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  1. This guide is for those who are beginning to lose interest in KSP, and how to avoid losing interest. There are 4 good methods that I know of to do this: Method 1: Don't restart your career saves. Ever. This is what many people do after an update or after a small burnout. They decide they want to start anew. This is what I did a few times, my advice to you is to NOT do this, don't even restart when there is an update. Progressing through career mode is fun, but it only stays fun until you get stuck at the beginning with no motivation to go further. Method 2: Get lots and lots of content-adding mods. To me atleast, the stock game is quite boring. Usually I am tired of the small amount of planets or lack of parts, etc. Look for mods, and find a mod setup that you both like and is as crash-free as possible. I'd recommend choosing only one single planet mod, one that contains a lot of planets. Having multiple at once may cause other issues, such as occasionally two planets way to close to eachother, or just more frequent crashing. If you are a Steam user, make sure that you try not to update your game, cause that's going to screw up most if not all of your mods. It may suck that you can't play the update with everyone else, but most would probably prefer a ton of mods. If you really want to check out the update, you can copy your modded KSP folder and take it out of the Steam folder so you can update. Oh yeah, GET MECHJEB! This seems to have helped me enjoy the game more, it would probably do the same for you. Important: Do NOT overwhelm yourself with mods. Not having enough parts is just as bad as having too many. If you have 3 different parts from 3 different mods that do the exact same things, that's probably a bad sign. Instead of adding mods that do things like adding new kinds of fuel tanks, etc, I'd recommend mods that add in new ways of playing the game. Method 3: Get visual mods. KSP is a lot more enjoyable when you have amazing visual features. Most importantly, get a skybox, clouds mod, and any other good ones you can find. Choose wisely and your performance will take almost no hit from them. Method 4: Start a long-term project. By "long-term project", I mean something that has no definitive end. Some ideas to try are: Build a planet or moon settlement. These are made extra fun with the Kolonization mod. Build a massive mobile space station. Not only could it serve as a cool base for your Kerbals to live in, but you could tour the Kerbol System with it. Maybe add some small ships that allow you to fly around it too. build a station space city, as in a massive space station for your Kerbals. If things get laggy, build 2 or more stations that you can use together. Method 5: Try to do unusual things When I say this, I mean anything that KSP can do, but wasn't designed to do. This can lead to some really interesting designs. You could build: Mechs Tanks Hoverboards Some other weird things you could try are: Try planting a flag on Jool (I think this is still possible if you do it right) Get as close to the sun as possible Hire a bunch of Kerbals and send them into the Sun on prison ships. Try get a ship going as close to light speed as you can. Try docking a bunch of asteroids together to make your own artificial moon Anyways, this is what helped me get over my burnout, and I hope it will do the same to other people who are losing interest! Note that I have tried and used every method here except for #5, because I know it works for some people, although not really me.
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