I made a craft with "alternative wheels" I launched it, as soon as I decoupled the wheels the game would freeze and I had to click the close window button on the bar at the bottom of the screen, when I loaded back in the craft load menu wouldn't go away, I had 2 mods installed so I uninstalled them and nothing changed, I'm running on a i5 with 8gb of ram and an integrated graphics card. I don't know how to give you craft files directly so here's the google drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B15BBJhJkCp8UGVEOXRYUUloNDg
since I had 2 mods installed when it started I don't know if I should be in the modded one or not, the mods were time control 2 and tweakscale, again I uninstalled them and it didn't change. but time control 2 really bogged down the game when I loaded it in during flight. so again I don't know if I should be in the modded or unmodded but could someone help?