There have been lots of questions regarding building craft and/or mods to avoid the lovely wheel blocked work around/bug/thing.
However, I've been getting situations where a vehicle that doesn't have the wheel block issue later develops it. Usually mixed with the wheel moving to the upper limit of it's suspension. So it's like a suspension collapse. And it usually coincides with something like a heavy landing, so presumably it makes some sort of sense. (although the one that triggers me to ask this is a rover I sent to Duna, that was suspended by a docking port, so no forces would have been pushing the wheels up, and I didn't discover it until I got to Duna)
It'd be really nice if the situation could be repaired. Like fixing a flat tire. I assume it's a cause of the wheel passing a safe distance and being blocked/locked by the code that does the wheel blocking. Can anyone think of a fix, or mod that allows suspension repair?