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Found 3 results

  1. So I was wondering what were everyone's thoughts on Spore? For me my favorite stage is the Space Stage, but it's a love hate thing, I love it because 'explore da milky way! Aliens!' and all that but I hate the 'most alien races are zealots or warriors and hate you as soon as you say hello and they always demand that you give them money, and getting money is really tedious' part... The Cell Stage is fun though, and with the Civilization Stage there's nothing more fun than killing those stupid religious nations that attack your cities' happiness! Though I don't like the Tribal Stage and Creature Stage... What's everyone's thoughts on the game?
  2. As far as I can remember I used my medium sized one man ssto till 10,000 feet, rolled the plane 180* sideways and closed my engines, lights, everything, I came down on the dependency of the atmosphere, the ssto was slowly pitching up whilst coming down and the speed was insane around 400 mps (I guess, maybe it was around 300) as soon as I hit 2000 m or so, I pitched up, without engine or anything, and the plane slowed down insanley fast (though my pilot took 8gs), I deployed gears, and had a bumby landing on not a runway, but on plain bumpy terrain of grass, no brakes or so, the plane just went on and on until it reached an uphill slide and finally slowed down, due to which I lost a tail fin. You don't see that everyday, do you?
  3. Silent Death is a top secret shuttle developed by the Orbital Warfare division of Kerbal Defense Administration. The shuttle is equipped with state-of-art* sensors and communications equipment. She also has a Vulcan minigun for wiping out those nasty Komunists. Silent Death flies under remote control and has room for 4 kerbals plus a small cargo payload. Has about 1800 delta-v in orbit, just remember to unlock orbiter fuel tanks and turn of main engines using action key 1. Action Groups: 1. Toggle main engines 2. Toggle OMS engines 3. Toggle cargo bay 4. Toggle solar panels and antenna 0. Countermeasures Download:http://craft file here Mods: BDArmory Fuel Tanks Plus HGR 1.875m Parts KW Rocketry MechJeb 2 Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts Squad (stock)
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