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Node Alert 1.2.0 for KSP 1.4.1 Requires Kerbal Engineer Redux by cybutek The Mod plays an alarm sound everytime you are close to the burn start (1/2 burn time) and stops the timewarp. If the burn is close to completion it plays another alert. It requires KerbalEngineerRedux because it has better predictions than stock and I use the KER predictions. If you enable the KAC Alarm Mode you can press a button to create an KAC alarm with 3 - 60 seconds margin before the burn and warp to the alarm. It is similar to the stock "Warp to next maneuver" but it accounts the KER burn time. (The warp will stop at KER burntime + Margin). Requires Kerbal Alarm Clock by TriggerAu. Features Automatic alert at the start of the maneuver burn Automatic timewarp stop Alert at the end of the maneuver burn KAC Alarm mode: Similar to "Warp to next maneuver" but accounts for KER burn time and has a smaller margin (Requires Kerbal Alarm Clock) Customizable settings Pictures & Videos Download & Source Code GitHub(with source code) SpaceDock Or get it via CKAN Changelog License The mod is licensed under the GNU General Public License.