1. KSP version build id = 01260
2016.04.30 at 12:23:12 CEST
Branch: master
Win7 - 64
running on STEAM
2. A detailed explanation - My craft Claw Machine 3 is in an intercept mission with Astroid HAY-187. However, I cannot create any maneuver nodes for this craft. Also, this craft is perma-locked on the target of astroid HAY-187. I cannot de-select the target or switch to a different target
3. A screenshot ofrelevant screens -
4. A .craft file or save files - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91268410/Debug_save.sfs
5. The ouput_log.txt or player.log - No crash file
6. A detailed list of system specifications - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91268410/Skyranger_DxDiag.txt
7. Are you running a clean installation, no mods. Craft all build with game build.