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  1. Thanks for stopping by to check out the Dres Love missions ... This is my answer to the "Dres Awareness, Show Your Support" challenge started by SpaceplaneAddict In addition to this, I started a challenge based on one of the many objectives I set myself to do in this mega-mission which is to land a probe or plant a flag in each of the 42 known craters on Dres (although the challenge I came up with lets you choose which celestial body) ... The Crater Cartographer Challenge The story so far ...................... 10th November 2015 at 13:44. In order to achieve one last mega mission as the last thing I do in 1.0.4, I have decided to send some seriously overbuilt monstrosities to Dres to show my support ... Not a single mod used My first behemoth comes in at 2558.3 tons and 1103 parts sitting on the launch pad. I now present to you for your approval, the Dres Love MK1 launch to LKO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th November 2015 at 17:39. So I adapted another monstrosity and launched it to LKO about 7 minutes behind the Dres Love MK1 I present to you the Dres Love MK2 ... 2288.1 tons with 983 parts My intention is to launch another behemoth just behind the MK2 and then enact refueling missions to each of the beasts before sending them in a convoy to Dres The Dres Love Party Bus Express is now under construction ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12th November 2015 at 02:16. So the crews on the MK1 and MK2 received a transmission from someone at the Kerbal Space Center that contained the technical readouts of the Dres Love Party Bus Express (no, they weren't worried about the thermal exhaust port) ... This shocked and angered both the crews and they decided to protest being left out of the party not to mention the thermal exhaust port, a torpedo could mess with it and that didn't sit right with Valentina. Anyways ... After a long discussion it was unanimously decided, in order to profess their love for Dres in an appropriate manner, that they will ditch both the MK1 and the MK2 missions and return to Kerbin to catch the next bus ... They figured why send one mission for one price when you can send two for twice as much. The problem they now encountered was that each of the mother-ships have a rudimentary AI autopilot that would not allow the intentional destruction of itself by crashing into a celestial body. The solution they came up with was to manually pilot each craft back into the atmosphere and then detach and return to the surface of Kerbin ... For The Love Of Dres, this is gonna be epic ---- Summary --- The MK1 and MK2 missions are being scrapped in order to send 2 Dres Love Party Bus Express' to Dres (8 Party Bus' each containing 19 Kerbals) We're trying to keep space junk down to a minimum so both the MK1 and MK2 will be ditched into the atmosphere to crash into Kerbin The crews of the MK1 and MK2 are not happy about being excluded from the party and will be catching the next bus Pics to follow shortly as the bus is leaving -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th November 2015, 03:51 So the first 3 kerbals have made it down ... next comes the atmospheric re-entry and safe return of the remaning 3 kerbals on the Dres Love MK1 First 3 landed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th November 2015, 14:20 So the remaining crew of the Dres Love MK1 have completed the transfer to their re-entry module attached to one of the outer fuel tanks. Let the re-entry begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th November 2015, 01:03 So the remaining MK1 Crew have landed safely on Kerbin The photo record of their experience can be found below
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