This is the most frustrating part of this game. It has been bar none the best money I have ever spent on a game. All these changes and you can't just build MECH JEB or something identical into the game. WHY do we need a third party outside mod to tell us what Delta V we have and thrust to weight ratio's the rocket has in different spheres of influence. I didn't buy this game to learn the math of rocket science. I doubt that 90% of the player base has that desire either. I understand that rocket science is hard and that NASA had loads of troubles figuring out how to do it, but this is a video game, and we are not playing it to do math and spend countless hours trying to get a damn rocket into space and on the proper path without burning to much delta V. I'm not saying it needs to do all the fancy auto landing and docking, because that just makes it to easy and I never use those, but the maneuver editor is the biggest part of why I use it. It is extremely aggravating that I can't play the game every couple of weeks because the developers want to change things and break the damn mods. Stop relying on people to do your job for you, and hire them, or buy their content. This issue needs to be addressed!