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  1. Are you tired of your bases being small and uninspired? Have you ever wanted to create a realistically looking colony on Duna or Mun, but didn't want to install part heavy mods that break the stock style? If the answer to at least one question is yes, Planetary Domes is a mod for you. Planetary Domes is a collection of parts that is intended to use with either stock parts or another base building/colonization mod. It adds a number of transparent, empty domes and matching floors, where you can attach functional base components (like crew cabins, laboratories, ISRU converters etc). Connect your domes together through airlocks and tunnels to get an awesome looking base! Here is a release video (but don't take it too seriously): And a review done by Kottabos: DOWNLOAD: On SpaceDock LICENSE: GPLv3 FUTURE PLANS: Proper IVAs, more dome types, Kerbalism support, MKS compatibility/functionality. KNOWN ISSUES: Large bases on uneven terrain don't cope well with timewarp, as they end up partially in the ground. This is a very first mod that I made in any game and actually my first ever 3D modeling project. I have absolutely zero skills in either modeling or modding, so please be mindful that there might be some rough edges in this mod and don't throw sharp objects at me. That said, I hope you'll enjoy the mod!
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