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  1. I hope someone can help me sort this out. I am running a stockish V1.3 and the only mods are helpers such as kerb-eng, mech jeb etc and visual enhancements. I wanted to upgrade the appearance of the game and it was working fine until I did that. I followed the recommended list of visual upgrades that one of the dev's had on his page. Of course drawing blank on who that was lol. After installing stock visual enhancements with low resolution textures, Distant Object 1.9, Planet Shine, module manager 2.8dll, EVE and scatterer 0.0300. The first issue was the Planetshine is not compatible with V1.3. That was the only warning or error message. When playing the mods all seem to work fine. There is a noticeable visual improvement of course. The problem shows up in the behaviors of any solar panels. They will deploy and track but will never show any charging at all. All solar panels now have this behavior. So to play the game I have to enable unlimited electricity. What I am hoping is that someone knows which part of the mods might be the root cause of this. I would still like to use as much of that list as I can so I haven't just deleted the mod files to "fix". I had noticed a error in the debug when I was enabling the electricity. I think it was talking about an unregistered object.
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