As far as i am aware we have yet to observe a dark matter particle. Correct me if this is incorrect. Its certainly not through lack of trying however as lots of funding has been ploughed into this e.g CERN etc.
Now i do have a basic understanding of why we are looking. My crude understanding is that the equations don't balance when we observe objects enormous distances away. For example other galaxies. As a result of these observations we know that there must be more mass somewhere for the maths to work, Einsteins equations to be more specific. In relation to gravity of course.
Are we jumping to conclusions when we talk about dark matter?
I find it difficult to comprehend a particle that doesn't interact with any of the known forces. I understand why we are looking but it just seems too far fetched to me.
Could a more reasonable explanation not be due to black holes. We wouldn't be able to see them either, but could account for gravitational perculiarities we observe and gives us the mass we need to make the maths work.
Has this been considered?
Is dark matter 'pie in the sky?'
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.