Sometimes I get a timely reminder that things don't always go to plan, and this is one of those cases. A Class E asteroid was spotted heading right for KSC so I threw something together in about half an hour based on total guesswork and launched. See how far I got on my second ever asteroid mission in 1.05:
Now clearly the international community wouldn't put together a mission quite like this, and we sure as hell wouldn't send a crew of 8 to ride the thing through the atmosphere, but you get the point - It did get me thinking about the difficulty that we would all face should a "Class E" come barreling at us out of the darkness. Would we stand up and be counted against the odds? I was actually amazed how close I came to success here. I think given a little more notice in spotting the asteroid I could have flown a better trajectory instead of just "melting it upwards" and possibly met it early enough to deflect into an aero-brake. Whether the parachutes would have slowed it down (32 drogue and 32 main) I have no idea, but it would have been a sight!