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As part of the Apollo Applications Program, a manned flyby of Venus was planned by NASA in the 1960's. Similarly, the former Soviets had planned a flyby of Venus for their TMK-E variant rocket. Obviously, neither program saw the light of day. No worries! We can recreate what should have been our gloriously bright future in our currently not-so-glorious, mediocre present! KSC is proud to announce: KERPERNICUS : KER-MANNED MISSIONS TO EVE Challenge Tiers: [EASY DIFFICULTY] : Complete a flyby of Eve, take a screenshot in orbit, return your Kerbals safely, all in ONE GO! Your Reward: [CHALLENGE DIFFICULTY]: Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive! EXTRA POINTS if you encounter a Kraken-attack and successfully recover the mission! Your Reward: [IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY] : IN KSP2 PRE-PATCH VERSION (First release version of KSP2 Early Access) Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive. Your well-deserved Trophy: Post your screenshots and Mission Report in the comments! If you need a high-quality, background transparency version of the badges, let me know! Good luck!
The Kerbal Air Force Rearmament Challenge CHALLENGE SUSPENDED The Kerbal Airforce is in dire straits (not the band, although they are amazing). A recent strategic attack on their hangars and airfields has wiped out all of their combat-related assets, and we need YOU to design an aircraft (anything that flies, anything.) as a measure that will give us the material advantage in future combat situations. This challenge allows mods, they are so far limited to: Airplane Plus, BDArmory, North Kerbin Dynamics, Ground Effect, all the NFT mods, Restock-like visual mods, Aviators's Arsenal, KerbalField, KJR, Simple Repaint, SXT, Working Under Lite, NAS, SXT, KTech, OPT, NMB, Interstellar Fuel Switch, Cold War Aerospace, Procedural Wings and Tweakscale (Others could be considered as well). DLCs are now allowed, the craft must be made in 1.11.X or later. You may build an aircraft for any of these classes, or, a multirole aircraft that conforms to multiple: Air Superiority Fighter: Relatively fast, more maneuverable than average, Sufficiently capable of taking down other aircraft by any means necessary. Must be equipped with a radar for air-to-air radar locking, 2 x .50 cal MG's minimum. Interceptor: High speed, high climb rate with decent maneuverability, must be able to quickly scramble and climb to altitude to engage multiple of singular hostile targets. Must be armed with at least 4 x Air-to-Air missiles. Naval Fighter: Same rules as an Air Superiority fighter, but must be carrier-operable and with a low stall speed. Ground Attack Fighter: High Survivability with decent speed, must be armed with at least 4 x .50 cal MGs or two 20mms or a single 30mm, must be able to deliver targeted strikes and secondarily assist in controling the airspace. Preferably equipped with both an Air to Air and an Air to Ground radar system set. Must carry at least 2 ton of ordinances. Bomber has multiple subclasses: Heavy: Must be suited to high (4km+) altitude, carry at least 25 Tons of ordinances, minimum cruising speed of 100 m/s. Minimum range of at least 7,000km. Medium: Must be suited to high altitudes, carry at least 15 Tons of ordinances, minimum cruising speed of 120 m/s. Minimum range must be at least 5,000km. Supersonic: Must fly above 3km, at least reach Mach 1 in a straight line, at least 10 tons of ordinances. Minimum range of at least 3,000km Light: No minimum altitude restrictions, at least 5 ton of ordinances, no more than 2 propulsion systems. Minimum range must be at least 3,000km Naval: Must be fully carrier-based, have a low stall speed and should be able to stow away it's wings for a reduced deck footprint, at least 7 Tons of ordinances (can be Mines, Depth charges, Bombs or Torpedoes). Minimum range must be 2,000km. Stealth: Must be stealthy and have a notable reduction in detection range, time and probability as compared to it's contemporary counterparts. Must be able to deliver at least 5 tons of ordinances. Minimum range must be 2,000km. Reconnaissance: Must be a high altitude, kerballed or unkerballed aircraft that should be equipped with an Air-to-Ground Radar and/or a camera pod(s). Range must be at least 2,500km. Airborne Warning System: A plane equipped with an omnidirectional Air-to-Air Radar system that is not designed for active combat, but rather for surveying remote airspace. Range must be at least 3,000km. Naval Airborne Warning System: A naval variant of the AWS, must be carrier based and have a low stall speed (<70m/s). Range must be at least 3,000km. Unkerballed Reconnaissance: Must be unkerballed, minimum speed must be above 60m/s, must be equipped with a targeting pod and at least 2 Air-to-ground missiles or bombs. Military Transport Aircraft: Moderately-high survivability, must not be reliant on paved landing strips, Should be able to take off with at least 35 Tons of Cargo. Range must be at least 5,000km. OPTIONAL: Should be able to airdrop cargo if required. Helicopter has multiple subclasses: Attack: Must be armed for Air-to-air and Air-to-Ground engagements with a variable ordinance layout. Must have a main gun as standard. Range must be at least 150km Transport: Must be able to lift at least 10 Tons of cargo externally or internally. Must be able to carry armed Kerbals and deploy them under enemy fire in hostile territories. Minimum range must be 300km. Maritime: Must be able to operate from a carrier, can be either in a Transport, Surveillance or Attack role. Minimum range must be 200km Surveillance: Must be light, quick, and equipped with a targeting pod. Minimum range must be 250km. -BONUS- Flying Gunship: Must be armed with at least 2 Howitzers, conforms to a Ground Attack fighter role with appropriate concessions for speed, size and armaments. Seaplane-Fighter: Must be able to directly take off and land on water, must conform to rules for an Air Superiority fighter with concessions for armament. Rocket-powered Interceptor: Must be powered by a rocket motor, Minimum straight-line speed of above 300m/s. Must be armed with at least 2 x .50 Cal MGs. Ekranoplan: A Ground Effect vehicle that flies over the surface, must be armed with either Air-to-Air or Surface-to-Air Missiles or carry at least 5 Tonnes of cargo with a range of 4,000 Kilometers. More TBA. Award: Those whose aircraft have been selected shall get to wear this badge I whipped up in all of 2 minutes, I'll beautify and make it a proper badge later, sorry. Enjoy, and I'll be waiting to see what this community can whip up!
Hello and welcome to the official KSP challenge of the German rocket start-up Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA). First of all: To complete this challenge you will need the RFA ONE -Debris Removal Mod. The Mod is available on SpaceDock. In addition to the normal download link the mod is also on CKAN and users will be able to access it. For Details on Installation please consider the ReadMe attached with the Mod or the Installation Guide on SpaceDock. The parts fit together to built the RFA ONE rocket but are flexible and generic enough to be used in many creative ways, just like vanilla KSP parts. However if you build the RFA ONE yourself, you will not have the Lettering on the side of the rocket. The Mod adds the parts you need to build your own RFA ONE, the RFA ONE rocket as a whole as well as the scenario that you need to complete this challenge. The challenge has to be completed just using the RFA ONE Mod. Thanks to a member of the KSP Community for help with the development. Story: The communication satellite C-GS-014 was launched in to LKO just a couple of weeks ago. However, an error with the satellites solar array has left it stranded in a highly elliptical 14,500 x 250 km orbit with a 10° inclination around Kerbal. In order to avoid space junk and prevent contributing to the Kessler Syndrome, RFA wants to use the opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities. They plan use their orbital stage, which is typically used for precise orbit insertion, to pick up the dead satellite and safely de-orbit it above the ocean. You are mission director and have been instructed to launch the RFA ONE, fly to the satellite and capture it with the grapple arm. Once you have successfully docked with the satellite, your task will be to safely de-orbit it above the ocean and have it burn up in the atmosphere of Kerbal. On RFA: Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) is a German start-up which develops its own launcher, called the “RFA ONE”, to put up to 1.300kg into LEO. RFA aims to drastically reduce launch costs of its rocket to enable innovative business ideas in space to protect and understand our Earth. RFA uses as many components-off-the-shelf as possible, mass-produces its stainless-steel tanks, and uses its highly efficient Helix engine with staged combustion. Its orbital stage for precise in orbit delivery of satellites can, after successful deployment of up to 100 satellites, extend the lifetime of old satellites through maintenance and repair or safely de-orbit dead satellites, therefore helping to reduce space junk. Rules and Goals: 1. RFA ONE Mod has to be used in order to complete the challenge 2. No additional mods, other than visual, may be used 3. Screenshots are required for eligibility of completion 4. The satellite has to burn up in the atmosphere, any debris remaining has to fall into the ocean. 5. RFA ONE orbital stage has to stay in orbit 6. Leaderboard will be sorted after least amount of fuel consumed Screenshots of the following events are to be included: - Screenshot of the RFA Launch - RFA ONE orbital stage attached to the satellite - Dead satellite burning up in the atmosphere of Kerbal above the ocean - RFA ONE orbital stage in orbit around Kerbal with remaining fuel after the mission Badge: Those, who have completed this challenge are eligible to wear this badge. Leaderboard: The Leaderboard will be defined by the least amount of fuel used to safely de-orbit the satellite. 1. @Kroko6 (536m/s dv left) 2. @AtaKerem (473m/s dv left) 3. @Foxworthgames (453m/s dv left) 4. @janfe2o3 (133m/s dv left)
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- totm jul 2022
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The maiden voyage of the Galaksy Interplanetry Kerbal Transport Vessek has ended in disaster. Crashed on the icy surface of Vall after an emergency retrograde burn, the 15 Kerbals stuck on the moon are in need of rescue. Seems simple, right? However, you shouldn't forget the single message left by the beings who left the monoliths: "All these worlds are yours--except Vall. Attempt no landings there." You might be able to stretch the rule and say that the crash landing wasn't attemping to land there, Vall just happened to be the closest celestial body when the KAL-5500 autopilot malfunctioned (darn you, kraken!). However, it wouldn't be a good idea to test the alien's ire. After all, they have the power to turn Jool into a star. So here is where this rescue mission gets difficult. This is the challenge you must conquer: You must save the Kerbals from Vall, WITHOUT landing on the surface You must send a rescue ship to Vall, and rescue as many Kerbals as possible. You don't necessarily have to save all of them, but it would nice if you did (and it would give you lots of points ). The catch is that your ship is not allowed to touch the surface of Vall at all. You are allowed to land on the crashed Galaksy, but if you wish to not anger the spooky space aliens more, it would be better not to (and, yet again, you would get more points) Rules Mods Mods are allowed in this challenge. If you do use mods, you can not use any that alter game physics/mechanics, e.g. gravity modifications. Stock runs are allowed to use DLC, information mods (such as KER), and visual mods. Mission Kraken drives, exploits, and the cheat menu are not allowed. The rescue ship must make it back to Kerbin safely, and all Kerbals aboard (regardless of how many you save) must survive reentry. This challenge is not timed, so take your time if you want to make gravity assists or other maneuvers to save delta V. The mission may be manned or unmanned, no points are lost or gained for choosing either. The "no landing" rule applies to everything you make, even probes. Debris hitting the surface is allowed, as long as you can confirm it exploded. The Kerbals on the crashed vessel are allowed to touch the surface of Vall, but don't stray far from the crashed ship. Any Kerbals you bring with you in the rescue ship are not allowed to touch the surface. Proof A full video recording is the preferred method. If you record the mission, do not make any cuts in the video. You are allowed to speed up the footage. The exceptions to the no video cuts rule is when you load a quicksave, or when you pause. So you can cut to skip through long pauses and failed attempts where you had to quickload back. (Thanks QF9E for telling me about this) Screenshots are allowed, just make sure you have enough, and that you capture the most important events in the mission. Scoring +100 points for each Kerbal rescued from Vall (out of 15). 1,500 points are possible here, so make sure to rescue as many as possible. -50 points for each descent into Vall (so if you send 3 rescue pods, that would be -150 points). You could loose up to 750 points here, so try to keep the number of descents to a minimum. +200 points if you never land on the crashed ship. +150 points if you do the whole rescue mission in one launch (you do not need to rescue every Kerbal). +201 points for rescuing every Kerbal. for a maximum of 2001 points Leaderboard If you think the rules or scoring system should be changed, please tell me, and I'll look over your suggestion. And, as always, your bravery in this rescue operation will be rewarded with a special badge to addorn your signature with (Higher res version here if anybody wants it): Download the save file from this link: Good luck, kerbonauts!
These one. Any idea? I have seen multiple of them around the forums but never knew the origin