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  1. Hello! With the new episode 8 teaser out, and Star Wars once again being talked about, I'd like to know everyone's opinions and theories on Snoke's Identity. Here is my theory: At the end of episode three Vader is shown to have completely recovered in his new body. The film makes it seem like that happened in a few hours, but he was on the edge of dying, any operation like that would take a month at least. My theory is the emperor got scared of Vader dying midway through his "resurrection" and had a clone of anakin/Vader grown for "spare parts," and that clone is snoke. That's why they have near identical injuries, snokes being worse, as the parts of Vaders tissue too damaged to regrow were replaced and transplanted from an intact snoke, explaining why snokes injurys are missing parts of the tissue, while Vaders are oddly shallow and are a lighter colour of skin. You'll also notice that Vaders right cheek looks scarred, and slightly deformed, like it doesn't fit quite right, and a different colour, while snoke IS MISSING HIS CHEEK ON THAT SIDE. explaining the injuries. After the operation, snoke was probably frozen in carbonite somewhere on Corscant, in case Vaders injuries got worse and he needed new tissue, but they never did. A frozen snoke would then have been forgotten about after the destruction of the second Death Star, and found by a young Ben Solo, who unfroze him and trained with him in secret, believing snoke could make him more powerful, up until Kylo, under his influence destroyed the Jedi school and set the events of episode VII in place. Feel free to rip this to shreds, the ending part with Ben finding him is a bit iffy especially. Please post your theories here, or comment on mine or other people's, but please don't get agressive. For moderators, I checked everything under 2.2 In the rules, and I don't think this topic includes anything that would classify as something in that section, but please correct me if this is wrong.
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