If this already exists, sorry, I'll ask someone to lock this.
Rules: Rule 1 Remember, NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS!
Rule 2: NO Side CoNVerSations
Rule 3: No inappropriate content or bad language.
Rule 4: Make your brain stretchers not too long. We want these to be readable and enjoyable by everyone.
4: Don’t delay answers!!!!
5: All Teasers must include all clues needed to figure out the answer.
Description: Need a good brain stretch? How 'bout the endless Kraken known as: Being Bored? Well, no more! This is a game about Brain Teasers! Post any confusing and brain stretching thing you can find here! Then, the next poster gets three tries to answer. If he/she answers wrong twice, then they lose. Then they post another teaser. The poster who got it correct will be under all circumstances, the next brain teaser. Please do not Break this rule!
Me: Which word, expression, or phrase is this? EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER
Next Poster: 5ever.
Me: Wrong
Same/Different Poster: Forever and ever.
Me: Correct.
Same Poster: <blah blah>
Get the picture? If yes, then... Let's play!
Which word, expression, or phrase is this?