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Found 4 results

  1. Hello! I've always wondered, "Does KSP's aerodynamic system include ground effect?" I haven't been able to answer that question for myself, so now I ask the professionals. If so, could ekranoplans be an efficient way of traveling in KSP, or is that wishful thinking? Thank you for your time. -RussianAround
  2. Currently I am designing a ground-effect vehicle in KSP, named the GEV-1 (Ground Effect Vehicle 1), looking to one day turn it into a ground-effect aircraft carrier. Since the ground-effect phenomenon does not exist in the game, I am just looking to make this large beast fly at low altitudes. Like any large beasts, they usually have many technical problems, and while working on the ground-effect vehicle it quickly became apparent that there will not be enough power or enough lift to compensate the size of the vehicle. I am looking for any help to get this vehicle flying, at whatever the cost as long as it keeps these features: Fuel should be enough to cross an ocean. Vehicle should be able to land as a hydroplane. Vehicle should be able to fly over water stably. The aircraft ramp should be able to keep it's length the same or slightly smaller. It can takeoff and land on water. (Optional) should be able to survive time warp, however I can fix it myself. If you wish to see how the vehicle performs in person, here is a download link to the .craft:
  3. I really have come to like Beriev aircraft. I've just made another one. It's one of those times where you spend days fiddling around and getting nowhere, then suddenly you throw the thing together in about an hour. BARTINI BERIEV VVA-14 VTOL STATS Parts - 244 Weight - 90.136t Height - 9.8m Width - 25.6m Length - 29.6m VTOL - 8 x J-33 Wheesley Turbofans Starter Engines (Blast air under the wing cavity to create lift - 2 x J-33 Wheesley Turbofans Cruising Engines - 2 J-90 Goliath Turbofan ACTION GROUPS 1 - Starter and Cruising Engines Toggle 2 - VTOL Engines Toggle 3. - VTOL Engine Bay Covers Toggle 4. - Reverse Thrusters (Goliath's Only) CRAFT FILE EXAMPLE MISSION REPORT SM
  4. The Lun-class ekranoplan was a ground effect vehicle designed by the Russians during the cold war, and although I was not trying to make a perfect recreation, I did include six short range missiles. The kraken loves this one, so I limited the thrust on the engines resulting in it having a top speed of around 75 m/s. [Download]
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