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The stock game does not have parts to fully enclose a rover and encapsulate a rover during descent. Most people will use the fairings, but the issue is the fairing base will be stuck under your rover and your landings to Mars will not be authentic. There is an outdated mod that did this, but the author has ceased to kerbal. I now will maintain this concept and bring even more parts to the game. In this release I have issued 3 parts to your VAB. This is phase 1 which means I will roll out more parts during which will follow a time-line of events. I think these 3 parts are a good starting compromise. Here is a breakdown of the 4 phases. HIghlighted in red is what phase we are currently on. PHASE 1 = Aeroshell, Cruise stage, Heatshield . All basic parts. Player will need to mount their own chutes and radial engines if need be. PHASE 2 (1970's) = Viking lander is a possibility. Vintige version of the aeroshell design. More texture choices. Radial monoprop engines for the cruise stage. (RO version will use REAL FUELS by NathanKell) PHASE 3 (Late 90's early 2000's) = MER rovers (Spirit, Opportunity) . EDL system such as the terahedron and airbags. PHASE 4 (Present) = Curiousity Rover. EDL system such as the skyscrane You get 3 parts in phase 1 of this pack. There are configs included for realscaled parts to use for RO. Aeroshell "backshell" Includes RSC attitude control thrusters and texture changing so you can use the JPL logo. Parachute not included! know , to protect from atmosphere devils Cruise stage which includes texture changing for JPL logo, solar panels that will recharge your EC, and has built it fuel tank. You provide the engines of choice*. SPECIAL FEATURES! Aeroshell can thrust jet in flight as seen here: Mars Science Laboratory only requires: 1. Firespitter and Texture Changer - To change the logos 2. Tweakscale if you want more freedom of payload sizes CHANGELOG: 1.0.4 [12-27-2016] *Changed RCS module to the newer stock supported ModuleRSCfx -MeCripp *Collision boxes re-done -MeCripp Cruise stage is in a more appropriate menu category and now acts as a pod -MeCripp *Heathshield is moved to Thermal category -MeCripp *Small rebalancing of some parts 1.0.3 [12-18-16] -Inline-patched to clean up cloned configs and to recognize when player has RO installed -Stock now has attitude jets for backshell -Fixed decoupling when going through strong aero forces, however player must angle craft a bit before ejection to prevent "back splash" of heatshield and/or backshell. The real Curiosity mission had to do this same manuever. -Fixed stock cruise stage to now have resource monoprop. 1.0.2 [12-16-2016] -Fixed issue where VAB crashes when placing cruise stage which was the fault of the RO configs overridding the stock ones when player did not have RF or RO installed. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License I WANT I WANT !!! SPACEDOCK LINK Science Labratory *This is my first parts mod, there might be bugs. If you report a bug please be patient as it takes a few days for me to have time to tackle the issue.* Credits: MeCripp - Collision work, Fixed Unity pass, Module Improvements JPL - reasons NASA - reasons Yogui87 -Textures from old mod
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