I am playing KSP 1.7.3 with RSS RO and RP-1 and AJE(2.14 compatible with 1.7.3 and RO) and everything works fine except when I am trying to use J57-P-21 or J75 engines - basically engines with afterburners.(I am playing Career Mode and have not unlocked other engines of this class).
By simply adding a tank and engine - in game info and MJ is showing delta V = 0 though it is showing TWR>0 and a burn time of 1K sec appx. only KER is showing a delta v value - and the vehicle is not moving even if engines are on, in full throttle , giving thurst and showing nominal status. one thing I noticed is in SPH if I leave the engines without attaching it to anything while editing my craft , I cannot re-select it.
Can somebody help if I need to add some special part of have something special when having this engines in plane to make them work as this is the first time I am trying AJE.
EDIT: same is for atar 9k and j79 GE 17, again J58 is working fine