just curious what everyone think of the market and platform since console joined the network (let's say ps2 or xbox1) market and update stuff + early access + etc.
- do they offer enough typing help actually to share concept and idea
- are they dumbing down the user by the lack of keyboard or or proper typing helper wich make sharing some sepcific kind of info a bit tedious
i personnally tend to think console are not really in osmosis with the network aspect regarding that ... kinda a bit too much dumbly merchantile & play don't think on a few layers ... wich is bit counter productive regarding the current nowdays gaming market and interenet overall
i ll be curious to read other feeling about that, not especially ksp related but more in general overall gaming market related
UTF-8#q=ergonomics+layers+%26+various+kind+of+data+sharing https://books.google.fr/books?id=v8LrAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA652&lpg=PA652
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