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  1. So, I've been scouring CKAN for mods that don't seem to be getting any love these days. It's difficult considering that a lot of the creators don't leave behind an email address or anything. However, I am really interested in learning how to program and mod; how best to learn than with my favorite game and it's respective community. Now, I could look through the 1,900-some-odd incompatible mods on CKAN or I thought I could come here and see if there are any mods you all wish were still supported because you enjoyed having the content. Point me in the direction of a mod (particularly a plugin or simple part mod, conducive for learning) that has been opened up for adoption and I'll take a look and try to contact the mod author. Thanks for the help and hopefully I'll be able to bring some of your favorite content back to life and learn along the way!
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