i struggled to sleep Sunday night/Monday morning and at about 3:30 am i heard a voice in my front yard i being tired as [snip] didn't think to call the cops and stood next to my window with a metal softball bat and waited. about 40 minutes later at 4:10 am i heard (what i know know to be a cop) shout "get on the ground" quite a lot it turns out the guy (who seemed to be talking to himself or on a phone) it turns out the guy was hiding down the side of my house and had broken into another house nearby and the homeowner woke up to find the guy in his house and proceeded to chase him down the street in his underwear with a didgeridoo in 6 degrees and got some of "his boys" to block off escape routes and search for him and called the cops. this man is a bloody legend and deserves some recognition.