Hi all. Starting a new modded career. In the career-mode difficulty settings, under Advanced Options, I can toggle whether or not to recognize part g-force tolerance, part pressure tolerance, and kerbal g-force tolerance. This last one, in addition to a toggle, also has a slider for the "multiplier" to how much they tolerance before G-LOC.
The default just-right-of-middle setting for what started as "hard" was 1.00. Does this mean that a single-G acceleration would render them redded out? Or is that a multiplier to whatever the baseline limit is, and if so, what is that baseline default limit -- is it the 15G that the navball gauge pegs at? Does increasing this number increase game difficulty, thereby lowering the acceleration needed to cause in-flight issues? The documentation doesn't provide any way to even articulate my questions. Any constructive thoughts would be appreciated.