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Found 2 results

  1. I would like to know what people are likely to prefer to see in-game when "Jool orbit capture-burn" is 4 years, 23 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes, and 17 seconds away, do you want the game to show the largest 2-3 items in the Maneuvre Planner? The smallest? 4Y:23D:5H 5H:12M:17S Other? Personally, I would prefer the first option; show me a less-precise (but “more complete”) time rather than telling me my 3200 m/s dV ion-stage will “only” last for 25 minutes and 43 seconds (as that staging-menu seems limited to 'two values'), please tell me instead I’m good for 1d:5h (then adjust/scale to 5h:59m when under 1 day and then 'down' to 59m:59s when under an hour) List of 'times' shown in-game (not necessarily exhaustive): Time for stage to consume all propellant Time until start of planned burn Planned burn's duration Time to next Ap/Pe (Ex: stage propellant-consumption duration seems to only show minutes & seconds, which can make gigantic Xenon/ion engines look like “45 minutes to run out” whereas you likely have days of available thrust) But what are yall's thoughts?
  2. Hey guys, quick question. Is there a mod or a file I can edit to increase the amount of time messages remain on screen? I'm visually impaired, and when I started playing with the Kerbalism mod, I discovered you could increase the amount of time the messages from that mod stay on screen. It is SO much easier to read them when they hang around for 30 seconds instead of 3. Any ideas? Thank you!
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