Over time, I've read a number of threads in this forum commemorating our fallen/lost Kerbals. More recently, while considering the purpose for the multitude of satellites we're contracted to launch into space, I started musing about potential companies and services that I have no yet seen mentioned. Moments later (and completely unrelated to my musings; I was paying attention, I tell you!), one of my Kerbals met her demise through a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly event during rendevouz around the Mun, leaving me with nothing but a piece of debris in orbit, without Kerbal or probe core but with undamaged solar panel, battery, gravioly detector and antenna.
As such things tend to happen, the idea of a Funeral Satellite service came to mind. Subsequently, while playing around with the 'FunSat' design and launching a few iterations, I considered how one would present such a service. For your consideration, a possible future advertising campaign from a hypothetical Kerbal commercial venture: