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  1. Boarding require that the target is either defenseless or its crew surrender to avoid being blown up, note that anything unmanned can try to ram you unless disabled. Boarding has the effect that you can gather information and that its less brutal than blowing up the target. And yes we talk far future here, near future and it would be smarter just to damage an enemy space station if you did not want to kill the crew. Grabbing an dead satellite is something different, in the borderland between salvage and piracy. Think most keep well track of their dead recon satellites.
  2. FROM KERBIN TO THE MUN Part II: The Ostrich Has Landed Sort of a Space Odyssey 1. “So...? Vhat do you think?†Wernher Von Kerman looked at the two kerbonauts expectantly. The Ham and Cheese III towered above them, piercing the roof of the Vehicle Assembly Building. Technicians were busily applying duct tape and Bondo to the ungainly contraption. “It's really...†began Bill. “...Big.†finish Bob. “Ja!†beamed Von Kerman. “Ve had to cut a hole in the roof just to make it fit.†Bob and Bill looked at each other. Meh, he'll figure it out for himself when it was time to move the craft to the launch pad. “So um,†said Bill, “What happened to the Ham and Cheese II?†“Ugh,†said Von Kerman, “Don't ask. Now, since Jebediah Kerman is the most experienced kerbonaut, he vill be mission commander.†“Great...†said Bill and Bob together, rolling their eyes. “Ja!†Von Kerman continued happily, “It vill be, how do you say it, one big happy family up there, ja? Now zee next step in the process is to fill the tanks with highly explosive rocket fuel. Ah, here comes Gimblet Kerman with the fuel truck now!†“Eh, gotta go!†said Bill, “Left a pie in the oven!†“Er, um...†Bob said, uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot as he watched Gimblet fumble with the fuel hose, “...see you later, Doctor!†2. “What do you mean I'm not covered for space travel?!? I'm a kerbonaut!!!†Bill Kerman was on the phone with his life insurance agent. “Oh boy guys, this is going to be great!†Jebediah Kerman's eyes were popping with excitement, an idiotic grin plastered all over his clueless green face. “I'm bringing Scrabble, I'm bringing Twister, we can play charades...†Bob Kerman had a space-age ball point pen in hand, and was filling out his Last Will and Testament. “Darn KSC pen doesn't even write right-side up! This thing is useless!†“30 seconds to blast off. Secure all loose items.†Bill and Bob put away their phones and pens and tightened the buckles in their harnesses. “Now remember what they said in the pre-flight briefing Jeb...†“I know, I know...†Jebediah looked momentarily crestfallen. “'Don't touch anything'...†He brightened up, the customary idiotic grin returning to his sunny green face. “Hey, I snuck my banjo onboard!†“3... 2... 1... Ignition†“NOOOOOOOO!†Yelled Bob and Bill simultaneously as the great engines roared to life, crushing them back in their seat cushions, and Jeb began plucking out a very battered rendition of 'She'll be Coming Round the Mountain'. 3. *several hours later. The Mun looms large in the capsule windows* “I wish all three of us could go down there... maybe if one of you sat in the other's lap...?†Bob and Bill rolled their eyes. “Now Jeb, we've been over this several times already.†“I know, I know. There's only room for two in the munar lander, and someone has to stay to pilot the command module. Too bad. It's going to be really pretty down there... Which one of you is coming with me?†“You know, we hadn't thought about this issue..†Bill said. “Yeah,†said Bob, as they watched a quarter tumbled in midair, “flipping a coin in zero-G is kind of problematic...†A few minutes later, Bob (having lost the coin toss) and Jeb were safely ensconced in the Ostrich, the munar landing module. Bills voice crackled over the radio, “Good luck fellows.†“We don't need luck,†Jeb responded. “I'm piloting this thing!†“Hey Jeb,†Bob said, “didn't you have to bail out of the Ham and Cheese II yesterday?†“Yeah,†Jeb said. [more-or-less an actual Neil Armstrong quote] “Radar altimeter on-line,†Bob reported, “1000 meters and dropping... Jeb, are you paying attention?†“Look at me! I'm flying upside-down!!†“500 meters. 30 seconds of fuel remaining...†“100 meters. Rate of descent 25 meters per second. 10 seconds fuel remaining...†“I can make it do a loop-de-loop!†“20 meters... and engine flame-out. Brace for impact...†“Wheeee!†The spacecraft made contact with the munar surface. The Ostrich bounced twice, threatened to tip over, didn't, bounced a third time, and finally came to a rest on the vast munar plane. The landing gear, which had performed admirably so far, gave a sigh and sheered off, leaving the Ostrich balanced precariously on it's engine exhaust nozzle. “The Ostrich has landed.†Jeb said, his head swelling visibly with pride. “Let's go for a walk!†“Um Jeb,†Bob said as Jeb started unlocking the landing module door, “Shouldn't we pressurize our space suits first?†“Right, good idea!†Jeb never stops grinning, does he? The two kerbonauts clambered carefully out of their space ship. “Jeb, shouldn't you say something historic?†asked Bob. “Holy #@$% #@$% !!†said Jeb, “We're walking on the #@$% Mun!!!†They planted a flag, and gathered up a few mun rocks. “It's beautiful... magnificent desolation...†Bob said. “Kind of boring,†Jeb said, “Where are all the trees? Let's get back in the Ostrich and blast off back home.†“Uh Jeb...†Bob said, but Jeb wasn't listening. “All systems go or whatever... 3-2-1-BLAST-OFF!! … why isn't anything happening?†“Um Jeb,†Bob sighed, “You ran us out of fuel when we landed.†“Oh...†said Jeb, slightly crestfallen. “I say we split up,†Bob said. “I'll stay with the lander, you go look for help.†“I'm in command here, and you'll do what I say, darnit! ...I say we split up. You stay here with the lander, I'll go look for help.†“Whatever you say, Boss...†4. “I'm about to initiate my trans-munar burn.†Bill crackled over the radio. “Hang tight down there Bob, I'm sure Von Kerman will send a rescue pronto.†“Rodger that,†Bob said. “Mun Base Ostrich out.†5. Jeb was tired. He had been walking a long, long time. He couldn't even see the Ostrich anymore. Good old Bob. He's really good at Scrabble. He knows such big words. The jerry can was heavy in Jeb's hand. He switched hands, smiled and kept on walking. “There's got to be a gas station around here somewhere...†6. 'So long, suckers,†Bill Kerman thought to himself. He was on a free return trajectory. All he had to do was one short retrograde burn, survive re-entry, and he was all set. 'As soon as I get down,' he thought, 'I'm retiring. Get me a good ghostwriter and hit the talk-show circuit.' Methodical engineer that he was, Bill went through the pre-retroburn checklist out loud: “RCS- set. Navigation Computer- set. Throttle to 100%. Parachutes... parachutes... #@$% ?! Damn you Wernher Von Kerman, you forgot the parachutes!!†Bill did a quick course correction and plugged the numbers into the navigation computer. The good news was that he wasn't going to burn to death while he plunged through Kerbin's atmosphere. The bad news... “Look at that apoapsis... sheesh, they didn't even teach us numbers that big at the Kerbal Mail-Order Institute of Technology. And what's my orbital period? ...wow... it's going to be a long, lonely flight. At least I'll have some piece and quiet for a change.†Twenty minutes later, Bill was already missing Jeb and his Scrabble set. But not the banjo. Stage Separation Confirmed End Part Two
  3. how do you "use" part clipping? I hear people talk about it all the time, but I'm not exactly familiar with the mechanic.
  4. On a serious note this is a serious theory on Kerbals. Might not be safe for work, but this is written scientifically, be an adult about it. If you can't handle serious talk about sex, skip this post Kerbals are a trigendered mammaloid species native to the planet Kerbin, otherwise known as Kepler 23478945025 C. The Kerbal has a cylindrical head, wide mouth, and buldging eyes. It's tiny body is almost teardrop shaped, with short legs and huge feet, as well as long arms. It has four fingers on each hand. The Kerbal's lower torso is filled by a large lung, with the digestive tubes coming from the bottom and leading to the mouth. Contrary to popular belief, The Kerbal is not a plant, it's green skin is not for photosynthesis and no plant has ever been known to walk. The green skin is camouflage to protect it from the beasts of Kerbin, large predators such as the snowmonster, forest bug, and large shiny patches of kerbal-eating grass. Kerbal genders are Male, Female, and Uomale. The male has a penis that injects sperm into the uomale. The female has a vagina that receives fertilized eggs from the Uomale. The uomale has a cloaca which both recieves sperm and injects fertilized eggs into the female. The fertilized eggs, when in the Fallopian tubes of the female, is exposed to the female's sperm, completing the fertilization process. The Femertilized egg then travels to the womb, mounts itself, and has a fairly normal mammal-like pregnancy for up to a month. After a month, the embryos rapidly grow for another 4 months. At that point, the female bloats up to over 10 times her original size. The male and uomale must take care of, feed, groom, and clean the female, or she will die of loneliness, starvation, or infection. After 5 months, a litter of 8-18 Kerblings. They will become sexually mature in 10 years, and live up to 1,000 years. Males shall be addressed as "He, Him, or His". Females shall be addressed as "She, Her, or Hers", and Uomales shall be addressed as "Te, Yim, or Zers" Kerbals are a sentient, sapient species, and they are in the space age. They have landed themselves on their moons, Mun (otherwise known as Kepler 23478945025 C.1) and Minmus (Kepler 23478945025 C.2), and sent probes to every planet and moon they have discovered, although only two have yet reached their destination: Eve (Kepler 23478945025 , and Duna (Kepler 23478945025 D). They have yet to discover three gas planets (Kepler 23478945025 G, H, and I), and one dwarf planet (Eeloo or Kepler 23478945025 J) is not where they think it is. Kerbals seem to love each other, and divorces rarely happen. Marriages usually happen between Male, Female, and Uomale, although Homo and bisexual relationships do exist, and are not discouraged.
  5. If Kerbin blocks all your satellites, then yes you will lose signal. A conversation between satellites requires that both parties talk to each other.
  6. Granted, you have been entered into the Hungry Games. It's like the Hunger Games, but McDonald's always wins by making everyone too fat to compete. AND THEN SLENDERMAN. I wish whales could talk in all languages... and knew how to use harpoons >:3
  7. Hats of and big thanks to the KSP team from me too. There are so many trivial games out there, its so refreshing to find one where you dont succeed at everything at the first try. How many rockets already exploded, or failed some other way, parts forgotten, Kerbals stranded somewhere...but its just that that keeps me coming back. ´cause I WANT that rocket in Orbit and I WANT to rescue my Jeb from Mun and I WANT to get a satellite in orbit around someplace else...and the sweet satisfaction when the stable orbit is finaly established or the capsul with the lost son has safely landed back on Kerbin. Or, just the calming silence when floating peacefully in space high over Kerbin, the feeling of tranquilitiy is soothing. And they go further, being active in this forum and communicating with the community is an awesome bonus, some good games failed to be great because the devs did not talk to and listen to their community. So keep at it KSP team, I enjoyed every minute playing so far and I´m sure there are many more to come, thanks to you. Old Pete, signing off.
  8. Version 0.1b is up! This should be the final form of the module, next should be Allowing more than one parachute per part/module! Changelog: November 16th 2013 v0.1b -Fixed the issue where deploying the parachute below the full deployment height would play the second animations faster -Added sounds on both predeployment and deployment -Added a deployment timer that will show a countdown on the flight screen -Added a clause that the ship must go downards to deploy and that will show status on the flight screen -Fixed a few remaining deployment bugs -Changed the behaviour of the part GUI to only show when the action is available **Note about the FASA MM file: The animations for both Gemini parachutes don't work. I'll talk to frizzank to try and see what's up.
  9. Patience. I once launched a 6,500 part ship. From surface to orbit, it took me over two hours of real time. Progress so far: Found a design flaw while in orbit. I don't like junk in orbit, so I pointed retrograde and burned up my fuel. Talk about a one in a million encounter! My eyebrows hit record altitude when I panned around to see where I'd hit. Completely unplanned. Didn't strike a building, fell just short. But it surprised me nontheless. Retooling the lander module and relaunching now. Nah. Wouldn't be sporting. Though I am watching the mod with interest. Someday, who knows?
  10. Ok well there was talk about post Apollo 20+ missions being polar, up to 45 day mission using a Block III service module with up to 14 days on the surface. In KSP it took me about 3-4% more Delta V to do a Polar orbit over an equatorial orbit and all it required was a mid-course correction. I can understand that a window of return only comes every 14 days from polar orbit, but does it cost more Delta V to do?
  11. I remember hearing talk that the baseline Saturn V-Apollo system lacked the Delta-V to enter Lunar Polar orbit. This gets me wondering, why does it require more Delta-V to enter Lunar polar orbits and by how much compared to a lunar equatorial orbit? I good question for KSP is could this difference be determined in in KSP with the Mun?
  12. Welcome to the interwebs, put on your seatbelt and tinfoil hat. On a good note: the blinking issues I had been talking about earlier seem to have been resolved with this latest release. Good work! Please don't get too discouraged. Our passion for this game and this mod drives us a little bonkers sometimes, but nearly everyone has good intentions at heart. So don't take bug reports and gripes as attacks, most really arn't meant to be. As for Manley, he's a big time celeb now (lol), why would he talk to you? Try not to sweat it, you're doing a good job at resurrection of RemoteTech. You should be proud. Now where's my aero probe ? LOL j/k Best regards.
  13. The preliminary report for the HEAT-2 And a couple of update pictures. Btw, we have finally expanded our shop, we have gotten hold of more space since we where running out fast, so if you have a couple of spare dollars, to help with the rent - feel free to use our Donate page. Wired blog about our new facilities The 1600 is coming along... If anyone is in Oregon, Hillsboro. Stop by and hear Cameron Smith talk about the spacesuit he is building for us. http://www.omsi.edu/sciencepubhillsboro/111813 You can read an article here: http://www.explorersweb.com/polar/news.php?url=emigrating-beyond-earth-cameron-is-suiti_138187866
  14. Wow! So much talk about a dart board! Don't worry guys I havn't even decided where to put it yet. Just slapped it somewhere because it cheered me up. I don't think that kerbals are all just stupid! But I like to think of them as sometimes not thinking very far ahead. Also theres a difference between an interplanetary spaceship-constructing engineer and a bored astronaut on a 5 year journey to eeloo. I love the humor in this game, the way it incorporates trivial little problems into something so highly controlled and accurate as space travel. Think of the various pasties in the command pods, "P.S I ate all the snacks" or "stop using bits of metal as fuses, we have spares!" The game is kind of a mixture of cartoon and reality, I just have to try and find the right balance. Given the cartoonish aspect, I can accept it if a leak in an inflatable hab module can actually be sealed up with duct tape, which in reality is nonsense because the walls are made of dozens of layers of different materals and bladders and putting a patch on the top most layer would help as little as putting your finger in a hole in your spacesuit. So yea, anyway, I hear your concerns and will try to find a way that we all can live with.
  15. Sure thing! PM me about this so we can talk about it without anyone getting upset. Also, I too have ships daemon
  16. While in build mode, i find myself accidentally clicking the wrong part when trying to move things like struts and attachments. I also noticed that when you hover over a part, it turns slightly white (along with it's icon in the staging list). I would like to suggest that you provide either an alternate color that is easier to see (bright red?) or the ability for the user to modify the color that items are shaded during "on hover" events. The problem gets really bad when you have spent an hour building a three layer asparagus/onion configuration (without saving) and accidentally click an inner engine thereby messing up your fuel hose routing...talk about frustrating... Thanks guys !
  17. And that it's EXACTLY the first page that's about licenses, no more, no less. Unless this talk qualifiies to be about licenses. Anyway, great looking heat shield!
  18. Wow! Talk about being ahead of an issue. If they do run out of UF6 or DUF6 space, the boys on Duna can sit tight for a bit.
  19. With stock KSP, you have remote control of any probe no matter what provided it has power. Remote Tech is a realism and immersion enhancing mod. It removes the ability for the player to control vehicles unless the player has that vehicle connected to a relay network. Essentially, the mod is pretending that instead of some godlike being from beyond controlling kerbals and space probes, you're really a kerbal sitting behind a control desk somewhere. So if you can't get a signal to a far away probe, obviously you can't tell it what to do. Thus, establishing connections is they very core of what Remote Tech is about. Without a relay network, you can't so much as talk to the satellite on the other side of kerbin.
  20. I agree with this; from what I've seen, while it is possible to talk about a shorter distance, that smaller distance does not matter and has no effect (but correct me please).
  21. I can't say I really care. The way I figure it, I already had a google+ account anyway, same way as I have a gmail account by virtue of having a youtube account (well, now it's a google account like everyone elses, but it started off as a youtube account). The biggest difference to me is that I have no charecter limit, and I can change how visible a comment is. I'm not really sure why this bothers people so much. You already had a google+ account. I suppose their is some objection to the ever increasing integration of each google service into all the others as a general point of principle, though it makes perfect sense to them no matter how much people don't like it. The goal for them is to pace it slowly enough that people will go along with it. Remember how google makes it's money. There is no magical money fairy for companies that provide a bunch of useful services for free. They make their money from advertising, and their business strategy is nothing short of genius. The search engine collects information about the people who use it, which allows it to serve more relevant ads, which makes it more popular which means even more data collection. Google uses that information to target ads as well, and the resulting effectiveness makes them popular, which makes them wealthy. Youtube was acquired because they saw the potential of controlling one of the top 10 most popular sites on the entire internet and serving ads off it, a business plan which now earns them hilariously large piles of money every year. Now look at how Facebook makes it's money, and understand why they want Google+ to succeed. Facebook doesn't serve ads. They make most of their money selling user information (and uploaded pictures) to advertising agencies. Google+ has the same potential, so Google would naturally want to dominate in the social media market for that reason. The information can only make their own advertising business more lucrative, and a lot of that information would also be prime for them to sell to other agencies for TV and radio advertising as well. Aside from that, the more information they can control, the harder it is for anyone to compete with them. Facebook seems to be a tough nut to crack. Being the most popular is generally self sustaining. People use you because that's where everyone else is, so google needs to use any edge they have to try and take that position, and their edge is convenience. The more popular services they can tie to your google account, and the more those services can talk to each other, the more appealing one large google internet utopia is going to become. So yeah, that's (my) take on the why. It's another push to try and get people to use google+, so that they can make even more money. I'm sure they have more plans as well, it's not a company famous for rolling over and accepting second place. And, as it stands, other video hosting sites really aren't a viable alternative for the same reason google is having so much trouble dethroning facebook. It's the most popular site, with the most users and content. If you are looking to find a video, it's generally the best place to look, and if you are looking to reach the largest audience, it's the best place to host. And they have the most freedom to offer features free (and pay their popular video makers) because their ad structure is the most profitable. It's really hard to compete with a site owned by one of the largest ad servers on the web when that site is in a market that makes money on advertising. At the end of the day, I would probably enjoy youtube more if they weren't trying to capitalize on social media potential, and instead had the site designed strictly as a video hosting site. I think that depends though on how you use the site. I rarely comment and the like, so I'm not using it the way the site is designed to be used, and I don't really care.
  22. So as the title says, hello everybody! This game is really interesting, and so fun to play I thought I may as just have a little talk with those who are interested in space and science in general. Greetings from France!
  23. I'm mostly going to echo what the guy above me said. Scansat has no official release yet, but I've been playing with the dev version (Find it in the dev forum) and it's more stable than most release versions of other mods. It is awesome, though I had to adjust the scanner models to some random science thingies from AEIS aerospace (parts mod). The models that come from the mod are placeholders and look rather bad in their current state. Dunno what ISA mapsat is up to but I presume it has the same sort of functionality. Kerbal Attachment System is a real recommendation. It makes EVA's much more important. With this addon you can: - attach small parts (solar panels, batteries etc) to your spaceships using EVA. - Store those small parts in moveable containers. - Link ships or bases together with EVA attached fuel lines and struts. - Tow stuff around using winches. It completely adjusted my playstyle and opened up so many avenues of design. Extraplanetary Launchpads looks like a great deal of fun. But I've been avoiding it so far because I think the models look like ****. As soon as I find some nice models / make them myself I'll give it a try though. I can see this adding a great deal of depth since it allows you to move your production to a vacuum. If you play with a mod like FAR this is very important because it removes design constraints (fitting in the fairing) at the cost of resource extraction. Deadly Reentry is one of my 'must have' mods. It adds a lot of excitement to reentry and forces you to really think about your design. Landing stuff on atmospheric planets takes some serious planning, I had to actually use something similar to the Curiosity rover Skycrane once, simply because I needed both retro rockets and a heat shield (with the shield in front of the retro rockets to prevent melting). Procedural Fairings. Allows you to make fairings for any payload. Makes stuff look pretty, very cheap on parts and reduces drag if you play with FAR. Ferram Aerospace Research. Proper aerodynamics. It takes some getting used to, but stuff will actually behave semi realistic. So nosecones reduce drag, asparagus staging will lead to a glorious out of control fireball and planes can stall. Life support mod. There are many of these, but they all boil down to pretty much the same thing: Manned missions have a harsh time limit. This makes it much harder to do manned exploration, which is important imo since manned missions have some significant advantages over probes (Crew and EVA reports and KAS interaction). If you want one I suggest you either look for Ioncross Crew Support or TAC life support. Though they're currently also working on a really neat one over in the Bobcat Historic crafts thread, but that one isn't compatible with stock yet. Remotetech2 lite. To make probes and science a bit harder. In essence, you need to have a radio link with the KSC to upload science or control probes. Either via direct LOS or via a relay network. Different antenna and dishes have different ranges so you'll need to set up a complex network of satellites if you want to talk to your probes or receive science. City Lights and clouds. This is one of those "Oh my gosh! So pwetty!" mods that are just eyecandy. But it is very good eyecandy. As the name implies this mod adds city lights (to kerbin) and clouds (To planets/moons with atmospheres). Clouds are a 2d texture that moves slightly slower/faster than the planet for now, but they're working on volumetric clouds. It adds absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay, but if you've got the RAM to spare I can highly recommend it. Other than that, just keep an eye on the "Addon releases and showcase" subforum. You'll usually find something to your liking fairly soon.
  24. So in the vein if ALacrity not totally thinking things through before launching I decided, in preperation for Mun landings, I was ready to start my commsat network around Kerbin. Please recall I have never used Remote Tech before so I am making all the noob mistakes still. So my first launch was Comm Star 1... Unmanned launch of a sputnik class probe as a relay for LKO and LMO communications. Thats right... the noob launched an unmanned probe, with tony engine, minimum fuel... AND NO WAY TO TALK TO MISSION CONTROL unless I was passing directly over it. At around 63km altitude I was going to loose contact and therefore control of the ship. Thank the gods I have read wiki's and watched Manly and figured out radial in/radial out thrusting. When I lost contact I managed to get a 519km by 49km orbit. Enough altitude that on my next pass over mission control a radial in burn pushed my orbit around leaving me at 325 by 108. So for some others... Send up you first one or two commsats piggy backed on manned ships... just sayin. Alacrity
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