actually runs.
  19. Including Iridium Next, New Horizons, Haven-1 and soon many more! (Check roadmap for what is coming) Join me on Discord! (DEV talk only) Tundra Exploration pics: Tundra Technologies pics: Planned features Roadmap Known issues "No tank type named 'RR_CryoMLOX' exists" means you have RR but not CRP, or you have RR, CRP, and WBI classic stock, and the WBI feature isn't working right. Make sure you have RR 1.16! Required Mods Kerbal Reusability Expansion (For the F9 legs and grid fins) B9 Part Switch (For part switching) Module manager (For all your module manager needs) Recommended Mods FreeIVA (So you can fly around inside Rodan and Gaira-1 parts! Modular Launch Pads (For those awesome towers) Waterfall (For those amazing plumes) Smokescreen (Realplume NOT required!) Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (For landing your F9 first stage) Omega482's Stockalike Structures NTR (For your Ghidorah landing needs) Basic DeltaV - Basic Orbit by DMagic (For better understanding of how much fuel you have to land all your crafts safely back) Tundra's Space Center (To launch from LC-40!) Near Future Solar (For the Solar Panel plugin if you want full 180 degree tracking) Not supported Mods Atmospheric autopilot FAR (Version 7.0 looks to perform a lot better) Beta versions on GitHub A very special thanks to @Beale, @CobaltWolf and @Nertea for the help and advise they gave me to make something awesome. And @DiscoSlelge for creating those awesome patches! And a massive thanks to @ValiZockt, @Rock3tman_, @Nessus_, @JadeOfMaar, @Starwaster, @neistridlar, @SofieBrink and @Infinite Monkeys for the help they gave me making this mod perfect! Changelog: Any of the configs are distributed under CC-NC-SA-4.0 License. All Textures/models/plugins are distributed under All Right Reserved License. SootyShaderLoader is based on the custom shader importer by shadowmage and modyfied by DMagic with custom modules and settings.
  20. ~KERBAL GAZETTE~ SPACE PROGRAM LAUNCHES NEW WEATHER SATELLITE, WORLD INDIFFERENT YEAR 1, DAY 74 - UNISAT-2/TIMMER 2 MISSION OBJECTIVE: Launch the Timmer 2 weather satellite into polar orbit for the KWB. LAUNCH VEHICLE: Prima-1 Rocket Beyond prepares to launch the second mission of the Unisat program, which is yet another weather satellite for the KWB. Although Kimera Industries and The Kerbal Fund have already bought a commsat space in the program, Beyond is still busy retrofitting the satellites for the specific requirements the companies asked for (OOC: I flew this mission like a month ago, hence why it’s another Timmer satellite). Other than that, there’s not much to talk about with this mission. It’s pretty much the same as the last Unisat mission. “Liftoff on Unisat-2.” - Kraft Kerman (Flight Director) “T- 2 minutes to orbital insertion.” - Kraft Kerman “Successful startup on LV-909.” - Chris Kerman (BOOSTER) “Orbital entry is established on Unisat-2.” - Kraft Kerman Another successful mission for Beyond! Sure, it isn’t the most exciting, but even the little missions deserve some attention. However, Beyond has told us that they're preparing for a mission that won’t be so little. They haven’t revealed many details to the public yet, but they’ve said that it will fly faster and further than anything that’s flown before. We’ll just have to speculate until then, we suppose. READ NEXT: Scientist Bob Kerman Discovers Mysterious Specimen named Mystery Goo (Pg. 1) | Yankerbs Win Record-Breaking Game Against the Green Socks! (Pg. 6) | Do You Know What it’s Time For? Because We Don’t (Pg. 13)
  21. Hi. could you talk us through what you did? Looks like you are linking to a fork. Did you download and use the fork pluging instead, or was it something else?
  22. My apologies, I split up Chapter 8 Part 2, but mistakenly moved all of the references to Part 3. The previous Chapter 8 Part 2 has been updated to include the references at the end of the post. Chapter 8 Part 3 This is Walter Kerman reporting. With the successful test of the LV-909 a new rocket has been assembled. A first stage with an LV-T30 boosted by two RT-5 solid fuel boosters to get the rocket off the ground. Once the rocket has reached a high altitude, nearing vacuum, the LV-909 takes over. It is expected that this rocket will have sufficient range to fly past the Mun and back for the first time. To ensure the safety of the pilot a fuel cell is included, providing enough electricity for the entire trip. Additionally a Science Jr has been included for the first spaceflight to perform materials studies in the orbit of the Mun. This rocket is the first of the Arethusa family of rockets, designated the Arethusa class A. The Arethusa rockets are intended for operation within the Kerbin sphere of influence, beyond low Kerbin orbit. Having completed preparations, Jebediah boards the rocket, named the gumdrop*, and the countdown begins. Jebediah tells me he has had extensive training, working with Valentina, to learn to properly use the LV-909 with its thrust vectoring capabilities. The preparations of the larger Mun rocket took longer than previous launches, providing me an opportunity to talk with Jebediah. Jebediah, what are you feeling as you prepare to launch for the Mun? “It is interesting being up here,” reported Jebediah. “I am quite a way up just sitting here with this large rocket below me. It feels kind of like being on a ship at sea, the rocket twisting and creaking below almost like gentle waves.”** Are you worried about lifting off in a rocket large enough to fly by the Mun? “No, I’m feeling more calm than I expected,” said Jebediah. “We have simulated this extensively and this mission is very much like what I flew for the spacewalk, just with one extra stage to reach the Mun.” There you have it folks, our brave Kerbalnaut is highly confident in his mission. Finally the countdown reaches zero and Jebediah lifts off for the Mun. The largest rocket the current launch pad can support rises effortlessly up into space. The first stage burns out with the rocket nearing the edge of the atmosphere, as the first stage falls away, the second stage accelerates Jebediah onward toward the Mun. I am told the tracking capabilities of the space center are fairly limited at this point, unable to provide direct guidance to an intercept vector with the Mun. To properly reach the Mun, Gene tells me Jebediah was launched when the Mun was, “Up around that direction”. The transfer burn completes and Jebediah is now off to be the first to see the mun up close. It will take a day for Jebediah to reach the Mun. We will report more on the mission when Jebediah reaches the Mun’s sphere of influence. In the meantime, Lizfal has reported in for another experiment. This time the KV-1 'Onion' Reentry Module is being tested to see if a Kerballed mission to Minmus in this pod would be appropriate. The KV-1 is a pressurized pod, unlike the MK1 command pod. The hope is that being able to move around the full pod, unencumbered by a space suit, will be a more comfortable operating environment for long range missions. I had an opportunity to talk with Lizfal before she entered the pod. How do you feel after your previous long simulation experiment Lizfal? “I’m doing great Walter!” gushed Lizfal. “Bob’s team helped me recognize how my mind came up with people and things to interact with to make up for my inability to do anything beyond sitting on the chair and flying sims. They helped me recognize reality again and know when I am falling into fantasies. I feel like I understand my mind better than before.” So you have no concerns about another long simulation confined in a pod? “None at all,” beamed Lizfal. “I think I could handle another fifteen days in a MK1 pod, but I get to be the first to try out an Onion, which is almost as big as my apartment back at the university! I just need to make sure I avoid the kraken… er keep focused while flying the simulations.” Lizfal is locked into the new KV-1 pod to begin her new simulation run. Until next time, this was a Walter Kerman report. Jebediah Chronicles - Day 225 It is very quiet in the command pod, the rushing sound of the Terrier silenced as the rocket coasts toward the Mun, even the radio is quiet right now. A good time to reflect and gather thoughts. Bill and Bob are still working on proper flight controls. This fight and maybe one more should provide enough data to figure out the fly by wire controls for a rocket. I’m getting pretty comfortable with this flight path of keep going up until the air is thin enough to make a late gravity turn, but it will be nice to have a more efficient flight path. We will want to be as efficient as possible to keep our fuel usage to a minimum. Kerbin continues to shrink as the Mun grows closer. I’ve never been this far from Kerbin. Of course no Kerbal has. In every test flight I’ve ever flown there were always emergency services around that could come for me. They saved my life a couple times, though they were too late for other Kerbals. Right now I’m beyond any rescue, I need to trust in my ship and my skills to get back. At least this is a pretty simple flight, loop around the Mun and head back to Kerbin Just a small burn for proper reentry. Too bad there isn’t room in this pod for some company. - Jeb * Apollo 9’s capsule was named “gumdrop” because of the capsule’s appearance in blue protective wrapping. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_9 ** From John Glenn’s thoughts waiting on the Mercury rocket to launch into orbit in The Right Stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Right_Stuff_(book)
  23. KSP 1.12.x Community Tech Tree [3.4.5] Last Updated August 13, 2024 The Community Tech Tree is a mod designed to extend the stock technology tree to accommodate many community mods in an inclusive and extensible manner. This takes the form of expansions to the current tech tree. It provides new and extended branches for command pods, thermal management, ion engines, nuclear power and propulsion, and many more useful nodes. You'll need to install ModuleManager version 2.7.1 or higher, if you don't already have it, in order to extend the tree. The Community Tech Tree will not assign parts to mods itself, instead, it is up to mods to support it themselves. Any mod that does not support the CTT will still work just fine, it will just not take advantage of new tech nodes that are added. If a mod you like doesn't support the tree, let the author know, or produce your own patch to add support. The best way to to do this is via ModuleManager patches. See the guide for details If you are a modder, you can link to this little icon if your mod supports or bundles the CTT: Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why do I see so many empty nodes! A: Because of the current state of KSP tech tree modding. There are compromises to having empty nodes hidden (little lines leading to nowhere). Q: I hate the empty nodes, how do I get rid of them? A: I suggest you use @ev0's mod, Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes. Q: How do I fill up the empty nodes? A: Find mods that support the tree. Q: I want to add a new node for my mod, can you add it? A: To avoid tree bloat (a problem in the past), I have a strict requirement that at minimum 2 mods must want a node before I will consider adding it. Take your node idea, talk to other relevant mod authors to see if they'd use it, then come to me with approvals from the stakeholders and we will work towards that. Q: Why isn't this realistic? There's still manned pods first! A: The goal of this project is not to redo the tech tree, it's to extend it Q: How do I add my mod to the CTT? A: Consult the ForModders.txt in the download for full instructions. Q: How do I get mods to fill up every node? A: Dig around/ I provide a framework and the information in the thread - there is no "complete list" or anything. Q: How much science does it take to unlock the tree? A: Lots! I don't have exact numbers for 2.0+. Q: I supported the CTT but I'm not on that list up there! A: PM me or post here, I'll make sure you're on the list. Unfortunately I don't have time to scrape lots of mods for their status. Supported Mods Near Future Technologies (all packs) [adds to ion propulsion, construction, structural, rocketry, command pods, solar, atmospheric and nuclear power branches] Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux [adds to construction and habitation branches] Cryogenic Engines [adds to Rocketry branch] Kerbal Atomics [adds to Nuclear Propulsion branch] Heat Control [adds to Heat management branch] KSP Interstellar Extended [adds to many branches and late game tech nodes] SpaceY Heavy Lifters [adds to Rocketry branch] Modular Rocket Systems [adds to Rocketry branch] USI Life Support [adds to Life Support branch] USI OKS/MKS [adds to construction, colonization, life support and much more] Alcubierre Warp Drive [adds to warp drive nodes] Infernal Robotics Next [adds to actuator nodes] Licensing This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. Download Mirrors Primary (SpaceDock) Secondary (CurseForge) Tertiary (GitHub) Issue Tracking and Source If you appreciate this project, please consider contributing to my caffeine addiction! I really appreciate it, and also helps justify this time sink to my wife , which results directly in more models.
  24. The thing with manual install problems is that those are things I can generally fix. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I have enough problems that I inadvertently create without having to deal with the litany of problems produced by other people as well. I have a life, and making KSP mods is not the top priority in that life, so putting time aside to talk the CKAN people through making my mod work would take time away from actually making the mod.
  25. A lot of kerbalnauts are familiar with the Ace Combat games, and a lot more know about War Thunder. However, very few know about a hidden gem from the early days of air combat gaming. Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII (Image source: Steam) Just like @TwoCalories's Ace Combat Thread, I decided to make one for Blazing Angels players to talk about their experiences with that game. How well did you fare in the campaign, favorite plane/s and missions, did you ever make it past the Norwegian fjords, playing with family, et cetera. For those who don't know or forgot, Blazing Angels follows the story of American pilots who partake in various iconic battles throughout the Second World War. Some of those battles include but are not limited to: the Battle of Britain, Desert Rats, Pearl Harbor, Midway, D-Day, and then you eventually end in Berlin. The player is an unnamed captain of a squadron of four composed of Tom the "shield," Joe the mechanic, and Frank the hunter; by the way, the captain talks. You can command your wingmen to stay with you, attack enemies, or protect you from incoming threats. The dialogue among the characters is great, and although the music can get repetitive sometimes it still feels appropriate for the situation. I will admit the graphics are mediocre, especially compared to Ace Combat 7, but I'll give Ubisoft a break considering it was released for the Wii in 2007; that was the version I got for Christmas two years later. The cutscenes and "old man captain" narrations before each level were very insightful since I would know more about what I was getting myself into, just like the mission briefings in AC7 only with way less advanced graphics (e.g. model vehicles and/or army guys moving on a blue and red map with the occasional explosion) - just like mission commanders using models on a map in the 1940s. After each mission was completed, I would get treated to another old man captain narration describing the aftermath. If I did well enough, I would get an "Ace" medal - and hear my dad quoting Chicken Little if he was nearby. As for the gameplay itself, although I enjoyed it a lot - and my years of playing it served me well when playing some levels in AC7 last year (despite it being on a PS5) - I was a bit disappointed that I had to do everything. Seriously, a lot of those levels had British/American air and/or ground forces with me besides my wingmen, and all they did was sit there and be green damsels in distress instead of actually blowing up enemies like they're supposed to. I can help take out the carrier decks of the main Japanese fleet, for example, but what was the point of me and the boys protecting the bombers from the Zekes if all they're going to do is fly around and expect me to sink everything? What about you all? What were you experiences with this game - or its lesser-known sequel, Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII?
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