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  1. Well, let\'s talk about what we want next. I want to do a parachute part (stackable), a 2m stack decoupler (not a shroud) and a SRB nosecone with separation motors (hell yes). I\'m also thinking about a new all-in-one capsule/lander (with animated landing gear) to replace the Mei Long. So what do you want in Down Under 0.5?
  2. Let\'s talk about something, then this will go faster :D
  3. Hello my name is Vaeritas. i am 19 years old and from germany (pardon my bad english) after the formal stuff (see above and yes thats formal ) i`d like to ask one of u guys to do me a favor: I`d really like to support this game but i do not own a pay pal account nor a kreditcard. I do however have a way to buy games in Steam soooo i ask one of you to do a exchange: a preordert copy of KSP against a game from Steam with a similar/equal price contact me and we will talk about my Steam profile name and wich game you want and so on and so on.... so long Vaeritas
  4. Please stop posting these messages. If you have a comment, please help the thread and talk about the mod instead of just using caps lock.
  5. I strongly advise you to talk to a local computer expert, or just buy a pre-built, if you have went with these parts they would have been completely incompatible with each other and would not work. But if you want to hear in specifics what is wrong with this list... *takes big breath* The motherboard doesn\'t support the CPU socket that the i5-2500k uses. You want to look for a motherboard that uses socket LGA 1155 Unless you plan on overclocking(you don\'t, I can tell), the liquid cooler is completely unnecessary, the stock cooler that comes with the CPU is fine. The ram is incompatible with the motherboard you chose, in fact its designed for laptops. Why choose an OEM motherboard model? That means it comes with only the board, no drivers, no cables, no mounting screws, nothing. It also isn\'t fulfilled by amazon, meaning the quality and state of the board is completely in question. The monitor you chose has a max resolution of 1366X768, with only a 5000:1 contrast ratio. It won\'t support full HD 1080p, which is practically a necessity for a modern monitor. You have no DVD drive, no way to install windows with no disc drive. The case you chose is a full case, which is HUGE. Two feet high, almost two feet long, and more than half a foot wide. Do you really need all that space? Do you really need 3 terabytes of hard drive space? Do you realize how much that is? I haven\'t even filled up my 500 gig, which is nearly 1/6\'th the size you\'re looking at. The graphics card is a good choice for an entry level computer, if a little on the higher end. So far the only thing that seems right in this list.
  6. Just got back from my turn at flying it. The lifter stage could use a bit of work mainly due to thrust to weight issues. In time, you\'ll figure out staging strategies that will make your lifter lighter and more fuel efficient. I would like to make a personal request to add another tank to the 'TMI and Mun orbit insertion stage' so I can also use it for munar descent. No problems to report with the lander. I almost ran out of fuel getting back to Kerbin, due to the fact that I had to use a good amount of that one tank during the descent phase. I saw the amount of fuel remaining after landing and mustered up all the piloting skill I could (I knew it was going to be iffy on whether I made it back or not). After making corrections to the return trajectory as to not get my kerbals squished by G forces, I had a tiny sliver of fuel left. Talk about cutting it close!
  7. Stop Screaming! Don\'t press and buttons! What\'s that screaching? Oh God, we\'re listing! Hang on man, I\'ve got this! I\'ll pull this baby up! With the flick of a switch and the pull of a lever Everything \'ll be better! Look at my sunglasses - they glitter in the sun Glance at my hair - shining to everyone I\'m perfect don\'t you see, Now just belive in me! I\'m the one that they will see in history. Jebadiah Kerman! It\'s not working! You\'re failed again! We\'re falling fast What happens then- Shut up, don\'t talk no more! We\'re now under control! Pitching up, against the wind You see I\'m just an epic win! Gander at my walk - A gentle swaying lean Now just the way I talk - It makes the ladies mean I\'m perfect don\'t you see, Now just believe in me! These boosters scorch the ground In such a subtle way Jebadiah Kerman! What the hell, We\'re going up But wheres the chutes? Jeb what the heck? My signature move is coming soon A soft splashdown you big bafoon Engines on we\'re slowing down Woohoo! We\'ve got a soft touchdown! Mission success! Jebadiah Kerman!
  8. There\'s no good reason for that. If you disagree, then we\'ll have to take Foamy\'s suggestion and talk about it elsewhere.
  9. the point i was getting at was that KSP by design is like ever other games in existance..A challange. Make easy..yes ...Remove the entire mechanic\'s of the game and there is no challange. It would be like starting a Final Fantasy game at a stupidly high level....you just button bash, grind and eventually get bored. See if thi principal of this discovery were put into a senerio so that you could instantly beam a glider into orbit to test it and refine it while developing a part....Or a langer into Mun orbit...yes, go for it...abuse the game all you like. BUT then all the work the production team are putting into the design of a test function (talk of it at least) will be pointless.
  10. I got to talk with that guy for a few hours at nasa about 7 years ago or so. He did some other really cool stuff with photography of cities from space. The different chemical make-up of the bulb elements produces some interesting effects. Check out his video where he throws an alka-seltzer into a globe of water, I like that one.
  11. However, I\'ve got 2 tips for you: 1. Put a space between: download page:http://uploading.com/files/da9bd512/Talk%2Bto%2Bmy%2Brobot on thr download page 2. Mention the version on the download page (3. Mention the version in the name of the version in the title (e.g. Talk to my robot 0.0.1))
  12. OMG damnit 11 years and making a game of 500k lines of code My program is super simple, just to test my programming skills but I\'m pretty proud of my 750 line code program ontopic: When I was 11 years old i had totally no work for school. But damnit now, I\'m 13, I have every day ton of work on topic 2: I just downloaded that Talk to my robot link. But the file has a .py extansion. How to open it?
  13. only version thats not for beta testers untill V 0.1.0 this version is V 0.0.1 http://uploading.com/files/da9bd512/Talk%2Bto%2Bmy%2Brobot.zip/ you have to have python to you dont need to sciprt just this is the game engin it runs on http://python.org/download/releases/3.2.2/
  14. Tiny Tim Takes Time To Talk To Tom, The Timelord
  15. My website make games but we cant make any yet untill we have more helpers there is one other guy that i like never talk to name jaarad here my website name and yes hopyfully it wont have a .webs is it soon http://pirouline.webs.com/
  17. That was interesting to dig up some high school trigonometry to figure out the minimum altitude orbit for an equilateral triangle of satellites to see each other around a 600km sphere in the center. If you\'re working from a single ground station on the Mun and trying to talk back to KSP without a series of ground stations, you\'ll need three sats on each end. If you\'re going for lowest possible three-comsat constellation, for Kerbin you need three equally spaced (120 degrees apart) in orbit at about 1500 km. For the Mun, the triangle arrangement needs to be at about 500 km altitude. You could, if you use Keosynchronous satellites on the Kerbin side, get away with using just two of them with about 1200 km separation from each other. One could be directly over KSP and one offset just enough that it\'s always visible when the KSP one is blocked by the planet. However, then your Munar relays end up sending signals across 3000 km some times and 19000 at other times; better to relay across a more predictable 11000 km distance to a lower-orbit 3 satellite setup, I think. You can also go with lower-altitude comsats if you add more than three, but the calculations of just how low get more complicated fast. Lastly, you could park a single Munar one 2500 km ahead of the Mun in the same orbit and use it, if your Munar base can see that point in the sky at all times.
  18. That\'s loser talk IT MUST BE DONE! Put a verticle fin on the boat that goes in between the wings of the plane, and land it perfectly in order to test it
  19. Man. I don\'t even know where to begin to talk some sense into you. Nobody is \'sucking anyone\'s cock\' in this forum; There is however a large amount of praise and respect for those that take the time to make us high quality models and parts to play with in this game. Remember, they are doing this on a voluntary basis and don\'t get paid for releasing anything. It\'s their love for this particular game and it\'s community that keeps them going and releasing awesome shit. For you to shit on Nova personally about his skills in this condensending (spelling) manner is absolutely unheared of and uncalled for. Get your flaming/trolling ass out of this forum asap. I and many other KSP fans don\'t want this sort of BS here it completely kills the community and kills the Drive for the modellers to make nice shit for us.
  20. That is awesome design right there! Talk about an ekranoplan style / seaplane carrier. The only little suggestion I have is try and change the tail to a 'V' type so the fighter can land on the deck from the rear (less hazardous)
  21. Welcome to the KSP Forums! There are a few tutorials and many posts on the forums that talk about how to get to the moon and back. Have a look around, almost anything you\'d care to know about KSP is here. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  22. I second this. A couple more thoughts about \'books piracy\' which is constantly discussed in Russia. First of all, these \'pirate fighters\' speak about \'protecting an author\' while an author currently gets less than 0.5% of book earnings. Guess whom are they really \'protecting\'? And the second note. A publisher uses to talk about pirated book as it were money stolen right from his pocket, eh? A stupid son of a... female canine. If someone could not pirate books he would not go buy them. He would read less instead. Just win the fight against those pirates... and you\'ll not be getting more money. You\'ll get less. \'Cause destroying that free advertising mechanism that pirates provide will make less people know an author whose books you\'re trying to publish. Both notes are quite obvious and were widely discussed for last several years (not only in Russia). And -- finally here\'s that SOPA. \'Cause nobody fuckin\' cares >
  23. Big Red Button Pressers has conquered space. We\'ve been to the Mun. We\'ve never returned. And now... we\'ve arrived at the conclusion: Why take our crew to space to die when we can do it easier inside the atmosphere? Introducing the new Atmospheric Crafts list, you\'ll be shown all of the most stable ways to fly inside the atmosphere and maybe even learn something! Craft Number One: The KSP Blackbird The Blackbird is so far the most stable craft I\'ve designed, created entirely with C7 Aerospace parts and a stock ASAS, this is the perfect beginners craft. Don\'t even ask about landing though. Go talk to Winter Owl about how to land this thing. With an average cruising speed of 100 m/s (360 km/h) this sucker can go pretty fast and if you\'re good on the throttle it\'ll last you around 30 minutes before you burn out. The reason there isn\'t a photo of it burning out is because it didn\'t. I tried to land it without any landing gear and it broke on the side of a mountain/hill.
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