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  1. hello, I just wanted some name suggestions for a long term moon lander mission. I'll see how many moons I can reach in the kerbol system with a orbital ship-lander hybrid. It has a drill and ISRU converter to refuel with each stop. I'll link a photo. I just wanted to see what the KSP community thought of it. Thanks!
  2. What planet is this on the horizon? It looks like it is one of the planets. Or is it a famous star of some sort?
  3. What do you think KSP's currency should be? Maybe we can influence the game somehow. I'll start by saying it should be Kash. Sound off in the comments! OP's favorites so far: "Kash Money" by regex "Bux" by astropapi1 "Kwid" by Pineapple Frenzy "Money" by DisarmingBaton5 "Funds" by Caelib
  4. Example: Spacespear-MkIX-"Blue_arrow"EIS-RLLi-OIS Nameofgroup-modelnumber-"Name_of_version"-whatitismentfor-whatitis-whatitcando What it says at the end signifys what it is meant for, what it is and what it can do (in that order) a letter represents the first letter of a word in order so it makes a sentence. for example; "EIS" would mean "Exploring Interplanetary Space" the world can alter tho for example; "E" could mean, Exploratory, Exploring or Explore different letters represent different things tho a letter can represent mutable things like "Lander" and "Lifter" which is why you try to order them so they make somewhat of a sentence as you wouldn't say it twice. Tho that's not enough information, you could get confused which is which and that's why you add the more letters in that word until it becomes different from another one but lowercase to signify its part of what its behind. Heres a list of what the different letters mean E: explore I: interplanetary S: space R: rocket L: lander Li: lifter O: orbit So that's it! tho, the list will expand and the post will change of course as this is still a work in progress. i based it off a bunch of different naming schemes. i hope this helped you make your own or be entertained or something...oh and i don't know if this is in the correct spot i only really made this so i can remember it as im not using it yet. bye!
  5. I was performing an SLS-1-alike mission, where I launched my Duna CTV into a free return trajectory so I could test it quickly and see how the capsule/heatshield performed under high speeds (in this case 3.2km/s). And on my way back I saw this dot, this flickering object on the surface of Kerbin. What IS it? Did I see a monolith from 70km+? Is that the hidden pyrimids? I thought they didn't exist anymore?? I do have the game set to extremely low graphics which I know can allow me to see things far further than they otherwise should be. I also have Distant Object mod thing. So I don't know which of these two things are causing it, but I can see for miles. Moreover, I knowingly can see the KSC when I pass over it, but this ISN'T the KSC NOR the hidden one!! This is too far east and south of it! As a general background of where I am, I was near the second of the 2 large peninsulas on the edge of the desert (west of the KSC), I was near there. Picture 1: Note the object to the left of the capsule are my spent Service Module and separator. It's the object which is 1 o'clock in angle to my spacecraft. WHAT IS IT?? Picture 2: This is it's hard to see, but it's a little blob at about 8:45 degrees to my spacecraft. More blobish in shape here. It's really hard to see, but it's there. Picture 2a: This is just the 2nd image again but with the brightness increased, credit to MadRocketScientist. Picture 3: Heres its hard to see again, but it's the triangular shape in the 6th band from the left. This picture is what makes me think it's the pyramids.
  6. Has anyone ever worked out the function that ransforms a kerbal's name into their speciality? I tried save file editing to create A, B and C Kerman but they weren't all different specialities as I was expecting.
  7. I just read a post by sal_vager, and it mentions something about a new name generator that caused kerbal's professions to switch around. What is it and how does it work?
  8. Where flight control goes after a mission to blow off steam?
  9. I usually go for kerbal a that have died in the line of duty (I have lots of those) for space craft or bird names for airplanes. So, what do you name yours?
  10. So I was playing around with a tug to get a station to Mun from a Kerban orbit. Tried multiple different engines with the "Terrier" coming out in the lead Well until I started looking at the Mono-propellent engines then things got REALLY interesting. So the baseline tug was putting out a Delta-V of 180 m/s Terrier before I added some tanks. For fun I added in (4) O-10 "Puff" Engines and the Delta-V jumped to 836 m/s. So I added on (4) Stratus-V Tanks and now I have 1,077 m/s and now on paper I can push the station to Mun and put it into orbit. And now I have to ask, really, what am I missing here ?
  11. What's the stupid name you have given to one of your vessels/ships/probes in KSP? I was looking through all the ships I've designed in the past year and some of them have some pretty ridiculous names (most of which I cannot post here because they are slightly suggestive). Does anybody got any good safe-for-forums ones they can share?
  12. So forums, here's a question: How do you guys name your vessels/missions? I personally like to choose the first noun that pops into my head when looking at my rocket, and then I slap a roman numeral onto the end for the mission number. Although all of my test craft are given greek/roman names and then alpha, beta, etc.
  13. I know, I know, marketing and PR guys like me are supposed to be silver-tongued and always ready with a snazzy title. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not, but I know this - I need your help! There's no question the response to Asteroid Redirect Mission (0.23.5) was amazing and our team feels like it was the biggest update we've ever done. Now we're about to essentially take two planned updates and merge most of this content into one mega update, 0.24. It's big, folks. Really big. Ever since we launched Career Mode, this has been a major update in the making, and it deserves a name. I've got a few ideas - if you fill out the survey, which asks for some general demographic information that helps us learn more about our players, you'll see them listed. You'll also see a blank line with a chance to name it for us. I'll be honest, this isn't a contest where the name with the most votes wins - but we'll obviously take that into strong consideration. So go here: http://goo.gl/wuONr5 and let us know what you think. We want to know.
  14. So first, if this thread is in the wrong subforum, please move it to the correct subforum. So, I am in need for an name for an future modular space station, which will be part of the Vondaren/Kondraki program. So I would really appreciate it if you would suggest some names, out of which I could choose the name for the space station.
  15. Hi guys I finally found a design that works for a stock based SSTO to Duna using 3 types of engines. Check out the video here: Part 1: http://youtu.be/c6Wv8Y-4zo0 part 2: http://youtu.be/Yl3iBoC61Lk
  16. I certainly have favourites and not-so-favourites based purely on name. For example, Tomtrey has to sit around in the space station because I don't trust him to go on interplanetary missions like I do with cool guys such as Lumin. Poor Tomtrey...
  17. Update: Squad has narrowed down their results and you can now vote OFFICIALLY for a name by going to THIS THREAD. Original post below. Big Bang Bigger Booms Fly Safe Hangar Management Master Plane Plane Awesome Plane Destructive Spaceplane Update Strategic Air Kommand Strategic Planes Here's what the responses ended up looking like.
  18. I usually go with (like NASA does) something like "Orion", "Guardian" (For Weaponry Satellites) I also sometimes run out of ideas, So i sometimes name my satellites/ships Fayde. Also when i am starting missions, I'll Name them a name that has to do with the planet i'm landing on. For example, Mun is Munar 12 or Kerpollo 11 (My fav is kerpollo 11). So how do you name your ships/missions? Do you do something like, Don't crash Mk.I or The Munar Docktar Mk.I (Ha...Ha...LOL)
  19. Is this where the name came from? (at 2:30) http://youtu.be/RqAUiUDyFlY?t=2m30s
  20. Obviously KSP has a few mixed in sci-fi references in it's names for the planets. EVE Online, perhaps? Now, I remember when they were showing off Pol on a livestream over two years ago (The old KerbalSP official Channel on Twitch, not KSPTV). They didn't know what to call it, but someone suggested that it looked like pollen. Later, they announced that they named it Pol. Perhaps there is another reason why. HERE is an article on the Atomic Rockets website. Scroll down to "Used Spacecraft Yard" section and you will find that one of the characters in this old SF story written by Heinlein was named Pollux, shortened to "Pol". I just thought that was an interesting tidbit that I could share. Also, shows proof that I'm a KSP Veteran because I remember that ancient livestream!
  21. I created a new fuel crossing system that drops only one tank per stage and have engine throttle settings to make the rocket go stable. It works in a way that each side tank has some wieght right? And it moves center of mass right? So i have to adjust throttle of the middle engine and... voila! Every other tank works! But now i want to ask you - how to name this crossfeeding system? Ther is asparagus, onion even bamboo if you heard about it, can you think of a name for this?
  22. Since hex color dosen't allow 's', it says "bada55", but it's the Kerbal skin color! www.color-hex.com/color/bada55
  23. So, I hope you know how name generation works. It's a simple system. A Kerbal gets generated with 2 randomly chosen syllables matched together, excluding the "special" ones like Wehrner von Kerman, Jeb and the trio, and Hans, etc., I made this thread not just to share names you encounter, but the suspected first/last syllables. Let's find out them all! (but if you find a notable name, please share it. ) The Kerbal Name Receptacle and Depository! names/syllables noted with a '*' are notably common. "Special" Names Jeb Bill Bob Hans Wehrner von Kerman First Syllables Mun* Obb or Ob? Ned Hard...? (see Hardly) Last Syllables Bin* Al or Bal? (obbal was a name I found. He's my test pilot.) Sted* Ly...? (see Hardly) Notable Names Hardly Kerman...
  24. I think the in-game parts company, Sean's Cannery, is an easter egg referencing Sean Connery. I'm not sure if this is just me, or if this has always been known.
  25. Since most of the (US) rockets/lauchers are named after deities (Atlas, Thor(-Agena)) or mythical creatures (Centaur, Titan), I decided to name my rockets in KSP after gods from several mythologies. I searched gods with name that inspire power and/or with functions that match the rocket one. For example, if I make a rocket to Moho, I could name it Hephaestus, since it's the god of metalworking and thus, the heat. Until now, here's some gods which particularly interested me: Heimdallr, guardian of the bridge that separates the human world and the Asgard Baldr, a well-beloved god of the Asgard Hermod, messenger of the god (the equivalent of Hermes in the Asgard) Athena, goddes of wisdom, science and arts Hephaestus Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses Qetesh, goddess of fertility Thoth, god of knowledge and wisdom Atljira, sky god of the Arrernte people (Aboriginal) Bagadjimbiri, 2 creator gods (who are brothers) Eingana, creator goddess, mother of all water, animals and humans Karora, creator god Ranginui, sky god (maori) Tangaora, polynesian god of the Oceans, sea and fishes (like Poseidon) Orenda, iroquoian spirit This is a (very) short list of gods that interested me so far. I didn't have the time to do an extensive search, but do you have any that could have easily made this list? It will be very appreciated
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