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  1. @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { Body { Welcome! PQS { Mods { VertexNiceTutorialMusic { music = idk doesThisModExist = nope isThisJokeGettingTooLong = true } } } } } All kidding aside, welcome to this tutorial on Kopernicus modding. So, let me teach you how to use perhaps one of the most creative and powerful mods there is for KSP: Kopernicus. While you can simply download packs, some of you may be willing to give it a try for yourself. However, many of you probably have no idea what all those confusing lines and numbers do. I will explain that here. In the horrible joke above, I did already show how to start your config. I will repeat the important part and filter out the joke below. First off, you need to create a config file. Simply open notepad and click 'save as'. Then save it as "(Yourplanetname).cfg". Remember to add the .cfg part to the name! Most of the time it will result in a config file. If not, download a pack like Outer Planets Mod or New Horizons, copy and paste a config and delete everything inside. So, now you've got your config file! The next step is adding everything Kopernicus needs to create a planet. Step 1: starting @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { Body { Now, what everthing does: the '@Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]' forces KSP to load your planet(s) after Kopernicus itself. Otherwise, it would load your pack with Kopernicus still inactive, and thus Kopernicus will not load your pack since it has already been loaded by KSP. Now, we need to add some basic information. Step 2: basic info @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { Body { name = (Your Planet's Name) cacheFile = (Optional.) The planet's name speaks for itself, it is the name that will be seen in-game. The 'cacheFile' is optional: Kopernicus generates a cache file by default, but with the cacheFile line you can specify a filepath and force Kopernicus to generate the cachefile(s) in a specific location. For instance, you can use the following filepath: "MyFirstPack/CacheFiles/MyPlanet.bin". As you can see, you should not add 'GameData/', Kopernicus automatically searches in the GameData folder. Also, make sure that, at the end, you add the name of your planet plus '.bin'. Never ever forget to add '.bin'! Step 3: Template It might be a good idea to add the following lines: Template { name = Kerbin removeAllPQSMods = true removeOcean = true } In this case, I chose Kerbin as a template. If you choose a template, Kopernicus clones a stock planet and renames it. Next, you can either add: - 'removeAllPQSMods = true' to remove all PQS mods and turn the templated planet into a flat sphere - removePQSMods = (PQSmod names)' to remove specific PQSmods from the templated planet that your planet does not need. As you can see I also added 'removeOcean = true'. I think that line is pretty self-explanatory. Step 4: properties Now we will set the physical properties of your planet. Properties //Physical properties { description = First planet you ever made! You can be proud of yourself. radius = 7000000 //Distance from the planet's core to it's surface. How 'big' is the planet? geeASL = 0.67 //Surface gravity in G's rotationPeriod = 36000 rotates = true //Important! tidallyLocked = false initialRotation = 0 isHomeWorld = false //Very important! timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 300000 300000 400000 700000 ScienceValues //Scientific expiriments value multiplier { landedDataValue = 2 //For expiriments taken on the surface splashedDataValue = 2 //For expiriments taken while splashed down flyingLowDataValue = 11 //For expiriments taken while flying in the lower atmosphere flyingHighDataValue = 8 //For expiriments taken while flying in the upper atmosphere inSpaceLowDataValue = 7 //For expiriments taken in space, close to your planet inSpaceHighDataValue = 6 //For expiriments taken in space, far away from your planet recoveryValue = 7 //Science multiplier for expiriment data taken from recovered vessels flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000 } } As you can see I've added some notes to the config. Do not include those in your config. Anyhow, the 'description' defines the info displayed when clicking the info-tab in the map view in-game. 'tidallyLocked' determines if a planet's surface does not move relative to the parent object: it's rotation period is identical to it's orbital period. 'initialRotation' determines how a planet is rotated on start. 'isHomeWorld' is for debugging purposes. Then there's 'timewarpAltitudeLimits'. This entry determines what timewarp speed is unlocked at what altitude. For instance, in the example code the time warp speeds 5x and 10x are unlocked at 30000m above sea level. Now, this is what your config should look like right now: Step 5: orbit properties It's already starting to look like something, isn't it? Now, we must specify your planet's orbit. Orbit //Orbit properties { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,1,1,1 inclination = 0.5 //Orbit inclination relative to referenceBody's equator eccentricity = 0.02 //Orbit eccentricity, how elliptical is the orbit? semiMajorAxis = 9000000000 //Average distance to reference body longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 //Position of ascending node relative to the surface of the reference body argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 //Position of your planet when it is first loaded. Not nessecary to give a number unless your planet shares it's orbit, can be used to create laplace resonances } Again, I've left some notes in place. The 'referenceBody' defines what celestial body your planet orbits. You can use stock celestial bodies like Sun, Moho, and Dres but you can also use your own planets or planets added by another mod. The 'color' entry defines the color of your planet's orbit line in the map view. For instance, Jool's orbit is green, Eve's orbit is purple, Kerbin's orbit is blue, Duna's orbit is red, and the color specified in the example would result in a white orbit line. The '1,1,1,1' determine how much red, green and blue is present, and the last one determines the 'lightness'. It should be on a scale of 0-1 or you could use 'RGBA( R(0-255), G(0-255), B(0-255), A(0-255)) Step 6: ScaledSpace update If you'd load up your planet right now, it wouldn't work yet. But if it would work, in the map view it would look identical to the templated planet. To combat this we need to update the ScaledSpace with the following lines: ScaledVersion //Update scaledspace { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { texture = (filepath)/YourPlanet_color.dds //Texture map normals = (filepath)/YourPlanet_normal.dds //Normal map shininess = 0 specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 rimPower = 3 //Atmosphere rim power rimBlend = 0.2 //Atmosphere rim blend Gradient //Atmosphere rim color defenitions { 0.0 = 0.06,0.06,0.06,1 0.5 = 0.05,0.05,0.05,1 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1 } } } Now, the following entries are optional: 'type', 'fadeStart', 'fadeEnd', 'shininess', 'specular', 'rimPower', 'rimBlend', and 'Gradient'. Nevertheless I will explain what they do. 'type', 'fadeStart' and 'fadeEnd' can be used to make things look just a bit better. 'type' examples are 'Atmospheric' and 'Vacuum'. 'shininess' and 'specular' can add a little touch to a planet's scaledspace such as an icy glow. 'rimPower', 'rimBlend' and 'Gradient' create a colored atmospheric rim around your planet. For instance, Eve has this purple glow around it. Furthermore: under 'Gradient', you see '0.0', '0.5' and '1.0'. For '1.0' you must copy exactly what I wrote, and for 0.0 and 0.5, just add the colors you want. 0.0 and 0.5 define the atmosphere rim color on opposite sides of the planet, which color defines which side I do not know for sure. It just needs some trial and error. Now, the most important entries: 'texture' and 'normals'. 'texture' needs a filepath that leads to the texture file you made for your planet. It will glue this texture over the templated planet. To make sure that your planet neither looks like a recolored Eve for example nor a flat ball, the 'normals' entry needs a normal map in the 'DXT5_nm' format. The normal map will make your planet look 3D in scaledspace rather than a perfectly smooth orb. If you are uncertain how to export your normal map as 'DXT5_nm', I will do a tutorial on that too. It can be done with Photoshop, but I've managed to do it with GIMP, which is absolutely free! Futhermore, you do not have to save it as DXT5_nm for your normal map to work, it's just that normal maps that are not saved as DXT5_nm create an annoying lighting issue in ScaledSpace. It's not gamebreaking, it just looks ugly. Step 7: atmospheres (optional step) If you want to create a planet that has an atmosphere, then do not skip this step. Otherwise, go on. If you're still here, add the following lines: Atmosphere { ambientColor = 0.24, 0.25, 0.25, 1 lightColor = 0.65, 0.57, 0.475, 0.5 enabled = true oxygen = true altitude = 77000.0 pressureCurve { key = 0 121.59 -1.32825662337662E-02 -1.32825662337662E-02 key = 3850 70.45212 1.08101766233766E-02 -1.08101766233766E-02 key = 7700 38.35164 -6.61608311688312E-03 -6.61608311688312E-03 key = 11550 19.50828 -3.70578701298701E-03 -3.70578701298701E-03 key = 15400 9.81708 -1.89074805194805E-03 -1.89074805194805E-03 key = 19250 4.94952 -9.4665974025974E-04 -9.4665974025974E-04 key = 23100 2.5278 -4.7371948051948E-04 -4.7371948051948E-04 key = 26950 1.30188 -2.38877922077922E-04 -2.38877922077922E-04 key = 30800 0.68844 -1.20685714285714E-04 -1.20685714285714E-04 key = 34650 0.3726 -6.2212987012987E-05 -6.2212987012987E-05 key = 38500 0.2094 -3.29298701298701E-05 -3.29298701298701E-05 key = 42350 0.11904 -1.80935064935065E-05 -1.80935064935065E-05 key = 46200 0.07008 -1.02857142857143E-05 -1.02857142857143E-05 key = 50050 0.03984 -6.21818181818182E-06 -6.21818181818182E-06 key = 53900 0.0222 -3.63116883116883E-06 -3.63116883116883E-06 key = 57750 0.01188 -2.07272727272727E-06 -2.07272727272727E-06 key = 61600 0.00624 -1.13766233766234E-06 -1.13766233766234E-06 key = 65450 0.00312 -6.07792207792208E-07 -6.07792207792208E-07 key = 69300 0.00156 -3.42857142857143E-07 -3.42857142857143E-07 key = 73150 0.00048 -2.02597402597403E-07 -2.02597402597403E-07 key = 77000 0 -1.24675324675325E-07 -1.24675324675325E-07 } pressureCurveIsNormalized = false temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15 temparatureCurve { key = 0 288.15 -0.008333333766 -0.008333333766 key = 9240 212.4633208 -0.001180336104 -0.001176697662 key = 16170 212.4633208 0.001176697662 0.001176697662 key = 23870 266.5252345 0.0006431355844 0.0006431355844 key = 43120 266.5252345 -0.0008869198701 -0.0008869198701 key = 61600 183.9579481 -0.001180336104 -0.001180336104 key = 69300 183.9579481 0.0006152915584 0.0006152915584 key = 77000 226.2245352 0.0009020832468 0.0009020832468 key = 115500 0 -0.0005839079221 -0.0005839079221 } temparatureSunMultCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 5923.076923 0.5 -0.00007792207792 -0.0001333050649 key = 6526.656231 0 0 0 key = 11883.45738 0 0 0 key = 28045.35461 0.2 0 0 key = 42527.78708 0.2 0 0 key = 54071.53228 0 0 0 key = 77000 0.4 0 0 } } Looks quite confusing, doesn't it? No worries, I will explain everything. Let's begin with 'ambientColor' and 'lightColor'. 'ambientColor' provides a slight tint on the spacecraft. For instance, take a good look at your spacecraft when you're on Eve, and you will see that your craft is tinted slightly purple. That is ambientColor at work. 'lightColor' defines what color the atmosphere is. lightColor is a bit glitchy and needs some trial and error to work. Furthermore, the red and blue are swapped in the lightColor entry, so lightColor needs it's color in the following format: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha. 'enabled' is pretty self-explanatory, and 'oxygen' determines if the atmosphere of your planet has oxygen. It must be either 'true' or 'false'. An atmosphere that contains oxygen allows the use of air-breathing engines, like on Kerbin and Laythe. 'altitude' determines the maximum altitude of your atmosphere. Let's take Kerbin for example. On Kerbin, the 'altitude' is 70000m. Laythe = 50000m, Eve is roughly 90000m, etc. Then 'pressureCurve'. That one confuses me too. It determines the atmospheric pressure at certain altitudes. There is a calculator that can calculate the keys for you, but you will have to ask @KillAshley for a link. The calculator can also calculate the 'temparatureCurve' and 'temparatureSunMultCurve' for you. As for the other entries: 'temparatureSeaLevel' determines the temparature at sea level in Kelvin, and 'pressureCurveIsNormalized' should be set to false. Step 8: confusing stuff Now we're getting to the confusing part: PQS mods. Start off by creating the following lines: PQS { Mods { Now we will add the mods needed for your basic planet one by one. Let's start with VertexHeightMap: VertexHeightMap { map = (Filepath)/YourPlanet_height.dds offset = -500 deformity = 3000.0 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexHeightMap needs a heightmap to function. It is possible to create planets that do not need heightmaps, but that is more advanced stuff, and this is about the basics, so we'll stick with heightmaps for now. 'offset' is basically how elevated the terrain is relative to your planet's sea level. This can be used to fine-tune the sealevel to make sure the coasts are all correct. 'deformity' basically asks 'how high do you want the tallest mountains to be?' and asks an answer in meters. In the answer I chose 3000.0m. Set 'scaleDeformityByRadius' to false, and set 'enabled' to true. Then there's 'order'. PQSMods have to be loaded in a specific order. The lower the number, the earlier it is loaded. You can use this to specify which mod must be loaded in what order. Set this one to 20. Alright, next mod: VertexColorMap. This one is optional. Only use this one if your planet is colored diffrently than it is in ScaledSpace. VertexColorMap { map = (filepath)/MyPlanet_color.dds order = 20 enabled = true } Probably the simples PQSMod out there. It applies the color map we used for ScaledSpace updating earlier to your planet's surface. Next mods are a bit more complex. Feel free to copy them if you'd like. VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 100 ridgedAddSeed = 123456 ridgedAddFrequency = 12 ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 ridgedAddOctaves = 4 ridgedSubSeed = 654321 ridgedSubFrequency = 12 ridgedSubLacunarity = 2 ridgedSubOctaves = 4 simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263 key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418 key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985 } simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexHeightEnd = 6500 simplexSeed = 123456 simplexOctaves = 4 simplexPersistence = 0.6 simplexFrequency = 12 enabled = true order = 200 } HeightColorMap { blend = 1 order = 500 enabled = true LandClasses { Class { name = Bottom altitudeStart = 0 altitudeEnd = 0.7 color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Base altitudeStart = 0.7 altitudeEnd = 0.75 color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Low altitudeStart = 0.75 altitudeEnd = 0.85 color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Grad altitudeStart = 0.85 altitudeEnd = 0.95 color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = High altitudeStart = 0.95 altitudeEnd = 2 color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0 lerpToNext = false } } } } } They add the basic landclasses and some basic height-values-and-stuffTM Now, you're done! Make sure everything is closed off correctly, it should look like this: } } } } All the way until the last '}' has no more tabs or spaces in front of it. But, you can still add an ocean. In that case, do not close off everything. We will continue where the last PQSMod example code ended. Step 9: Oceans First off, the example code. Ocean { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 12 minDetailDistance = 8 oceanColor = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 Material { colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 } FallbackMaterial { colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 } Mods { AerialPerspectiveMaterial { globalDensity = -0.00001 heightFalloff = 6.75 atmosphereDepth = 150000 DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true cameraAlt = 0 cameraAtmosAlt = 0 heightDensAtViewer = 0 enabled = true order = 200 } OceanFX { Watermain { waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1 waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2 waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3 waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4 waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5 waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6 waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7 waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8 } framesPerSecond = 1 spaceAltitude = 150000 blendA = 0 blendB = 0 texBlend = 0 angle = 0 specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000 oceanOpacity = 0 spaceSurfaceBlend = 0 enabled = true order = 200 } } Fog { fogColorEnd = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 fogColorStart = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1 skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7 } } } Long, confusing code, eh? Let me explain: leave 'maxQuadLengtsPerFrame', 'minLevel', 'maxLevel' and 'minDetailDistance' as is unless you know what you're doing. With 'oceanColor', you can set your ocean's color. Just input the wanted color, then copy that code and replace the color codes under 'Material' and 'FallbackMaterial'. Just punch in the same numbers. Then, the 'Mods'. I don't recommend changing anything under 'AerialPerspectiveMaterial' unless you know what you're doing. But now it gets more interesting. Do you see 'Watermain', under 'OceanFX'? There, we need to specify the ocean's texture. You can use the BUILTIN textures specified in the example to get the same ocean textures as Eve, Kerbin and Laythe, or you could make your own ocean textures and create filepaths to those. Again, I don't recommend touching the rest of the values unless you know what you're doing. Then there's the 'Fog' mod. This mod adds underwater fog. Just punch in the same colors as 'oceanColor'. But, there is one more, simple thing you can do to make your pack over 1000 times better! How, you might ask. The answer is simple: Kopernicus has an incredible feature called OnDemandLoading: it will only load the textures of planets nearby, so if you would be orbiting Duna for instance, it would only load the textures of Duna and Ike, and won't load the others, such as Moho, Dres, and Jool. This saves a lot of memory! But, in order to make it work with your pack, there are two things that you must do: - All textures must be stored in a folder called 'PluginData'. There can be multiple PluginData folders, but as long as all textures are saved in a folder called PluginData, you're good. - All texture formats must be specified. This step is easy: at the end of every 'texture-filepath', add what format it is: .dds, .png, .jpg, etc. And done! You are now using OnDemandLoading, which means that everyone using your pack will experience exploration with memory optimized. And done! Again, make sure everything is closed off properly. I will soon write another tutorial on how to export your maps correctly through GIMP as well as more advanced Kopernicus stuff: procedural planets (heightmapless planets) and biomes. I hope this guide helped. If so, please let me know.
  2. Arkas: Development Edition Back in September, this wonderful mod joined the KSP community Unfortunately, the developer of the mod is away from KSP for a while. Unfortunately, bugs began to appear that needed fixing. So, I have been given permission to maintain Arkas in the absence of Arkas' creator, @CoriW. Please know that I am by no means claiming his work of my own, I am simply maintaining Arkas and improving it wherever I can. So, without further ado, meet Arkas: development edition! Why the name? Because these are only in-dev 'placeholder' versions until @CoriW returns. By that time the official Arkas thread will be used again, until then, check here for updates. In-Game screenshot: Screenshot taken with Scatterer + 8K clouds + 8K normals Changelog April 15th, 2016 [Version 1.0] - Public release - (Not included in current download) First steps have been made at moons - E.V.E rebooted edition support - Various little tweaks and bugfixes March 17th, 2016 [Version 1.0.1] - Updated config for 1.0.5 - Added terrain scatter - Improved FogColorRamp - Custom terrain textures - Hand-made Normal map for better ScaledSpace - Various other bugs fixed, such as a nasty bug in ScaledSpace-PQSTerrain transition June 13th, 2016 [Version 2.0] - 1.1.2 release - Added 2 moons - Vin and Kras, can be removed by deleting the folder Arkas/Moons - E.V.E support removed, will be re-added later. June 13th, 2016 [Version 2.1] - Remade the moons June 29th, 2016 [Version 3.0] - Updated to 1.1.3 - Fixed terrain-vanishing issue with the moons - Fixed shininess on Arkas December 6th, 2016 [Version 4.0] - Temperature variations created by eccentricity - Seasonal temperature variations - Temperature changes based off latitude - Temperature changes based off time of day - Internal mod indexing (just compatibility stuff) - 1.2 compatibility of course ;) - Fixes for Kras and Vin - Biomes for Kras and Vin (each of them having a biome named after who suggested the name for the moon) - Scatterer support! - EVE support! - NEW 'Modular mod' system: add extra features using the Arkas/Expansions directory! Add moons if you want, and add clouds with three different resolutions! - New original Arkas cloudmap in the style of SVE and AVP! Available in 2K, 4K or even 8K! Download: What will be added later: - Trailer - Custom ScienceDefs for the moons More about Arkas? I've filled in Arkas' category on the Kopernicus planets wiki.
  3. Alright, other guides are still in the makings, but since gas giants are easy, I've written a quick guide on it. So, how do I create a gas giant with Kopernicus? The answer is rather simple: it's easier than 'solid' planets! Let's start off as usual. Step 1: Start as always @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = (your planet's name) cacheFile = (filepath) That's how you begin. Easy, right? Next step: the properties of your gas giant. Step 2: Planet properties Properties { description = (in-game description in the info tag) geeASL = (surface gravity in G's) radius = (distance from your gas giant's core to it's surface, how 'big' is the planet?) rotationPeriod = (rotation period of your planet) rotates = true (important!) initialRotation = (number here) tidallyLocked = (do you want your planet to be tidally locked, ergo, do you want it's rotation period to be identical to it's orbital period, resulting in it always showing it's parent object the same side of the planet? If yes, write 'true', if not, write 'false') isHomeWorld = false (important!) timewarpAltitudeLimits = (eight numbers here. Each number is a specific altitude above your planet's sea level at which a set timewarp speed is unlocked. Example: 0 30000 40000 60000 100000 200000 400000 800000. In the example, 1x time warp is unlocked at altitude 0, 5x is unlocked at 30000m above sea level, 10x at 40000, etc) ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 1 splashedDataValue = 1 (Since this is a gas giant, it is in theory impossible for science to be collected at the surface or while 'splashed down'. Therefor, write down '1' for conditions that are not possible, for example, flying low and flying high on planets that have no atmosphere) flyingLowDataValue = 6 flyingHighDataValue = 5.5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 5 inSpaceHighDataValue = 4.5 recoveryValue = 6 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000 } } That wasn't too complicated now, was it? Next up is specifying the planet's orbit. Step 3: Orbit properties Orbit { referenceBody = (what object does your planet/moon orbit?) color = (orbit line color) eccentricity = (how eccentric (oval shaped) is the orbit? For instance, comets have highly eccentric orbits) inclination = (orbit inclination relative to the equator of the 'referenceBody') argumentOfPeriapsis = (number here) longitudeOfAscendingNode = (number here) meanAnomalyAtEpoch = (number here) epoch = (number here) } And now updating the scaledspace. Step 4: ScaledSpace update ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { texture = (filepath to your planet's color.[fileformat] file) normals = (filepath to your planet's normal.[fileformat] file) shininess = (surface shininess in ScaledSpace) specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 rimPower = (number here, provides an atmospheric glow) rimBlend = (number here, 'blends' the atmospheric glow) Gradient { 0.0 = (atmosphere color on one side of the planet) 0.5 = (atmosphere color on the other side of the planet) 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0 } } } Then the last step is specifying the atmosphere. Step 5: Atmospheres Atmosphere { ambientColor = (color code here, crafts entering the atmosphere will be tinted slightly with the color specified here) lightColor = (atmosphere color, insert color code) enabled = true (important) oxygen = ('true' allows the use of air-breathing engines, 'false' disallows the use of air-breathing engines) altitude = (Max. atmosphere altitude. Kerbin = 70000m, Laythe is 50000m, Eve is ~90000m) pressureCurve (tells Kopernicus the pressure at each given altitude. These example curves have been borrowed from KopernicusExamples by KillAshley) { key = 0 1722.525 -3.68761403636364E-02 -3.68761403636364E-02 key = 13750 1215.4779 -2.89618181818182E-02 -2.89618181818182E-02 key = 27500 926.0747733 -1.70812909090909E-02 -1.70812909090909E-02 key = 41250 745.7422867 -1.22066367272727E-02 -1.22066367272727E-02 key = 55000 590.39232 -1.03885874909091E-02 -1.03885874909091E-02 key = 68750 460.0561533 -8.63595672727273E-03 -8.63595672727273E-03 key = 82500 352.9034533 -7.05044647272727E-03 -7.05044647272727E-03 key = 96250 266.1688867 -5.6660456E-03 -5.6660456E-03 key = 110000 197.0872333 -4.48274916363636E-03 -4.48274916363636E-03 key = 123750 142.8932733 -3.50056581818182E-03 -3.50056581818182E-03 key = 137500 100.8216733 -2.71949803636364E-03 -2.71949803636364E-03 key = 151250 68.1071 -2.13953963636364E-03 -2.13953963636364E-03 key = 165000 41.98433333 -1.65774109090909E-03 -1.65774109090909E-03 key = 178750 22.51922 -1.00126501090909E-03 -1.00126501090909E-03 key = 192500 14.44954667 -4.06759432727273E-04 -4.06759432727273E-04 key = 206250 11.33333333 -2.27824727272727E-04 -2.27824727272727E-04 key = 220000 8.184366667 -2.25669374545455E-04 -2.25669374545455E-04 key = 233750 5.127426667 -2.06283192727273E-04 -2.06283192727273E-04 key = 247500 2.51158 -1.61502101818182E-04 -1.61502101818182E-04 key = 261250 0.68612 -9.13301818181818E-05 -9.13301818181818E-05 key = 275000 0 -4.98996363636364E-05 -4.98996363636364E-05 } temperatureCurve (tells Kopernicus the temperature at each specified altitude) { key = 0 141.67 -0.002333333455 -0.002333333455 key = 33000 104.4583677 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003294753455 key = 57750 104.4583677 0.0003294753455 0.0003294753455 key = 85250 131.0381051 0.0001800779636 0.0001800779636 key = 154000 131.0381051 -0.0002483375636 -0.0002483375636 key = 220000 90.44359713 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003304941091 key = 247500 90.44359713 0.0001722816364 0.0001722816364 key = 275000 111.2241191 0.0002525833091 0.0002525833091 key = 343750 0 -0.0001634942182 -0.0001634942182 } } And done! Make sure everything is closed off the way it should, and that all given parameters (Orbit, ScaledVersion, Properties and Atmosphere) are located directly in the 'Body' tab. For those of you who are uncertain if they filled everything in correctly, I have uploaded a config file for a gas giant here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3at9y9cxqfyeeu0/Gas%20Giant%20Config.cfg?dl=0 All you have to do is punch in your values. I can't make it much easier than this, people!
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