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Found 3 results

  1. A clock that I've made, it has a triple axis tourbillon, it shows the minutes and the hours (only 6, because it's showing the time from Kerbin), it's at the North pole and it's rotating so it keeps pointing towards the sun. It's completely stock, the only mod that I've used after making the clock was KerbCam for the intro scene of the video. Thanks to Luizopiloto for suggesting the song and to Majorjim! for inventing the thermometer hinge. I was able to synchronize it almost perfectly to the Kerbal time (interface time), but for the video I had to slow it down a little, at the end of the 7 hours it was 7 minutes behind the interface time, but still around 5 minutes ahead of the sun. I'm not sure why this was happening, I think the support was drifting slowly on the ground.
  2. This is a pendulum clock I've made, it shows the seconds, minutes and hours. Everything is stock, done on a fresh install. I've decided to make it after @luizopiloto showed me his VIDEO and suggested to me to make a clock. So I've added an hour hand since the previous video. Everything seems to work pretty well, but it's just not calibrated properly (it gained around 8 minutes in 2.5 hours), it can be calibrated and I could do it, but it's not really useful and it takes a very long time, because the game is running in slow motion and it takes a long time to load, every time I "launch" the clock. Also, if you want to see better how it's working, I've made this video: ***WARNING***EXTREMELY BAD ENGLISH, ANNOYING VOICE AND TV IN BACKGROUND***WARNING*** Explanation video (I start the clock at 10:40) ***WARNING***EXTREMELY BAD ENGLISH, ANNOYING VOICE AND TV IN BACKGROUND***WARNING*** OLD POST: I've made a pendulum clock. It's showing the seconds and the minutes (you can compare them with the MET from the top left of the screen). In the 5 hours shown in the video (the video is speed up to 60x), it remained only around 35 seconds behind the real time (the longest calibration run was 15 minutes, so probably I could fix this). It has 759 parts. If it gets boring skip to 4:30 for some nice shadows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2ugmoMK7oY And a picture showing what its components are. The "Spring" from the picture is actually a reaction wheel and by having the roll trim set to maximum (you can see it in the video), it spins by itself.
  3. Please consider adjusting the click in the tracking station so that it is legible in time warp. As it is currently implemented the text bounces and is illegible. Thank you
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