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I'm looking to make some relatively simple structural parts. Just plain cylindrical tubes with attach nodes on each end. A few straight sections, and a few small bends. Like these, except solid. Who wants to model them? I'll do the textures and .cfg and whatnot. I'm thinking 10cm diameter, or whatever the width of the "PB-NUK" RTG body is, minus the cooling fins. Seems an appropriate size. I want to use them for roll cage pieces for rovers, and landers. And as just a nice addition to the current structural pieces... That could seriously use some uniformity. We could then, of course, release them as a simple mod. Should be relatively future-proof, being simple structural pieces. But I'd be glad to manage any upkeep, if necessary. Anyways, the punch-list: 10cm x 1m tube, straight 10cm x 5m tube, straight 10cm x ? tube, 45* 10cm x ? tube, 90* 10cm x ? tube, 135* (Not necessarily in order of importance) Anyone down to help? EDIT 11/23/16: Work is under way, thanks to some help. In the meantime, I trimmed the fins off the RTG, effectively, and so we have an example. A poor one, but hell. I just wanted to share . THIS IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INTENDED MOD, just a mashup of barely working stuff to kinda show off how useful this might be to rover fans.