since I'm using a vast number of mods, I waited till now to update as many as possible before playing KSP again. So I cleaned the gamedata folder, checked the install via steam for possible faults of the install and then redownloaded all of the mods which are marked as compatible with 1.3.
So now I'm having crashes on startup. A clean version works and I tried it after about installing half of it, so I know for a fact, that most of the NearFuture-Mods and Mechjeb are not at fault.
The Error folders can be found here along with a screenshot of my GameData folder (for the list of mods): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1njeve8141savmh/AAC6JPntlmxxIM4bktwdD3Lba?dl=0
Any Idea what causes the crashes?
Thx for the help