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  1. MODULE { name = CModuleLinkedMesh lineObjName = obj_line targetAnchorName = obj_targetAnchor anchorCapName = obj_anchorCap targetCapName = obj_targetCap } The above was taken from fuelLine.cfg. I'm trying to make a structural compound part sort of like a strut. I've done some tests in unity creating different cube meshes and assigning the different variables names. The part loads but the orientation of the cubes is really wierd, the caps work as expected, however the obj_line object rotates infinitely towards the editor camera. Also the line obj is rotated 90 degrees to the caps. I'm hoping there's someone on the forum who's made a compound part before, I can't find any information on this so far, other than what the wiki has to say. Specifically, I'd like to know how to set the part up in unity and a break down of the module's properties/how they relate to each other. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: So, it finally dawned on me, I could just import the .mu file through blender with the .mu import addon. I made an FBX file and imported that into Modo. Here's what I got. I'll report back after I do some experiments. Maybe we can add this to the addon compilation thread when I'm finished.
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