I hav a serious issues with my good for nothing tri-fueselage Mk3 SSTO. The craft in question is loosely based off Matt Lowne's Artemis SSTO and Mark Thrimm's Gallene SSTO. The craft has a ten ton Cargo Capacity. But the previous model can't take off from Duna. Maybe it is because the TWR is "abysmal" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1EbS9ZnI94) The Craft gets the apoapsis up to 20 Km until it reaches apoapsis and begins slowly descending into the evil ground killing the crew instantly. I would love to upload a picture and a craft file but I am locked out of my steam account, for reasons to convoluted to get into. But the Oxidizer is at 10,000 (rough estimate) and the Liquid fuel at 45,000(estimate), and weighs in at 427 tons (with cargo). Another thing I can think of is that I may not know the best way to fly a Duna SSTO.
PS would someone please give me advice on how to upload Craft files?
Mark Thrimm's SSTO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuDOdFQP4pY
And here is the link to the pictures: