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  1. I haven't had this problem before because I have added a lot of parachutes to my craft. Now I have a bunch of crew cabins to carry space tourists (thanks to those who told me how to) and a payload bay. I have filled up the payload bay and I don't want to add another one. So I put the rest of my science experiments and batteries on the command pod. It was so crowded that I couldn't add all five parachutes that I used to have. I did add symmetry, but I was wondering if parachutes break (if I just use two for a whole bunch of weight). I use the radical parachutes. If they do break, how much tons can they hold? Thanks
  2. I put it in here (instead of the general suggestions forum), because it is an expansion specific suggestion. I think it is not only useful, but absolutely necessary, to implement some kind of slider where you can adjust the time intervbals in which you get notification messages about new science points that are generated by your ground experiments. At the moment I have 3 ground experimental setups running on Mun (in order to fulfill a Goo Experiment Contract) and get spammed with messages informing me that the experiment added around 0.033 - 0.007 science points to my science point pool, especially when using time acceleration and IMHO this problem could get solved via 4 ways: Add in a global time interval slider (or buttons) where you can adjust the global time interval for messages by ground experiments (say 10 minutes to 24 hours) Add in a local time interval slider to each experiment control station, in order to adjust the time interval to all experiments controlled by this station Add in a point threshold, so that messages from ground experiments are either sent out when 10 minutes have passed, or when at least 1 full science point has been generated by the experiments ... whetever comes later (At least) Add in a "Delete all Messages"-Option to the Message box, so that you can clear the message box of all messages with one click and don't have (after an interval of time acceleration) to manually delete 100-200 messages one by one I for my part would definitely favor solution 1 ... but actually, the nature of the 4 solutions would also allow them, to be intermixed with each other
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