Here is the idea. If you have a group of GPS satellites on orbit and you are done with SCANSat mapping then you could do fast travel on your plane. This will give a reason to build GPS constellations and will make easier contracts sort of "take scientific data from 5 points on 9999km distance from each other". No more boring half-hour flights.
- SCANSat map, you can fast travel only in discovered area
- at least 3 GPS satellites in line of sight (there is old GPS antenna part in SCANSat)
- be on cruising altitude (10km, for example)
You pick a point on a map, plugin calculates the route and fade out screen (maybe turn on more than 4x warp). Fuel spending is calculated too: if your fuel level became lower than 15% fast travel stops at a calculated point on the route and you can make an emergency landing.