What if - Part 2
I was Just drinking my coffee on my monitor, while watching the Orion Rocket Getting ready for launch to duna, when this came up to my mind.
-Gene Kerman-
Suggestion 3
What if.. There Was Baby Kerbals?.. I know this might seem crazy Baby kerbals going to space... but it would be actually funny to see that i never saw any mod maker or person do that . so Squad if your intreseted this idea is for you
Suggestion 4
What if There was a Astroied Belt in Outermost Kerbol system? that would be a pretty intresting place to go , if your reading this and your a modmaker , this is a idea because i dont think squad is going to do it
Suggestion 5
What if there was a Space Elevator in the KSC in only Sandbox mode that you can put your spacecraft into and then go to space to test them?
i Personally think this idea has the worst chances of getting into the game but thats just a dream, If your a modmaker , Well you guessed it , another idea
Please Vote on the poll on what idea you think is the best