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  1. Hey guys, www.talk-reason.com has a space travel forum. I need people enthusiastic about space travel to make it interesting.
  2. 150K downloads in 18 days... That's an average of 8333 per day over the current lifespan Lets talk some cash here. Lets take the conservative estimate that 50% of the people are just downloading a free demo and that 50% are paying. Now imagine when the game gets a price tag, lets say $10 for arguments sake. That would equate to almost $42,000 per day... or around 3/4 of a Million in 18 days had the game been carrying a price tag (using conservative estimates). Heck at $5 a pop that would still be $375K right there. However, being the smart person that HarvesteR is, he's getting us all hooked first with the free aplha then when the time comes - Early Retirement And I for one do not mind helping him retire young in exchange for this awesome game. Keep it up bro, you deserve every penny coming your way soon.
  3. You should totally talk to the folks who make this awesome game and get em to change it so decouplers don't fire before anything else. Frankly your retro's being able to fire at the same time as the decoupler would be an amazing thing...as is, firing them then the decoupler causes you to lose a bit of your velocity due to simple human reaction times. Still, keep up the good work. This mod is an amazing thing ;D
  4. Oh, by the way; if anyone here does have TeamSpeak3 I run a few servers; so if you want to get together and talk...
  5. [0.1] Firstly, I'd like to announce that I completely suck at drawing. Make it in real life or on the computer, pixelart or full-size. So dont expect too much. Also, this is a retexture of the original textures, so not really much new. Except for that cool blue-ish sheen, which is what I'm trying to make. At first I tried using hue to change the color of the stuff to a little more blue, but then I remembered that hue only works on colors, not grey stuff. So I had to change that. Then I tried saturation, and that worked a little better. However it didnt work on all of the textures, so I had to trash that idea too. After that I simply added a new 50-transparency blue layer on top of the image. THAT worked fine. I was a little worried that the previously transparent areas had to stay transparent, but after a test (below) I was happy that it worked fine. Here is my first retexturing of the fuel tank, as you can (hopefully) see, it's slightly blue (compare with the other things next to it). More textures and images coming soon! [0.2] Firstly, the MK1-pod failed completely, looking all black and ugly-ish. But I successfully managed to convert the decoupler and liquid engine to the blue team. Edit: was planning on making a 0.2.1 to fix the überblackness on the pod, but I have no idea whats causing it so I'm reverting to the original textures. Updating more parts soon. [0.3] Finished the winglets, solid booster and SAS module, next I'm going to make the Ionengine, Sphaera, and the Radial decoupler. I'm also intending on releasing the vanilla pack and a separate pack with all the custom mods textures on 0.4. [0.4] Woooouuuu! Not really much to say... I'll let these pictures talk for themselves And crapples, uploading failed, will come soon... [0.4.1] Attatchment with the vanilla retextures. HOW TO INSTALL: Download the attatchment, unzip it somewhere in any easy-accessed empty folder, like a new folder in your images folder. Then open up the texture folder in the fuelTank folder in the Parts folder in your KSP folder in a separate explorer window. Now pull the fuelTank_texBlue from the folder with the blue-ish images in to the texture folder. You should now have two images, one normal and one slightly bluer. Now change the name of the fuelTank_tex.png file to maybe fuelTank_tex1.png. This will disable the original texture. Now change the name of the fuelTank_texBlue.png to fuelTank_tex.png. This will make the new image the texture image. And you're done! At least with this part. Now go and make the rest the same way. See, not too hard, rite? As long as you got some patience... Eh... still some uploading problems... will try with dropbox [0.5] Just adding the custom parts textures Including: Vintage Nosecone (Retropack) AV-R1 Winglet (Retropack) XT-2 Solid Fuel Booster (Retropack) Ion Thruster MK 1 (Ion engine) Sphaera Fuel Obtinatus (FutureTech (This only holds the custom textures for these parts, not the actual parts) And no pictures this time cuz I dont know if you would need pictures.
  6. Since most people (Myself not included) seem to find regular orbits fairly easy, I was wondering if anyone had done something a bit more fun, like a Molniya orbit? I'm not sure if they are out of our realm without more advanced tools for calculating trajectory and orbit, but I'm sure somebody knows how to get into one. Feel free to talk about anything interesting you have done/noticed/want to do with orbits.
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