Hello forum members! I was doing some dV calculations today and came across a problem. In a previous question I had asked how to calculate the dV of a stage with different engines that burn out at different times.
Using what @Red Iron Crown said about this, my rocket should burn 471.01 liquid fuel in the time it takes the solid rocket boosters to burn out. Now this leads to the question: What is liquid fuel? Is it defined as the liquid fuel, of which there is 180 of in the FL-T400 fuel tank?
My rocket design will be linked once I get home from school, but it is a basic orbiting rocket that I am hoping to send to the moon like the one that I described in another thread:
Mk16 Parachute
Mk1 Capsule
*science instruments
materials bay
FL-T400 fuel tank
Terrier engine
4x FL-T400 fuel tank
*2x radial decoupler
**2x BACC Thumper SRB