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  1. Picture by @Vals_Aerospace Stockalike Angara and Post-Soviet spacecraft for KSP v1.1.0 (26 May 2021) This mod adds the Angara launch vehicle and it associated upper stages to the game. It will eventually include more rockets developed in the Post-Soviet era. It is meant to mesh well with Tantares, Bluedog Design Bureau, and other stockalike mods. Gallery DOWNLOADS Spacedock Github DEVELOPMENT BUG REPORTS WIKI ROADMAP Made by @EStreetRockets Support from B9PS and SAF provided by @blowfish (Un)official wiki maintained by @Friznit Special thanks to @PickledTripod, @CobaltWolf, @Beale, and @DylanSemrau, as well as many others who aided development. I am open to suggestions. Please feel free to (respectfully) let me know about stuff you think would make a good addition to the mod. Make sure check the roadmap before you ask. As of now, the scope of this mod is Russian spacecraft in the Post-Soviet era. Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!): B9 Part Switch (2.17.0) Community Resource Pack (1.4.2) Module Manager (4.1.4) Simple Adjustable Fairings (1.12.0) DeployableEngines (1.3.0) Installation: Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation. All of the dependencies come included with the mod. The "Eisenhower-Astronautics" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder. Recommended Mods: Eisenhower Astronautics comes with support for the following mods: WaterfallFX - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod. CryoTanks - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels. I recommend you use all of them for a complete experience. Frequently Asked Questions How are the parts balanced? Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ. Will you add feature/part xxx? I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking. Licensing:
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