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  1. Welcome to the Kerbal Navy fleet shipyard. My personal repository for ships and navy aircraft's, using a minimal amount of mods. Basically what i'm going for here is, to create pretty much every type of ship/navy aircraft out there, at some point. Mods used in this project. I decided to scrap the project board since it was becoming a BIT messy. Now its going to include completed and coming soon ships, descriptions for them and download links. I have also edited some of the descriptions for some crafts. EDIT: the ships are now inside spoilers to make the post more shorter and easier to load on potato computers and mobile devises. Aircraft's will probably be put inside spoilers as well. So, here they are (these are in order of type): NOTES ABOUT SHIP BUILDING: All big combat ships (Cruisers, destroyers, frigates and battleships) are built in similar ways, so, things like radars, chaffs, flares, multiple probe cores, littered ammo boxes, etc, can most likely be found on all of them. Plus, unless other wise noted, controls (action groups) will be the same on all ships (and i mean all) and going into the water works the same way as well. Action groups: Action group 1. main engines Action groups 2 and 3 for maneuvering engines. Going into water: It's very easy, just use your side engines to veer off the runway while using your main engines to move forward. Be mindful about your speed tough. The procedure is pretty much the same for all the ships, tough a slower speed is adviced for larger vessels, as their turn-rate isn't as good as on the smaller vessels. They are also harder to slow down on the slopey shore section. EDIT: To launch huge navy vessels, i have created a ship ramp, that will allow the ships to just glide gently into the water. IT reduces the risk of explosions and risk of headaches. EDIT: The ship-ramp and the naval-base are gone now. I taught it would be a better idea to do it this way than to put the same notes on all ships, taking time and space. Cruisers: K.S.S Krucible CA-35. A balanced cruiser for all your combat needs. Can attack ships and aircraft's coming from any direction. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lht52jlr7597zxc/K_S_S Krucible CA35.craft?dl=0 K.S.S Avenger CA-45. A cruiser for more head on attacks. Has powerful front batteries but is vulnerable to attacks coming from the rear. Also has powerful AA weapons. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wyo1dredkedhj6n/K_S_S Avenger CA-45.craft?dl=0 Carriers: K.S.S Killyoustrious CV-6. A 200mx30m sized carrier with a launch ramp at the front. Designed to carry and maintain a sizeable air-group consisting of heavy and light fighters. KEEP AWAY from combat at all times. Good short range AA weapons but very vulnerable against everything. EDIT: the ship has been broken due to the new update and explodes as soon as the physics kick in. K.S.S Freedom CV-44: A new type of carrier with a hangar deck and an aircraft elevator. Can support light fighters, and that's about it. Needs a proper escort to survive in combat. Has good short range AA-weapons. Lacks flares and chaffs. EDIT: the ship has been broken due to the new update and explodes as soon as the physics kick in. K.S.S Kerbinprise CV-6: A useless monster of a carrier created cause, hey, why not. Does include 3 nice carrier plane replicas tough. Seaplane tenders: (To be used with choppers and VTOL's) K.S.S Fine Island AV-6. A seaplane tender that is used to support large choppers and VTOL's. Has multiple main guns for defense that excel at taking down ships from long range. Lacks long range AA-guns but has numerous short range AA-guns. Slow and sluggish and lacks flares and chaffs. Can be used in close combat, but probably better to keep it away from that. Gunboats/Corvettes: KSTRB-900 (Kerbal super tactical raid boat). A small ship with a bite. Mainly designed as a support vessel for landing operations, but can decimate ships with its rocket turrets. Powerful in close combat but useless in long range. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q7mdjytdcmx5wa6/KSTRB-900.craft?dl=0 KC-33. Used as a patrol boat, and as a security guard of sorts in our harbors and navy ports. Best to keep this one away from real combat. Lightly armed an bulky. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9y6rofsf9lfzh0m/KC-33.craft?dl=0 Destroyers: K.S.S Klemson DD-168. An old Destroyer that has been converted into a very powerful fleet support ship that can decimate aircrafts with its long range missiles. Powerful AA armament and superb handling. Can do a lot of damage at close range but is vulnerable to anti ship weapons at long range. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pbn3fjfi5botxhu/K_S_S Klemson.craft?dl=0 K.S.S Hunter DD-22. Support crafts: (transports, hovercrafts, landing crafts, etc): KHC-85. A hovercraft for transporting armored vehicles to the front lines. Can drive on land at full speed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvh8crtuwn8loah/KHC-85.craft?dl=0 Submarines: K-256 Seawolf. Battleships: K.S.S Great White II. A giant battleship with lots of primary and secondary guns. Should be able to take care of anything and everything. Main guns might explode at random when firing salvos, BE CAREFUL. Or, just update the weapons. EDIT: the ship has been broken due to the new update and explodes as soon as the physics kick in. K.S.S Bongo. EDIT: the ship has been broken due to the new update and explodes as soon as the physics kick in. K.S.S Nelson Frigates: Coming soon. AEW/AWACS aircraft's: KSH-230 Finrod: An AWACS aircraft with a huge bomb-bay that is suited for ship and submarine hunting duties. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8tu6iwtqted62h/KSH-230%20Finrod.craft?dl=0 KSH-78 Forion: Less capable than the Forion, but still a threat to any ship with its armament of 4 cruise missiles. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b6nbvnsd5xfv315/KSH-78%20Forion.craft?dl=0 Support aircraft's (passenger and cargo transports): Kearjet 24-D: A famous bizjet turned into a carrier aircraft to carry extra crew to and fro between our carriers and bases. https://www.dropbox.com/s/95vjayoxxjngc6b/Kearjet%2024D.craft?dl=0 Fighters: KF-188 Fornet: A heavy fighter for multiple tasks ranging from ground attack to air-to-air combat. (IR): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yztusa10w7xlce5/KF-188%20Fornet%20%28IR%29.craft?dl=0 (non IR): https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0y1eh2m2gosnk7/KF-188%20Fornet.craft?dl=0 KF-44 Searaider: A light fighter with no radar in it that is mainly used for ground attack. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nodwmi5p5d1t1fc/KF-44%20Searaider.craft?dl=0 Here is a link to the post in witch i will be posting all my future aircraft's meant for this project. Battle reports. Yes, i had a go at staging a little battle in the waters close to KSC. http://imgur.com/a/UWqmt In our second battle, we tested out the Avengers capabilities. http://imgur.com/a/6Knce There it is for you, my sizeable fleet. I hope you enjoy it .
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