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  1. K.S.P. Is Awesome ------------------------------ K.S.P. is awesome, everything is cool when your launching the team K.S.P. is awesome, when you're designing the dream K.S.P. is better cause parts stick together Some have said you and I are gonna fly forever? Lets launch forever We're the same unlike you, you're like me we're all playing in harmony K.S.P. is awesome, everything is cool when your launching the team K.S.P. is awesome, when you're designing the dream Woooo! 3, 2, 1, go! Have you heard the news? Everyone’s talkin' Life is good ‘cause K.S.P. awesome R.U.D.'ed, there’s a new design Make some time for the awesome community I feel more awesome than an awesome possum Launch that kerbal for Minmus frostin' Three years later it's Eeloo frostin' Smellin’ like a blossom, K.S.P. is awesome Decouplers failed? Now it's S.S.T.O It’s awesome to win and it’s awesome to lose K.S.P. is better cause parts stick together Some have said you and I are gonna fly forever? Lets launch forever We're the same unlike you, you're like me we're all playing in harmony K.S.P. is awesome, everything is cool when your launching the team K.S.P. is awesome, when you're designing the dream Blue skies, bouncy gears We just named two awesome things A Kobel prize, a piece of string You know what’s awesome? Everything! Rockets from Fleas, A plane using M-Beams Brand new parts, a very old craft K.S.P. parts are the best Tanks and reaction wheels, they’re awesome R.C.S., Nerv, and Dawn, they’re awesome Goliath and Juno, they're awesome Everything you design or launch or crash is awesome K.S.P. is awesome, everything is cool when your launching the team K.S.P. is awesome, when you're designing the dream
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