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  1. Chel

    PC help needed

    Hello. I got a new, personal computer back in November or December. It was a little old but it got the job done. Anyways, I turned it on yesterday and noticed it was acting like really slow. Things were taking like a minute to start, some things wouldn't even start at all, so I restarted the laptop as maybe that would help it. So I restart it right, and then I get something along the lines of this: A disk read error has occurred. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart So I press those keys, and it would start up, reach the Acer screen (my computer is made by Acer), and just have a blank screen of black. Eventually I got something like: There was a problem with communicating with something, file: Windows.exe in location, and an error code. Apparently the computer can't access my hard drive or it isn't connected or something, even though my laptop was working just fine the day before. I hadn't installed any new programs or downloaded anything. Laptop: Acer Aspire TimelineX OS: Windows 10, 64-bit It has everything on it, my games, photos, videos, music, EVERYTHING. So does anyone know what is even going on, or how to fix it? I'm writing this on my school laptop, so at least I can still be on the forums. But if anyone knows anything about this problem, could you tell me what it is and/or how to fix it?
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